Handmade Gifts

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Side note!!: I'm obsessed with self-made friendship bracelets atm so I wanted to write a fanfiction about it!! (I rewrote this one-shot bc I didn't like the first one I did so excuse this one taking so long to update)
((I'm such an idiot I just realized I made a spelling mistake so apologies for giving yall a notif))

It was the middle of the day and Sun was with the children at the arts '& crafts table making all sorts of friendship bracelets!
The previous week a security guard gave Sun some wool string thingys which were perfect for friendship bracelets!

That was an activity alot of the children really enjoyed! The ones that didn't decided to draw or play with puppets and dolls.

The daycare was quiet for once, usually it's filled with screaming children so the daycare being quiet was a odd change.
Which Moon found really suspicious.

Moon was sitting in Sun and his shared room and he was writing poems in his journal.

(I like the idea of Moon writing poems overall, this has nothing to do with "The Poem of Love") ((I already mentioned before none of my one-shots are related to each other, feel free to ask questions if you're confused hihi))

Even if Moon liked the silence it was REALLY unusual for Sun and the children to be this silent in the middle of the day.
But Moon has been noticing Sun being alot more quiet for the past week, Moon did wonder if it was something he did but since Sun still cuddled with him at night it couldn't be that.

Moon figured Sun was making something he wasn't supposed to see yet, so Moon was a good boy and decided not to talk to Sun about it.

Moon sat on the balcony, seeing Sun and most of the children sitting by the arts '& crafts table and working with the wool string thingys Sun received the previous week, since he also saw paint, colored crayons and paper on the table he figured Sun was showing the kids how to make string art.
(yknow the ones? Where you put paint on a wool string thingy, lay it in-between 2 pieces of paper in a weird line and then pull it out)

While Sun made more bracelets Moon continued writing and waited for the day to be over.
Naptime was already over, so only 1 more hour left until the children are getting picked up.

For once, Moon wasn't excited for the children to leave, usually he was, but because Sun is all focused on God knows what Moon is the one having to clean up the daycare lately, and Moon really didn't like that.

Moon continued writing, and also started doodling a little, he wasn't good at art but he always liked just doodling what came to his mind. It was mostly Sun but what can you say, Moon liked drawing Sun and Sun liked the drawings.

Moon decided to draw Sun, again.
But he did drew it a little different (Sun in lingerie /j he's not me wink wink)

He drew Sun and him cuddling on their bed, surrounded by a bunch of stars, flowers and hearts.
Moon cringed a little when he realized what he had just drew, he cringed even more when he realized it took him 1 hour to finish the drawing, and it wasn't even a good one it was just a doodle.

Moon sighed, grabbed some colored pencils and colored the drawing a bit, nothing too complicated or detailed just some color here and there.

Moon finished coloring the sketch and figured it was good enough, judging by the fact there's a unfinished poem at the top that he scribbled over.

Moon jumped down and didn't land in the ballpit (hihi), he left the drawing on top of the balcony, knowing Sun wouldn't go there on his own, he's been so focused on whatever he's doing that Moon had to drag him to bed each night.

While Moon started cleaning, Sun came back from bringing the children back to their guardians and sat back down by the arts '& crafts table, a few minutes later he finally finished the matching bracelets he's been working on the past week, sure, making bracelets doesn't take a week (I can confirm I made around 4 in around 2-3 hours? including snack and bathroom breaks)
But Sun needed them to be perfect! Which means he discontinued or full on scrapped a few previous attempts. But now he finished them and was super excited!

Sun started cleaning the arts '& crafts table, finally helping Moon out with cleaning, he hid the bracelets in his pocket and tried to contain his excitement.

_Timeskip 1 hour later_

Because the children were working with Sun on the bracelets, cleaning the daycare this past week went by alot faster than usual and with Suns help it was finished even faster!

Moon was surprised Sun was helping him, but also pretty happy on one hand because Sun helped him clean and on the other hand that Sun finally finished whatever he was working on, allowing Moon to finally make proper conversation with him again!

Moon walked up to Sun and Sun couldn't contain his excitement and gave Moon a big hug! Something they haven't been doing the past week.
Moon instantly hugged back, seeing the arts '& crafts table clean, Moon summoned his wire and flew with Sun in his arms up to the balcony, making sure Sun didn't see the drawing yet.

Moon sat Sun down on his lap, hiding the drawing behind him.
Moon put his hands on Suns cheeks and kissed him deeply, wrapping his arms around Moons neck, Sun kissed back, making himself comfortable on Moons lap.

They kissed for a few seconds, only parting because of lack of air. (yes they need air leave me alone)

"So, finally paying attention to me again?" Moon teased.
-"of course silly, don't act like I haven't been talking to you"
"but you haven't"
-"I have! At night!"
"you wanted me to read you bedtime stories."
-"I like bedtime stories!"
Sun pouted while Moon giggled.

"alright, alright Sunshine, but it's good you're paying attention to me again, I wanted to give you something."
Sun wanted to argue because he was very sure he gave Moon enough attention but when Moon showed Sun the drawing he made, Sun couldn't hold back his love he's been keeping in the past week.

-"Oh moony that looks amazing!! Oh I will protect it with all my heart and soul I love it so much! Thank you thank you thank you!!"
Sun hugged Moon again with so much excitement that Moon fell onto his back.
While Sun continued rambling about how much he loved the picture Moon was giggling the entire time, holding Sun tightly onto him, nuzzling his head into Suns neck.

"I'm glad you like it, I wasn't so sure about it"
-"Are you kidding? It looks amazing why wouldn't I love it? Buuuuut talking about gifts I have something for you too!"

They both sat up, Sun still on Moons lap while he grabbed the bracelets he made.
-"I made us matching bracelets! In our signature colors too!! But I did add a little bit of yellow into yours and a bit of blue into mine!" Sun said, holding the bracelets.

Moon took the one for him, the outside was a dark blue mixed with a bit of light blue, in the somewhat middle was a yellow heart. The inside of the bracelets was red. Suns' looked the same, but the outside of his was yellow and orange, with a blue heart in the middle.

Sun waited patiently for Moons answer, but he was a little unsure if Moon would like it.

Moon smiled at Sun lovingly, kissing him passionately again while putting the bracelets on.
"I love it Sunshine, thank you so much I'm never taking this off~"
-"I'm happy you like it!"
"Are you kidding? It looks amazing why wouldn't I love it?"
Moon said in a somewhat mocking voice.
-"Oh shush" Sun laughed and hit Moon lightly on the head, making Moon burst out into laughter aswell.


Okay! I must admit I'm actually really proud of this one! It's a bit longer again and not to mention since it felt like my writing skills were fading I managed to prove to myself I'm still able to create something somewhat good!!

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