He Really Didn't Wanna Make It Messy

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Side note:
Mono writing again?? Guys is this real???
IDK the comments on the last oneshot just made me very motivated to write again so this is yalls fault /silly
(by the way I made my friend the worker because he wanted to get stabbed by Moon so I made them the worker because I'm cute) ((it won't change anything in the story and basically it's the exact same as any side character but he gave me some things for the worker to say + they wanted to be mean to Sun))

Request from willow_therainwing !!! <3
I did not know if you wanted Sun to die or not and because I wanted to be a good spouse (for once) I decided not to kill Sun, if you want this one rewritten where Sun dies just let me know!!
Also if you want me to overall rewrite this since it's not exactly what you asked for feel free to say so!!

Sun was following a security guard down to Parts '& Service, they said Sun needed some upgrades and a important check-up, that's why they had to do it immediately.
Usually Moon would accompany Sun while getting Check-ups and upgrades, even if it was just holding his hand but because it was important and there were children in the daycare that Moon needed to watch he had to go alone.
But the security guard was happy to walk with him so it was okay!

The security guard opened the door and held it open for Sun.
"Alright Sun, a worker will be with you shortly, make yourself comfortable! Like, really comfortable this could take a while.."
-"That's okay! Thank you!"
Sun sat on the hospital-like bed, letting his legs swing back and forth as he looked around the room.

He waited for a few minutes when he heard a voice outside, his head turned to the door as a worker entered, with their phone in hand.

"Oh! Hello Friend!! I have so many questions!
Will it hurt? Will it take long? Will I feel any different after? Will-"
-"Oh my god can you shut up?! Can't you see I'm talking?!"
"O-oh.. I'm Sorry..."

Sun sighed and felt a little hurt but just continued to look around.
The worker kept talking on the phone, Sun overheard that it was the workers romantic partner which made him think of Moon.
Sun smiled at the thought of Moon and started giggling to himself, feeling butterflies in his stomach.
(Sun will always have a crush on Moon, even if they are married or together for decades. He will get all flustered around Moon, blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl in love you cannot convince me otherwise)

Sun heard the worker curse and hang up.
The worker angrily made their way to Sun.
"Well, thanks so much because of your stupid laughter I had to hang up."
-"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"Whatever, what are you here for anyways?"
-"Some upgrades and a check-up..."
"okay well?"
"what upgrades you idiot."
-"Oh uhm I'm sorry.. I don't know wh-"

The worker slammed their hands on the desk next to Sun and angrily started typing on the computer, trying to see what upgrade and which check-up Sun needed.
Sun got scared by the sudden violence and started tearing up.

The worker rolled their eyes and finally found the mail which told them what upgrade and check-up Sun needed.
The worker started.

"Alright get up and connect these cables to the back of your head while I get the computer ready."
Sun nodded and went over to where the worker was pointing and grabbed the cables.

Sun was looking at the cables confused and felt around the back of his head trying to figure out where to connect them.

-"Uhm... Excuse me? I don't-"
"Oh my god can you shut up? I'm trying to work here God, I don't get why they build you in the first place, if I was in charge you'd be the first thing gone."
-"I-I'm sorry... But this is- I can't.."
"Oh my god what?!"
-"I-I don't know h-how to connect these cables-"

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