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Okay, so due to the votes, we are doing Jade & Floyd, aka the tweels. Sorry once again if they act a bit OOC, but I really haven't had experience with writing them. But, I'll try my best!


Floyd was bored.

I mean, he was just waiting for excitement. Ever since Yuu was gone, his and Jade's source of entertainment was gone.

I mean, really he could go bug Riddle or do dirty work for Azul, but he really enjoyed surprising Yuu and stuff like that.

So when Yuu came back, Floyd was overjoyed. Just, from what he'd been told by Azul when all the dorm leaders disappeared was that Yuu wanted to talk to no one.

Although, him & Jade had heard that Rook was forgiven. He wondered how Vil was holding up with that fact.

So that's why he was surprised for once when he met Yuu once again.

They had met while he and his twin were walking one of the many hallways of Night Raven College.

They had bumped into Yuu, and now they were all staring at each other. Yuu put her hands on her hips.

"Well? What do you want?" She asked. "Oh. Shrimpy-chan." Floyd was still staring at her, with Jade beside him.

"Mhm. So?" Yuu crossed her arms. "What are you standing around for?" "Yuu-" Jade started until Yuu cut him off.

"If you're gonna apologize, I don't want it." Yuu glared at the tweels. They stayed like that for a while until Yuu broke her facade.

"I-I'm just overwhelmed. First 7 of my friends get teleported to my dimension, then we get teleported to theirs. Why is that?"

Floyd's eyes softened, a rare moment. "Shrimpy-chan.." Floyd and Jade really weren't with the others "scolding" Yuu, but Azul did.

However, Yuu was still mad at them all the same because they comforted Sashi even though Yuu didn't do anything. Plus, no one helped or stood up for Yuu.

The only person who stood up for Yuu till one of Sashi's tricks was Malleus, and Yuu was mad at everyone, even him.

"Shrimpy-chan...I'm sorry.." Floyd spit out, making Jade and Yuu look at him with wide eyes. Yuu looked back down.

"It''s okay. You really didn't do anything." Jade then also spoke up. "Yeah, none of us really..did anything."

Yuu looked at both of them. If you looked closely, you would see a mix of happiness, sadness, and anger in her eyes.

"I know only Floyd has said it..but I forgive you.." Floyd and Jade looked at her with wide eyes. "I know you didn't mean to." Yuu continued.

She spread her arms out wide, waiting for what was going to happen.

And like magic, Yuu was once again swept up in one of Floyd's infamous hugs with Jade watching.

"I'm glad you forgive us Yuu. We are very deeply sorry as well." Jade spoke to Yuu. She smiled, looking at him.

"I know you didn't mean it, Sashi really is believable right?" 

At the mention of Sashi's name, Floyd's face darkened. "I'm gonna enjoy squeezing her." He said. Jade chuckled.

"For once, I agree." As Yuu departed from the hug, the three now went the same path, chatting about what was missed.  

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