A Proper Tour

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"Okay, but where do we start?" Lucifer asked Yuu, who had mentioned that she could give them a proper tour.

"Well," Yuu started to speak. "I could give you info, then show you around." Asmodeus nodded. "Imagine all the stuff!"

Yuu grabbed her D.D.D. "You do know Disney, right?" Everyone present nodded. "So? What about it?" Satan asked.

"Well, the 7 dorms here at this college are based on 7 of them. Any guesses of which ones?" Yuu asked. MC spoke up.

"That guy, Azul Ash-Ashengrotto? Anyways, he reminded me of Ursula, the sea witch!" Yuu nodded. "Correct, Octavinelle is based on the sea witch."

This time, Beezlebub spoke up. "That pretty boy, Vil? He reminds me of the Evil Queen." Yuu grinned.

"Yeah Beel, you're right! Pomefiore is based on the Evil Queen." Beezlebub smiled back. "So what are the reast?" Lucifer asked Yuu.

"Besides the Evil Queen and Ursula, the rest of the dorms are based on the Queen of Hearts, Scar, Jafar, Hades, and Maleficent."

"And what are the names of the dorms?" Asmodeus added in. "Well, there's Heartslaybul, Savannaclaw, Scarabia, Ignilhyde, and Diasomnia."

MC nodded thoughtfully. "Wait..if all of the dorms are based on these disney villains then..are they alive?!"

Yuu chuckled. "Yes, but they were alive once." "Cool!" MC squealed at that. Yuu smiled. "Yes, I was also quite astounded."

Yuu stood up. "Beezlebub, call the rest of your brothers. I'll meet you outside." She grabbed Asmodeus' hand and the twowent out the front door.

"Well, go get our brothers." Lucifer turned to Satan & Beezlebub.

Everyone met Yuu and Asmodeus outside of the dorm. "Okay guys, stay by me. This time, you can have minor interactions with the dorms." Yuu instructed.

"You heard what she said. Now Yuu, let us go." Lucifer spoke. Everyone followed Yuu to once again, the courtyard.

"Hey, what are those statues?" Leviathan pointed out. Yuu looked at them. "Oh, those are the great seven."

"What are the great seven?" Satan asked Yuu. "Well, they're basically the villains that we discussed about, remember?"

Everyone ohhed (except Lucifer & Satan) and peered closer. "What do the great seven have in common here?" Asmodeus questioned.

"Well, the dorms are based off the great seven!" Everyone nodded in understanding, they could see the similarity.

Yuu walked over to one of the statues. "As you can see, this is the Queen of Hearts. She used order and law to get to where she was."

She strolled over to another statue. "This is the King of Beasts, or as you may know him Scar. He got to where he was by meticulous planning. He also was famous for accepting outcasts as equals."

Yuu came up once again to another statue. "The Sea Witch, or Ursula. Now here, instead of scamming multiple people she was famous for helping the poor unfortunate souls of the sea."

Beezlebub spoke up. "It seems that the villains here are suddenly given good backstories, like they finally got a happy ending."

Yuu chortled. "Hehe, I guess that's the case. I knew about disney, but I never cared about the characters till now."

Lucifer looked around. "It's getting late. Yuu, why don't you tell everyone the rest for when we get home."

Yuu nodded. "Alright! I can do that!" Everyone then started to walk home, with the occasional complaint here and there.

But no matter what, they would always stick by each other's side.

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