"All This Could've Been Avoided..." Angst Alternative

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Side note!!:
This is the angst alternative ending! By the way because I'm lazy the start is the exact same as the fluff alternative ending, just so yall aren't confused!! Also this is super rushed I'm so sorry about that and super short too :((
+ im pretty sure this isn't really angst but what can you do
Anyways content warning for Moon x Monty......... Hihi

Sun was sitting in his room.
He heard Chica talking to him but he couldn't understand anything, all he thought about was.. Moon..
He teared up again, making Chica worry even more about him.

"S-Sun? Come here..?"
Chica held her arms open.
Sun thought for a moment, he cried even more and quickly hugged Chica, holding onto her tight.

-"Th-This is all my f-fault..."
"No Sun it isn't, I promise you it isn't."
-"B-But if we didn't, If I didn't-"
Sun was cut off by his voice breaking.
Chica was holding Sun tight, comforting him.

Ever since the accident, Sun kept blaming himself, he blamed himself for everything that happened, everyone did try to tell him otherwise but if it wasn't Moon who was telling him that, he didn't listen.

Sun was cleaning up the daycare, he knew Moon would've been sad if Sun didn't do his job so he continued working.
The children found it odd that Sun wasn't as energetic as he used to be and that there was a different worker watching over them during Naptime but they didn't think too much off of it.

Sun was just finished with the playstructures when someone entered the daycare.
He looked up and saw a Parts '& Service worker, unmotivated he waved at them and made his way to the daycares entrance.

He greeted the worker with a wave.
Usually Sun would run up to the workers and give them a big hug so the worker sighed.

"Sun.. I've noticed you've been very unmotivated lately-"
-"Oh really? Wow thanks for telling me" Sun said in a mocking voice.
"... I'm sorry.."
-"n-no I'm sorry I-"
"Whatever, Sun, I have a surprise for you!"

Sun titled his head in confusion, he really wasn't in the mood for 'surprises'.
He was just about to argue when the worker held out their hand with an excited look on their face.
Sun sighed, grabbing the workers hand and nodding.

They made their way to Parts '& Service.
The worker tried their best to hold back their smile which confused Sun.

He tilted his head when the worker gently pushed Sun towards a room Sun had never been in before.
He knew that Parts '& Service used that room to finish new animatronics.
Usually only for finishing check ups to see if that animatronic was safe enough to be working with humans.

Sun put a hand on the door handle, looking at the worker who just smiled and nodded.
Sun gently opened the door. (I still love ddlc references)

Suns eyes widened when he saw Moon?
"After the accident we cleaned out the Garbage Compactor and found Moons memory chip, we decided to rebuild his body and give him his old memory chip.
But for your information, it was a little bit damaged so we don't know which parts of his memory is damaged so don't take offense to anything okay?"

Sun nodded and slowly made his way closer to Moon. He sat down on the ground next to Moon, who was laying on a hospital like bed.

"Alright Sun, you ready for us to turn him on?"
(that's usually Suns job but you do you ig)
Sun nodded excitedly holding Moons hand tight.
The worker turned Moon on while Sun held Moons hand even tighter after each passing second.
(bro im giggling while writing this its literally just a normal sentence bro) ((I'm still obsessed with the word bro what the fuck I keep forgetting it's not gender neutral))

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