Yuu've changed

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In the cafeteria, everyone was whispering about the news. Someone from the past had come back, right after the dorm leaders had also been teleported back.

Now, the whispers erupted more as Yuu and her friends went to go and get breakfast. Everyone was looking at Yuu, especially the ones who knew her.

"Is..there anywhere else we can eat?" Leviathan asked Yuu. "I don't like these people staring at us.."

Yuu sighed. "We can eat in the courtyard." She then stood up. "Follow me.." Yuu spoke. As everyone stood up, everyone watched as they left.

As they all went into the courtyard, Yuu situated herself on a nearby bench. As the brothers and MC explored, Yuu decided to go back inside just..for a bit.

As she took one last look at her friends and lover, Yuu stepped back inside the cafeteria and looked around.

To her left, Sashi was chatting with Ace and Deuce. Grim was on top of Ace's head, and was now currently pestering him.

Yuu sat down at a nearby booth. She pulled out her D.D.D and checked the wifi signal. "Yes! Wifi!" Yuu silently cheered as she tapped on one of her games.

As she was playing, a voice spoke from above her. "Koebi-chan?"

Yuu looked up to see heterochromia eyes staring down at her. "Hello Floyd." She said in a monotone voice.

"How are you back?" Floyd asked her. Yuu shook her head. " No idea, but don't worry you'll see me gone soon.."

"Yuu-" Floyd started before Yuu suddenly teleported, shocking Floyd. "I thought she didn't have magic?" Floyd thought.

As Yuu appeared back in the courtyard, everyone was nearly done with their lunch. "Hey Yuu, where were you? We hadn't seen you!" Beezlebub called out to her.

Yuu grinned. "I was just checking up on some old friends. They're good still." "That's good. Come and join us, won't you?" Asmodeus offered.

Yuu sat down beside Asmodeus and Belphegor. "How do you guys like it here?" She asked. Mammon grinned.

"It's pretty good! I wonder if they have any money.." Mammon muttered at that last part, though everyone still heard it.

"Note: Don't speak about Kalim.." Yuu thought to herself about Kalim's riches. As everyone finally finished their food, Yuu stood up.

"Okay guys, is everyone done?" She asked. As everyone agreed, she used her powers to dispose of the leftovers.

As they arrived back at Ramshackle, everyone went back to do their own things at the old dorm. Yuu at that point decided to go explore again.

As she stepped out and walked to the main building, Yuu decided to think about all that has happened since Solomon and the mirror.

Finally, she arrived to the main building of NRC where all classes were held. Yuu walked through the dark and twisting hallways, when she bumped into someone.

"Ow! That hurt-....Yuu?" Yuu looked in front of her to see Ace Trappola, her former friend. "..Hello Ace.." She greeted.

"Where were you all this time?" Ace asked. Yuu stared straight at him. "Ace, no one would have cared. Why are you even asking?"

As Yuu walked away, she heard Ace mutter a few things, causing her to stop momentarily before continuing to walk.

"Yuu....you've changed.."

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