I Think There's Something Wrong With Me...

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Side note!! <33:
I'm writing again??? Yall this is so weird oh my god anyways I should've done this a long time ago so I'm doing it now!!
ALSO SODIKKEN MY BELOVED (the title sounds stupid without the rest of the lyrics but whatever)

This is Angst <33
(im grinning while writing this)

"So... This won't hurt right?"
-"Don't worry Sun, you won't feel a thing! We're just checking your coding but we're gonna have to turn you off for it."
"That's okay.. How long will this take?"
-"Oh, only around 30 minutes! Maybe if we're unlucky 1 hour, but not longer than that."

Sun nodded and leaned against the wall behind him, playing with the wires in his arm.
The Parts '& Service worker got on the computer and Sun started feeling tired.
Sun quickly fell asleep leaving the worker to check his coding.

"So? Everything alright?"
Another worker who just arrived asked.
-"Yea his coding seems to be fine, honestly just as I prayed."
"Really? Weren't you like, dying because you were scared of the code being damaged?"
-"Well, Yea, but look at this."

The worker who worked on Suns code showed the computer to the newer worker.
The newer worker looked at the screen amazed.

"Okay now you DON'T touch anything, I have to connect more wires to Sun, okay?"
-"Yea Yea..."
The worker turned to Sun, disconnecting and connecting different wires while the newer worker messed with Suns coding.

"what arE YOU DOING?!"
-"Oh- I'm sorry I didn't do much! I just added-"
"Get out, right this second. Do you realize how badly you could fuck Sun up with that?"
The newer worker ran outside while the other tried to fix what they had messed up.

"Oh, luckily they didn't messed with Suns coding too badly, I'm sure he'll be fine..."

Sun slowly woke up, feeling dizzy.
"Okay Sun, I've checked everything I needed to check and your code seems to be just fine!"
-"A-Are you sure..? I feel alot dizzier than usual..."
"Oh? Well, I'm sure it's fine, do you want me to call Moon to pick you up?"
Sun nodded slowly, trying his best not to pass out. (me fr)
The worker checked which security guard was closest to the daycare and called them, asking them to tell Moon to come and pick Sun up.
(I like to imagine every worker has like a location tag thingy, only when they work ofc)

Moon quickly arrived at Parts '& Service, the daycare already closed for the day.
"Sunshine, are you okay?"
-"Oh.. Hi Moony... I-I'm honestly not sure..."
Moon held Suns face in his hands, looking at him with a worried expression.
"Come on, maybe you're just too tired? Let's go back to the daycare and we can cuddle while you sleep!"
Sun smiled at Moon and stood up shaking.
"Sunshine be careful! Come on how about I carry you back to the daycare?"
-"N-No it's fine thank y-"
Sun was cut off by Moon picking him up bridal style.
Sun giggled while Moon refused to let Sun down, bringing him to the daycare and up to their room where they cuddled for the rest of the night.

"Mr. Sun? Are you okay?"
-"Yea, I'm fine."
"Are you sure..?
-"Yes I said I'm fine."
Sun got up and walked towards the Arts '& Crafts table, leaving the child by themself.
He quickly grabbed a paper and doodled all sorts of things.

A few minutes later, he went back to the child, apologizing for his behavior and continued playing with them.
Moon watched from the Naptime area, worried about Sun.

After the daycare closed, Moon was the one to lead the children to their guardians and checked the theater and bathrooms, surprised when Sun appeared behind him.

"Sun? Are you sure you're okay you're acting-"
-"What the fuck is up with you Moon?!"
-"You know I can do my own fucking job right? Why are you here anyways aren't you usually-"
"Well I'm sorry I'm just trying to fucking help you?! What the fuck is up with YOU?"
-"Oh so I'm the bad guy now?! I'm not the one who tries to replace the other-"
"I'm not trying to fucking replace you, I'm trying to help you because you're acting like a little brat."
-"I'm acting like a brat?! You know what fine clean the fucking daycare all by yourself for all I care."

Sun stormed off, leaving Moon by the theater.
Moon rolled his eyes and summoned his wire, flying over to the playarea.
Moon saw Sun enter the playarea and went over to the ballpit and sat inside it.
Moon went over to the playstructures and started cleaning there.

While Moon was cleaning the Arts '& Crafts table he felt someone hugging him from behind.
He turned around and hugged Sun back, kissing his forehead.
"I'm sorry about-"
-"No, I'm sorry Moony... I shouldn't have screamed at you like that. I don't know what's happening but I've been having so many mood swings..."
(I got him pregnant sorry yall)
"Talk to me about it, since when? Is there anything I can do to help you?"
-"I don't know... I've felt this way ever since I was down in Parts and Service for my check-up... I did feel alot dizzier when I woke up..."
"Let's go down to Parts '& Service later, maybe there's something wrong with your coding?"
-"Will you come with me...?"
"Of course. I'm not letting you go down there alone now and I swear whoever did this to you will pay."

Sun giggled and cuddled more into Moons chest, smiling to himself.
After a minute they continued cleaning the daycare, Sun helping this time.

After they finished cleaning they quickly made their way to Parts '& Service, Moon held Suns hand to comfort him.

They passed by an unused storage room that Sun has never seen before.
"Moony? What's inside there, I've never seen that room before.."
-"How about I show you after we went to Parts '& Service?"
"But that's gonna take so long.. Pleaseee just a quick look?"
Moon rolled his eyes jokingly and forced the door open, holding the door open for Sun.
-"After you~"
Moon said in a teasing tone, making Sun giggle.

Sun looked around the room amazed, he was especially interested in the chainsaws that were on a shelf.

"Sun be careful with those, just yesterday I saw them being used so I know they're functional!"
"Also just in general don't touch anything! Alot of things in here are functional and dangerous."
-"okay. I get it I won't touch anything."
"I'm sorry, I just don't want you end up hurt-"
-"Can you stop treating me like a goddamn child?!"

Moon looked at Sun, a little offended but he figured it was just his wrong coding, so he turned his attention towards a knife collection.

-"Okay... Right Sun we should get going or-"
Moon was interrupted when he realized Sun was holding one of the Chainsaws.
-"SUN. what did I just tell you?!"
"Oh my god Moon stop acting like I'll cause trouble, I'm sick of you always treating me like I'm stupid." (you are)
-"Sun, who's saying anything about you being stupid?! This is seriously dangerous."
"Can you calm down?! Just let me look at it in peace."
-"Sun. No. You can look at it I don't mind but don't pick it up-"
"I asked you tO CALM DOWN."
Sun rolled his eyes and turned the chainsaw on.

-"SUN. Are you crazy?! Put that down, we aren't even supposed to be in here, so could you just put it ba-"
"Oh my god SHUT UP."

Sun was annoyed.
He pushed Moon against a nearby wall and held the Chainsaw against Moons chest, sawing it open.
Moon instantly coughed up oil, the sounds of the Chainsaw against his metal made it impossible for Moon to hear Suns cursing.
Moon tried defending himself but it only resulted in him getting hurt even more, he quickly stopped struggling and fell to the ground, dead.

Sun took a deep breath and turned the Chainsaw off.
When Sun looked at Moon again he began to realize what he just did.
Suns eyes widened as he looked at Moon, oil spilling from his body, his body destroyed.

Sun fell to the ground and just looked at Moon, tears slowly falling down his cheeks.
He wanted to scream, but no sounds were coming out of his mouth.
Sun felt sick as he crawled towards Moon, holding his hands and looking at his face.

Sun started crying harder, wrapping his arms around Moon and pulled him closer.
"I-I'm... s-so... Sorry.... Wh-why did I... Why... did this..."
Sun cut himself off as he cried into Moons chest, looking at the damage he has done.
"I-I didn't.... mean to..."
Sun held onto Moon tighter, wanting to apologize but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth so he kept crying onto Moons chest for the rest of the night.


AAA I'm not too sure if I like the ending but whatever.
Yall said you wanted Moon dead so your wish is my command <33 /silly
Okay I love you all bye

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