Childhood Promises

666 17 111

Human Sun x Human Moon

Highschool AU <3

Side Note:
Every little thing that isn't going the way I expect it too sends me in edge at the moment so I'm writing again because that will atleast go the way I want it too.

Anyways Human AU I can finally talk about my human designs for Sun and Moon (I've been wanting to share these for SO long fr)
And also Sun and Moon are their real names even if it sounds a little weird but I also am so that's ok.

Request from Epic_gotowana_frytka also I made it kinda like them meeting again in high school thingy so hope that's ok for u (I like clichés leave me alone)

((mono writing 2-3 days in a row? New record fr))

_Backstory_ (WOAH mono adds backstory???)

A little boy named Sun was playing with his best friend. Another little boy but still a year older named Moon.
They were playing in Suns room while Moons parents were talking to Sun's parents.
The little boys were in the middle of getting their puppets married when they heard footsteps.
They looked up and Saw both Sun and Moons parents with an odd look in their eyes.

"Hi you both, are you playing nicely?"
-"Yes!! Me and Moony are getting married!"
-"No we aren't!" Moon argued making Sun laugh loudly.

"Well you two, we need to talk to you."
Sun and Moon both stood up, listening closely.
"So Moon..." Moon's parent started.
"You know how your Grandparent and I were thinking about seeing different parts of the world?"
Moon nodded slowly
"We have finally found a home and a job someplace else. But the unfortunate news is, is that we're gonna have to move far, far away."
-"w-what?" Moon said, having to hold back tears.
-"D-Does that mean... Me and Moony-" Sun started, his voice breaking and eyes tearing up.
"we're so incredibly sorry you two, but it's for the best."
Moon couldn't take it anymore, he pushed his parent off to the side and ran into Suns bathroom to hide.
Sun looked to the ground, he could feel his heart breaking more and more.
Their parents couldn't bring themselves to follow Moon or talk to Sun.

A few seconds passed when Sun started making his way to the bathroom.
He heard faint crying and knocked.
"M-Moony? Open the door p-please?"
(Veronica, open the, open the door please. Veronica open the door)

Moon tried his best to stop crying, stood up and opened door.
Sun went inside the bathroom and closed and locked the door behind him again, Sitting next to Moon who sat down again, leaned against the bathtub.

"I don't want to lose you" Moon said quietly.
-"me neither..."
Sun answered, equally quiet.
"Sunny.. Promise me we'll meet again?" Moon asked, looking at Sun.
(I'm obsessed with that song atm)
Sun looked up at Moon with teary eyes.
Sun smiled and hugged Moon quickly.
"I promise Moony!! We'll meet again!"
Moon hugged back, they both stayed there hugging while slowly starting to cry again.
Moon and his family moved away not long after, but the day before they moved, Sun and Moon reminded each other about the promise again. And went many years still holding onto that promise.

_Backstory end woah_

Sun sighed when he heard his alarm go off, he sat up and turned the alarm off.
He stretched and went to the bathroom.

He showered and then brushed his teeth.
Today was his first day in the new highschool.
His parent got a new job so the had to move that's why he also had to change schools.
He wasn't exactly excited about it but it wasn't to worst either.

He looked at the time and had 30 minutes until he needed to leave.
He went back into his room and put his clothes on while waiting for his hair to dry.
He wore a normal dress shirt in white with short sleeves and a little oversized Sweater vest in a light yellow color over it.
He also had light blue high waist palazzo pants on that had patches sewed in around the knees.

Sun x Moon oneshots 🌞❤️🌚Where stories live. Discover now