Oh, I Miss When We First Met

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Side note!! <33:
I love using song lyrics as titles /silly
Also this is probably the first time I have no idea what to say in here but it feels wrong not adding a side note so :(

Requested from willow_therainwing <333
Also i think I changed it up quite alot so if you want it rewritten hmu!!!
Also big CW for kinda manipulation and guilt-tripping??

Sun was cleaning up the daycare with Moon.
The children were really chaotic that day, throwing stuff around everywhere and painting everywhere but their papers so Moon agreed to help Sun clean up.

While Moon was searching for the toys that got thrown into the playstructures, Sun was cleaning the paints off the floor and table not noticing Chica entering the daycare.

"Hey Sunflower! Do you need help with that?"
-"oh! Yea actually I do, do you mind getting me another wet towel? This one is already full of paint I'll only make it worse..."
Chica nodded and ran towards the bathrooms, returning with 2 wet towels and a dry one 2 minutes later.

Chica helped Sun cleaning the arts '& crafts table while Sun focused on cleaning the ground.
They talked happily while cleaning, lately they couldn't spend much time together so a sweet moment like this really meant alot to them.

"Hey Sunshine! I'm done how about I help y-"
-"Oh! There's no need to, Chica is already helping me!"
"Oh. How... Nice.. I'll be up in our room then."
Moon summoned his wire and flew up to his room, watching Sun and Chica.

About an hour later Chica had to meet with Roxy, so Sun walked her to the daycares entrance, Chica promising they'll spend more time together.
Sun, excited to be spending more time with Chica nodded quickly, making his way back to the playarea going up to his room.

When Sun entered the room, he saw Moon sitting on his bed, drawing.
"Hey Moony!"
-"Oh so you finally pay attention to me?"

Sun titled his head in confusion, sitting next to Moon who just rolled his eyes.

"Moony? Are you mad at me?"
Moon just scoffed.
"Moon? If you are I'm-"
-"It's funny how you act so innocent when you basically forced me to help you clean and then not even say thank you."
"What? Moon I didn't force you to any-"
-"Yea you did. If you weren't such a crybaby maybe I would actually be able to decline some things without you crying your eyes out.
The worst thing is you decided to hang out with Chica after I went out of my way to help you?"
"Moony I-I'm so sorry I didn't realize-"
-"of course you didn't, do you even care for me?"
"O-of course I do! I love you Moon I-"
Moon scoffed and rolled his eyes and went back to drawing.

-"what do you want."
"I'm sorry..."
-"of course now you are.
I just feel like you don't really love me, you'd rather spend time with someone else than me, the one who loves you the most."
"I'm sorry, I love you too, it's just Chica and I didn't really get to hang out lately so-"
-"You know what I don't wanna talk about this now, not unless you thought about what you did."
(I have no idea how to make Moon seem toxic im sorry I'm basically just making him not use logic)

They sat on their bed, Moon continued to draw and not pay attention to Sun while Sun just looked at Moon drawing feeling bad.
Whenever Sun tried talking to Moon interrupted him, saying unless he's ready to actually apologize to shut his mouth.

That night ended with Moon refusing to talk to Sun and Sun falling asleep holding back tears.

Sun was cleaning up the daycare, he felt uncomfortable that Moon was helping him, he didn't want to repeat what happened the day before, that's why he tried to hurry with the cleaning so Moon wouldn't need to clean much.

"Hey Sunflower! I was wondering if you need help again?"
-"Oh.. Hey Chica! Uhm.. If you don't mind? But you really don't have to!"
"Are you okay? I really don't mind helping you? Come on, you continue that and I'll start cleaning the Arts '& Crafts table!"
Sun smiled at Chica and continued cleaning up the toys a few children played with.

After Sun and Chica finished cleaning, they talked about all sorts of things.
"Hey Sun... Monty and I noticed that you don't seem as happy as you used to be.. Are you okay?"
-"of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well... We noticed that ever since Moon starting acting weirder, you haven't been as happy... Does it have to do with Moon?"
-"Well... Moon did change alot from when we first started dating... He used to be so gentle and understanding... I'm sure it's nothing! He's just stressed!"
"A-Are you sure? Tell me about it"
-"Well... There's nothing wrong, really... I-I do miss when Moon wasn't as... Protective? Don't get me wrong I know he.. Loves me... But it sometimes feels like I'm being held hostage.. Yknow? It wasn't like this when we first started dating.."
"Oh Sunflower... Maybe you should talk to him about it? I mean if he's-"

"AH?! O-Oh, Helloooo Moon! W-We didn't see you there... Hahaha..."
~"Don't worry about it. I heard Roxy searching for you."
"Oh now did she? Well... Then I guess... I'll just... Go... Sorry Sunflower I'll come visit as soon as possible!"

Chica looked at Sun with a sad expression and quickly made her way outside the daycare.
Sun looked at Moon, his smile fading when he saw Moons expression.

"Moony? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't realize you finished already! H-how about we-"
-"What the fuck was that?"
"What do you mean-"
-"I'm holding you hostage? What are you saying? I'm trying to protect you because I love you. Do you really think Chica would protect you the way I'm trying to protect you? If she could she would leave you to die, I'm the only one who you should trust."
"M-Moon you're being silly.. Chica would never do that-"
-"She would, YOU don't know what she's saying when you're not listening. The reason I try to get her away from you is because I heard what she's saying about you when I check the pizzaplex."

Sun looked at the ground, tears forming in his eyes.
-"Oh my poor Sunshine, I promise you I would never treat you like that. I'm just trying to protect you from bad people~"

Moon walked towards Sun, grabbing his hands and pulling him into a hug, wiping away his tears.
"B-but... If you're trying to protect me, why are you so mean to me sometimes.."
-"You don't understand, I'm not being mean I'm just trying to protect you.
Why are you making me the bad guy now? I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend and you do this..."
"Moon... I'm sorry..."

Moon smiled to himself, holding Suns head against his chest, kissing him on the forehead.
-"Sun... I love you. And you love me too so why bother talking to anyone else?"
"I mean... They're my friends-"
-"That's what you think. They don't like you at all, oh the things I heard them all say..."
"You're right Moony... You... Are the only I can trust..."

-"Exactly... If you ever leave me you know what I will do, right?"
-"You wouldn't want me to get hurt or worse, right?"
"That's right... I don't want you hurting yourself..."
-"I love you Sun."
"... I... Love you too..."
Moon smiled and held Sun tighter who just sighed.
Sun knew he should hate Moon for what he's doing but he couldn't help it, he loved Moon so much and Moon knew what to say and sometimes do to make Sun know they belong together.


AA to be honest I really don't like this one, it's almost 5 AM but I felt bad if I didn't finish it tonight, and I'm being serious if I ever finish a request that yall didn't like I can rewrite it, it might just take longer
AH I love you all so much <33 /p

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