A Long Awaited Hug

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Side note!! This is Sun x Moon in one body at first, but they get separated

_The superstar daycare_
_it is currently nap time_
_it's Tuesday_

Moon was watching over the children in the daycare who were silently sleeping
Or atleast pretended to sleep.
Moon didn't mind, as long as they're silent, not every child is able to fall asleep so easily as he wants them too.

He heard the daycare doors open, he instantly spun his head into the direction of the door, expecting a guardian of a child or even a staff worker.

To his surprise, it was a Parts '& Services mechanic, those guys didn't visit often, only for check-ups actually, so Moon was curious.

He made sure the children where all asleep or atleast, wouldn't try to escape.
He got his wire and flew to the daycare entrance.

"Oh! Hi there Moondrop!"
The worker said, a little startled because Moon suddenly appeared next to him (I would literally pass away if Moon suddenly appeared next to me istg)
"Hello, why are you here?"
Moon asked, sounding more rude than he intended too.

"Oh, actually, I'm here to inform you, that you and Sun are being separated! The daycare will be closed for the following week.
This weekend you will be separated."
-"Oh, okay, thank you for informing us on time"
Moon replied as the Worker smiled
"Alright, I gotta go back! I'll be here this Friday afternoon to get you down to Parts '& Services!" The worker said, heading to the Door.

Moon smiled to himself, and then, a voice in his head Squealed
"Moony!! Did you hear that?? Did you? Did you??"
-"Of course I did, Sunny"
Moon replied in his head, chuckling on how stupid Sun was (I love him).

Moon went back watching over the children, having to deal with Sun being excited over being separated.
It's not that he didn't like being this close to Moon, he just always thought about what it would be like having Moon in his own body with him in the daycare.

After Naptime was over,
and for the remaining week, Sun was happier than ever.
Moon thought it was adorable, seeing Sun being all excited.
Sun drew nothing but Moon and him being in different bodies.

_Time skip to Thursday_
Sun couldn't contain his excitement, he was like a child before their birthday(/Christmas/any special event).
Moon would be lying if he said he wasn't excited aswell, He's been wanting to hug his sunshine for a while now, of course he can always Hug him, but it's not the same.

It was Naptime again, Moon was in control and watched the children sleep and waited for Monty, he's been wanting to talk to him ever since he found out about the Separation (they're besties 😡).
When he saw Monty at the entrance, he checked on the children, and rushed to the entrance.
They talked for a while, not too long, since Moon still had children to take care off.
Monty promised, once Moon has his own body, he'll immediately come to check up on him.

_Another time skip to Friday afternoon ew_

Sun was waiting like a lost puppy infront of the big wooden doors.
Whenever Sun heard some footsteps he immediately perked his head up only to be dissapointed when it wasn't the worker picking them up for the separation.

Moon was trying to calm him down, but he was really excited too.
Moon tried distracting Sun with flirty comments and with how many activities they could do with the children and how many games they could now play.
While Moon was successfully distracting Sun, the Parts '& Service worker actually got to the daycare, ready to pick them both up.
He cleared his throat making Sun spin his head around, Sun instantly got up and ran up to the Worker, lifting him in the air with a hug while he jumped up and down a little.

_Time skip when they got down to Parts '& Service_

"Alright you two, we'll be shutting you off in a few minutes, Sun will stay in your current body, we will remove Moons chip and place it in a newly created body for him.
That's why it will probably take him a little longer to power on again." (I have no idea how this bs works btw)

The worker explained, Sun was a little uneasy with the fact that Moon would take longer to power on, but he'll manage.
Sun layed down, waiting to power off, Moon calmed him down before they powered off because he didn't want Sun to be worried about God knows what.

_another ugly time skip until after the separation_

Sun powered on and instantly felt something missing, obviously, he was still attached to some sort of machine but was able to move his head.
He looked to his left and saw... Moon!!
He couldn't see everything, mainly Moons head was hidden by the big Machine Sun was attached too, but from what he saw, Moon looked basically the exact same as before, only a bit more cleaned up, and not as scary.
Sun looked at himself, noticing he was cleaned aswell.
He saw a worker entering the Parts '& Service building thingy idk

"Ah, Sun! You're powered on! That's great, we figured you'd be on by now.
Let me finish you up and then you can either wait for Moon to power on, or go on ahead to the daycare already."
The worker said, pressing some buttons on the machine and then removing the wires that connected Sun to the machine.

Sun sat up and could finally see Moons face, he stood up and walked over to Moon, putting a hand on his cheek.
Sun smiled to himself, removed his hand from Moons cheek and sat on the ground, he didn't want to leave Parts '& Service without Moon.
Moon didn't power on for another 3 hours and Sun was getting bored, he was playing around with the button he was given he was supposed to press once Moon woke up.
He was getting really bored now, that was until he heard groaning from above, he sprung up and saw Moon powering on.

Sun instantly pressed the button, and when Moon saw Sun next to him, he instantly smiled.

A worker arrived in under 30 seconds to Parts '& Service, Sun moved out of the way and let the worker do his work.
He pressed some buttons on the Machine and then removed the wires.
Moon sat up, looking at his surroundings.

The worker did a few more things on the laptop  and then allowed Sun and Moon to go back to the daycare.

They both exited the Parts '& Service area,
They turned to look at each other,
And Hugged.
Moon had his arms wrapped around Suns back, while Suns arms were around Moons neck.

Moon took sun's face in his Hands, and kissed him all over his face
(oh to be Moon </3)
Sun giggled and held Moons wrists.

They then went into the daycare and cuddled


So yea this is it, I still can't end stories not to mention looking back the Monty and moon convo was kinda useless but whatever they're besties.

Also my best friend gave me the idea for this one-shot!! Big kisses to him 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

(I didn't proof-read this thing so let's ignore spelling mistakes)

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