Cuddles, Movies And Darkness

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Side note <3:
Today is the third day In a row where I started crying I shouldn't have stopped taking my anti-depressants and because I'm literally crying while writing this I figured this REQUEST (stupidly giggling) could cheer me up hihi!! Anyways!! Request from FallenEmoDeer8 <3 thanks so much hihi!!
Also my cat was on my lap while writing this the entire time I'm so ugh /pos

Okay I love yall enjoy the story

It was a busy day at the daycare, (someone teach me how to start fanfiction, I've learned how to end them not how to start them)
Sun was busy dealing with children left and right, usually Moon would help him during busy days like that but today Moon had some check-ups in Parts '& Services.

Sun was pretty overwhelmed with everything that was happening at the daycare.
Sun thought maybe Arts '& Crafts would get him a bit of peace but when the children started throwing the glitter glue and paint at each other he had a whole new problem to deal with.

While he started cleaning some of the children with tissues and tried getting those that weren't comfortable with Sundrop cleaning them to clean themselves.

_Timeskip hihi😡_

Sun was overwhelmed and shaking, it was only 30 minutes left until the children are getting picked up. Sun requested for a Security Guard to take care of the children including bringing them to the Daycare's pick-up.

The children didn't think much about Sun's disappearance.
But Moon, who just arrived at the daycare did get worried, Sun never leaves a Security Guard alone with the children.

Moon summoned his wire and went to look for Sun.
He found him in their room, on the bed covered with blankets, he heard slight crying and saw him shaking.
Moon instantly felt anger rise inside of him, he didn't like it when anyone hurt Sun.

At first he thought it was the Security Guard.
Moon went down to the security guard again, he was ready to break the security guards' neck, but when he saw the children covered in glue and paint and looked down to the play-area he figured what happened.

Moon felt a wave of guilt wash over him, if Moon didn't do the checkup that morning but later in the evening that wouldn't have happened.

Moon thought about a way to cheer Sun up and he looked at the theater. Sun always loved movies, so Moon came (hihi he came) up with a plan.

Moon first went over to Sun again, he slowly approached Sun sitting down next to him.
Sun lifted his head, looking at Moon.
Moon held his arms open letting Sun crawl into it.

Moon kissed Sun softly all over the face, and holding him tight.
Sun held onto Moon like he'd leave if Sun let go.
Moon felt his (non-existent) heart break.

"Oh my sweet, sweet Sunshine, I'm sorry I didn't help you"
Moon said softly.
-"I-It's okay, you're here now that's all I need"
"Hm~ is that so~ how about some movies?"
Suns eyes began sparkling.
"How about this~ you start building a pillow fort-"
Suns eyes sparkled even more than before
"-And I go and get something for the movies~"
-"Okay!! Thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
Sun said excitedly and hugged Moon tightly, kissing him on his cheek.

Moon blushed and chuckled.
He picked Sun up and sat him down on the bed and stood up.
He gave Sun a kiss on the nose (does he have one idk) and went down to the theater again to get the DVD-player while Sun excitedly started making a pillow fort.

(I'm using a DVD-player instead of a projector bc Idk how a movie-projector works)

The theater normally uses a movie-projector, but it also has a DVD-player and many DVD's with almost every movie they normally play in the Theater.

Moon put the DVD-Player and the DVD's in their room, he also saw how excitedly Sun was building the Pillow fort, which made his (again, non-existent) heart melt.

Moon went to the theater again, to go get a TV to play the DVD's and some cables to connect the DVD-player to the TV and a remote.
Moon realized he could never carry the TV back to the daycare.
He wasn't strong enough.
Moon sighed, he summoned his wire and as quick as he could went over to Monty to ask him for help. (they're besties your honor)
((I'm sorry I had to add him))

Monty giggled and gladly helped him. He also teased him a little about how much thought he put into that movie night for Sun.
But Monty was just salty about the fact he had to carry the TV while Moon only held the remote.

Moon just chuckled at it and while they were at it, Moon asked Monty if he could turn off the light from the daycare for the night.
Sun was terrified of the dark but it still gave him a big amount of comfort. (I love giving Sun and Moon the same silly personality traits of me or my friends hihi, this one's mine)

Moon, with the help of his wire and the strength he had lifted the TV up to their room.
Moon chuckled when he saw Sun proudly sitting Infront of the pillow fort he build.

Moon set the TV up and connected the DVD-player with it.
Sun looked through the DVD's and decided which ones to watch.

Sun finished picking out the movies, and sat down in the pillow fort.
The lights turned off which startled Sun a little but Moon told him that he asked Monty to do that, and Sun relaxed.

Moon finished setting up the TV and started playing the first movie.
He took the remote and sat down next to Sun.
Sun side-eyed Moon, Moon took the hint and opened his arms to let Sun crawl into them.

Sun smiled brightly and cuddled happily crawled into Moons arms.
Sun giggled stupidly (same) and muzzled his head onto Moon's chest, while he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the head.

They both cuddled for the rest of the night and Sun forgot all about the rough day.


Okay <3 this took a while but it's finished and it's amazing imo,
Also I finally ordered new cosplays and finished the game: "The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince" and I loved it so much I'm gonna cosplay the Princess soon!! I'm also gonna cosplay cala maria from cuphead and maybe Peach because I can.
Why am I telling yall this idk I'm bored tihi my cat is cute I love him.
Okay bye <3

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