Just Accept It And Move On

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Side note!! <3:
Im actually writing omg??
Anyway I'm so sorry for taking this long to update I hate myself and I'm serious about that.
Anyways summer is making me sweat like a bitch in heat but anyways yea the title is just a song lyric again leave me alone </3

Basically requested by Sitting1and2crying <33
(I hope it makes sense how I tried to pull this off and I hope you like it!!)

"Mr. Sun? Is Mr. Moon okay? I've heard about someone else watching us during Naptime for now..."
-"Oh! Don't worry about him! Mr. Moon is just a little sick, he'll be okay soon!"
Sun happily smiled and continued drawing with some children.

He drew alot of pictures for Moon and the message of Moon being sick encouraged alot of children to also draw some pictures for the two daycare attendants!

Right before Naptime the children gave Sun all the pictures they drew and Suns heart melted.
He took all the pictures the children had drawn and his own and went up to his room, leaving some security guard to take care of the children.

"Hey Moony! Are you feeling a little better?"
-"oh.. Hi Sunshine, I'm not too sure, I think so?"
"hmm, I think I have something to make you feel better!"

Sun sat down on the ground next to their bed Moon was laying in.
Moon sat up and titled his head in confusion, Sun hid the drawings behind his back, showing them to Moon one by one.

Moon looked at each picture with a smile on his face.
Sun gave Moon the last picture, which was one he drew.
Moon quickly pulled Sun into a tight hug making Sun giggle.

Sun talked to Moon for the rest of Naptime, he was so focused that he didn't notice the Security Guard coming in.

"Uh... Sun? What are you doing?"
-"Just talking to Moon! Oh is Naptime already over?"
"Y-yea.. Are you okay?"
-"Yea! Sorry for not noticing are the children already awake?"
Sun didn't even wait for an answer and just jumped in the ballpit.
The Security guard sighed and made their way back to their office.

After the daycare closed Sun took care of Moon.
Sun was mostly reading stories to Moon, drawing with him and talking about the day.
Sun was worried since he had a bad feeling about Moon being sick but he didn't understand why, Moons illness wasn't any dangerous one so he will be okay. (hihi)

Sun was just telling Moon about the new game he found out about when he heard someone enter the daycare.
"Hey Sun? Can you come down here or should I come up?"
-"Oh just come up here if you don't mind! I don't wanna leave Moon alone!"
A few seconds later Chica was standing next to Sun.
"What... What are you doing..?"
-"Oh I'm just talking to Moon!"
"Oh.. Okay!! Do you.. Two.. Mind if I tag along?"
-"No not at all! Do you mind Moon?"
Moon just shook is head.
(like as in he doesn't mind)

Chica sat next to Sun while he was telling all sorts of stories.
They drew together and did arts &' crafts.
Chica was worried about 'Moon' but decided not to say anything yet.

"Oh my look at the time! I gotta go talk to Monty it was nice to talk to you two.." (I feel like it's way to obvious where this is going <//3)
-"Oh, Okay! Wait I'll walk with you to the door! Are you okay on your own Moony?"
Moon smiled and quickly nodded.
-"Okay I love you Moony I'll be right back!"
"I love you too but hurry okay?"

Sun walked Chica back to the daycare entrance while talking the entire time.
Sun opened the door for Chica.
"Hey Sun, if you want to talk I'm here for you, you know... And I'm sure Monty will talk to you too."
-"What? I'm okay silly what are you talking about?"
Chica sighed.
"Doesn't matter... Just... You're not alone okay?"
Chica hugged Sun tightly, He hugged back.

Sun excitedly waved Chica goodbye.
Chica waved back and instantly went to talk to Monty.
Sun shrugged and quickly made his way back to Moon to spend the rest of the night with him.

Sun woke up on the ground, seeing Moon sleeping on the bed.
Sun smiled and sat up, stretching and looking around the room.
He giggled seeing the pictures Chica, Moon and him drew the previous day.
Sun got up and cleaned up a little.

About 30 minutes before the daycare opened he heard someone enter the daycare.
Sun went to the balcony and looked to the entrance, seeing Monty enter the daycare.
Sun excitedly jumped down to the play-area and ran to Monty.

"Hello Monty!! What brings you here? Moon is still sleeping incase you wanted to speak to him-"
Montys eyes widened at Sun's statement.
-"No.. Sun I- Are you able to talk today?"
"Oh, of course I am! Wanna talk right now? Or after the daycare closes or something?"
-"Yea, Uhm.. We have a few birthday party's today so how about I just come talk to you once I'm able to?"
"Yea sure! I don't mind! See you later!"
(I was seconds away from writing 'see you later alligator' but Monty would've punched Sun so I didn't)

Monty waved at Sun while he was leaving and Sun was happily waving back.
Sun looked around the daycare and decided to go back to Moon.

When Sun got up to his room, Moon was already awake.
"Good morning Moony! How come you're up this early?"
-"I don't know, I just couldn't sleep anymore."
"Oww, you poor thing~"
Sun teased, sitting next to Moon and kissing him on the cheek.
-"Oh shut up-"
Moon laughed and playfully hit Suns arm.

They talked and cuddled until they heard the first few children entering the daycare.
Sun told Moon he loved him and gave him one last kiss as a goodbye.

After the daycare closed, Sun waited for Monty.
He wondered all day what Monty would wanna talk about, he did seem super serious about it.
Sun was so lost in thought he didn't notice Monty arriving until Monty touched his shoulder.

"Oh! Hi Monty! Gee you startled me!"
-"Sorry about that. How is.. Moon?"
"Oh, he's alright! He's still sick but I've been taking good care of him, he'll be better in no-time!"
-"Can we.. Can we talk with Moon? It's important..That he.. Hears it.. Too."
"Oh of course! I just gotta bring this to the trash but you can go to my room already! And feel free to wake Moon when he's sleeping!"

Monty nodded and went to Sun's room, while he got rid of the remaining trash.
Not even a minute later he was on his way to his room aswell.

Monty was sitting on the edge of Sun's bed.
Monty smiled at Sun with an odd look in his eyes.
Sun didn't think too much of it and sat down next to his bed on the ground, smiling at Moon.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"
-"Sun, are you okay?"
"Of course I am? Why wouldn't I-"
-"Sun, if you really are okay why don't you accept the fact Moon died?"
-"Sun, you know Moon died of his illness a few days ago, I understand how you feel, I'm going through the same Bullshit."
"no... he's here..."
(my phone wanted to autocorrect this to 'he's bald')

-"Sun, you know he isn't.
He died we saw it with our own eyes. Please talk to me, it's not healthy doing this let me help you"

Sun couldn't listen anymore, he hated the truth about Moons illness.
He didn't want Monty to tell him,
he knew Moon didn't exist anymore, but he hated that.
If he paid more attention to what Moon told him when he was sick he could've helped him.
Sun heard Monty was talking but he couldn't concentrate.

Being confronted with the truth like that stabbed him.
He didn't hold in his tears and felt Monty hold him.
Sun cried and cried and looked to the bed, the bed Moon layed in while he was sick and where he died on.
That's why he couldn't sleep on that bed and slept on the floor.

Sun just wished he could've held Moon one last time before he died and tell him how much he loved him and now he has to live like this.


This one's super short too and not the best, keep in mind I haven't had motivation to write so i kinda had to write the story over a few days, always adding more when I had motivation.
But honestly writing this again made me realize how much I actually love writing so hopefully I'll have more motivation!!
(I also tried my best not to make this too similar to the other story that's why i used like a illness situation) ((my best friend helped me come up with that!!))
I wanna thank you all so much for 9K reads I still can't believe it I don't deserve yall fr :( <33
(longest end note fr)

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