A Date In The Afternoon

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Side note:
So so sorry it took me so long to post another one-shot! I've been stressed and sick and unmotivated anyways

It was a calm evening for Sun, who was happily drawing.
For Moon on the other hand it wasn't as calm, he was constantly panicking and rethinking everything multiple times.

Monty was trying his best to calm Moon down, sure, Moon had every right to be on edge, but now Moon was the one throwing stuff across Montys room and Monty didn't like that.

"Look, I get how you're feeling but that's no reason for ya to ruin my room, I just managed to not do it myself"
-"Well how would you react in this situation ya crocodile?!"
"Excuse you?!" Monty answered, jokingly playing offended and lightly hitting Moon on the head making them both burst out in giggles.

Moon and Monty were talking for a few hours now and even if Sun knew Moon was with Monty he felt a little jealous.
Sun knew Moon loved him very much, so he felt it was a little selfish to be jealous but since no one could hear his thoughts he didn't care.

Sun continued drawing while waiting for Moon, He's been thinking about the gifts he'll give Moon and since he's not able to get much, he decided to just draw Moon alot of pictures!
Sure, Moon pretended to not like them but Sun of course knew the truth about that.

_Ugly ass timeskip (Mono bullying timeskips fr fr)_

Moon was just on his way back from Monty and it was around 10 PM.
Sun was bored of drawing, so he just layed on the ground and waited.

Sun heard the Daycare doors open, he sat up and spun his head around.
He saw Moon entering the daycare so he got up, got into the Ballpit, climbed up the slide and ran up to Moon.

Moon chuckled when Sun jumped into him, almost making Moon fall onto his... ~ behind ~.

"Moony!!! I missed you! I've been oh-So Bored without you!"
-"Now have you? I'm sorry Sunshine"
"You better be sorry!" Sun pouted

Moon took a deep breath, even if he felt bad for making Sun wait but that was playing into his cards now.
"How about for an apology, I'll take you out for a date tomorrow?"
Sun gasped "Ohhhhh!! You're so sweet it'd love to!!" Sun kissed Moon all over his face while Moon blushed.

_Timeskip the next day </3_

Moon went to Montys again, getting ready for the date with Sun.
Sun was getting ready in their room.
Sun was super excited since he's been wanting to go out with Moon since forever!
While Sun was walking back and forth in his room, thinking about how their date and the whole day will go.

_Another timeskip_

Moon left Montys room a few minutes ago, waiting for Sun. The pizzaplex was closed, so Moon got jumpscared by security bots alot.
He was about to hit one of the security bots when he saw Sun in the distance. (In this version and all my other one-shots Sun is allowed to leave the daycare btw, I only used it for the angst in 'a brotherly sacrifice')

Moon blushed when he saw Sun, he wasn't in his usual clothing.
Sun was in a white dress shirt and mom jeans in a normal light blue jeans color.
Sun blushed aswell, looking Moon up and down, Moon was wearing a black turtleneck with Grey straight costume pants and chains.
(I was trying my best not to have one of those cringe outfits like in other fanfictions ok)

"You look amazing Sunny~"
-"Th-Thank you! So do you! So handsome!!"
Sun giggled and hugged Moon.
Moon hugged back and wrapped his arms around Sun's waist.

Moon gave Sun a quick kiss on the lips and then they both went out of the pizzaplex to take a walk to the restaurant in which Moon reserved a private table for their date.
(look, I know they're robots but let's pretend that doesn't matter let me have this)
((I've never been on a 'real' Date so this will be cringe leave me alone))

Sun's eyes sparkled when he saw the restaurant.
He felt a uneasy since it looked expensive but Moon reassured him it was okay.
Moon talked with the waiter and they were brought to their table.

Sun and Moon ordered their food and drinks and ate in peace. (idk how to make this sound not cringe so deal with this ok)
By the time they finished it was around 4:30PM.
Moon paid and they went out the restaurant.

Sun and Moon held hands while they lovingly walked around a park near the restaurant, Sun noticed Moon got more nervous by the end of dinner but he decided not to say anything.

Sun looked around the beautiful flower field they walked through, Sun always liked flowers so he was really happy Moon decided to walk through here.

Moon looked at Sun and fell in love with him all over again. He smiled and remembered a hill not far away from here.
"Hey Sunshine, follow me real quick"
-"Oh, okay!"

Moon held Sun's hand tightly and ran a few minutes, Sun already getting tired from running. (this is inspired by the nightmare I had, it wasn't with Sun and Moon but yknow)

Not even a minute later, Sun and Moon got to the hill. Suns eyes widened by how beautiful everything looked.
Moon sat down and pulled Sun onto his lap.
Moon wrapped his arms around Sun, while Sun was busy admiring the scenery.

Sun and Moon started talking and joking around.
Moon also started talking about the start of their relationship and all the things they've done already.

The (actual) sun was setting and (the robot) Sun was amazed.
Being inspired by the sun, he loved seeing it.
Moon loved seeing Sun so happy, it always makes his heart skip a beat.

Moon lifted Sun off his lap and stood up, he grabbed Sun's hands and helped him stand up.
He took another deep breath and looked Sun in the eyes.
(He then pushed Sun off the hill and Sun died /j)

"Sun, I have something really important to say.
Ever since you happened to be in my life I've been the happiest I have ever been.
(mf was with him ever since he was created but let's ignore that ok)
You always manage to make me smile and you're the most beautiful person I ever layed my eyes on.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I'm asking you... "
Moon got down on one knee, Sun already started tearing up, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Sundrop, do you-
Do you wanna marry me?" Moon asked, looking into sun's eyes and reavealing the ring in that little box thingy.

Sun bursted into tears the moment those words left Moons mouth.
"Oh Moony~ of course I want to marry you!!" Sun yelled, instantly hugging Moon making him fall onto his back and Sun ontop of him. (for once)

Moon closed the little box thingy and hugged Sun back, tearing up aswell.
Moon took Sun's face in his hands and kissed him on his lips very passionately.
Sun kissed back, wrapping his arms around Moons neck.

Sun broke the kiss bursting out in giggles.
Moon titled his head in confusion when Sun reached for something in his pocket.

Moon started chuckling when Sun also revealed a ring in one do those box thingys.
"I-I wanted to propose too-" Sun said in between sobs and giggles, Moon started crying now too.
-"Then do~"
Sun giggled, sliding off Moon and also taking that proposal pose thingy.

"So Moony~ even if my question isn't as surprising I still want to ask you something very, Very important!~"
Sun said, jokingly putting on a serious face.
Moon smiled, holding in more laughter.
-"Yea? What's your question?"
"do you...~
Do you wanna marry me?~"
"ohh~ of course I do~!!"

They both giggled again, putting the rings on one another.
They spend the rest of the evening holding each other tight, being the happiest couple in the whole world at that moment.


Ew this sucked like so much what the fuck pls insult me (don't im sensitive)
I feel like my writing skills are fading wtf also I'm running out of one-shot ideas so if yall have requests I'd appreciate them ahaha lolzies

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