Save Me From This Terrible Nightmare

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Side note:
Guys friendly reminder I have pink hair and this is yalls fault yall said to add me to stories (dw I won't make a big appearance but when i realized I could do this I HAD to)

Anyways technically requested by asagothe_fander <333 (I had the exact same idea but I didn't plan on writing this so soon so) ((if you want this one rewritten feel free to say so!!))

Moon was watching Sun play with the children, only a few more minutes until the daycare closes.
Moon sighed and watched Sun closely.
He loved looking at Sun so he got a little annoyed when Sun lead all the children to the daycares entrance.
Moon jumped down from the balcony and landed in the ballpit, looking around the daycare and made his way to the Arts '& Crafts table.

He started cleaning the Arts '& Crafts table, listening to Sun screaming good-byes to the children.
When Moon heard the last child leave, he started cleaning faster when he suddenly heard Sun leaving the daycare.

Moon titled his head in confusion but didn't think much of it so he just continued cleaning.
Moon finished cleaning the Arts '& Crafts and made his way to the play structures to clean those.

After Moon finished cleaning everything Sun still wasn't back, making Moon worried.
Moon summoned his wire and flew to the daycares entrance.

He walked out the daycare and looked around the pizzaplex.
"Hey Moon, you okay?"
-"Oh- Hello Monty, say, have you seen Sun? I haven't seen him since the daycare closed."
"Oh, I've seen him in Roxys Raceway with some pink-haired security guard."
(Yall guess who that Pink-haired guard is??? And okay I admit I don't have pink hair atm but it's literally my thing so shut up ill dye it soon)

Moon thanked Monty and quickly made his way to Roxys Raceway where he heard giggling.
He entered Roxys Raceway and when he did his eyes widened.
He saw Sun kissing that Pink-haired security guard. (HIHIHIHIHI)
The security guard had its hands on Suns waist as Sun had his arms wrapped around the security guards neck.
(Bro I've written Sun x me fanfiction before but I don't think I ever made us kiss this is making me giggle)

Moon looked at the scene infront of him with tears slowly forming in his eyes.
Everything was silent and his knees felt weak.
He felt like passing out, seeing Sun kiss someone else. (I'm better than Moon, Sun should just stay with me)

Moons knees gave up on him as he fell on the ground, crying.
Sun and the Security guard started giggling, not noticing Moon as they ran off to a private area.
(bro I hate my giggle/laugh sm)

Moon sat on the ground, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces, he looked at his hands, slowly fading away.
Moon didn't understand what was happening but he didn't mind after Sun left him like this.
Suddenly he heard someone call his name and shake him by his shoulder.

"Moony! Wake up!! It's time for you to get up!"
-"... what..?"
"Moony you told me to wake you up by now, I forgot the time so you slept for a little longer I'm sorry!!"
-"I... Was sleeping?"
"Yea! You wanted to take a nap after naptime yourself don't you remember?"

Moon looked at Sun, trying his best to not burst out into tears.

"Moony are you okay? What's wrong?"
-"Yea I'm fine.. I guess.."
"Do you not wanna talk about it right now?"
-"No not really... I just need time to think about it right now.."
"Okay, if you're ready to talk I'm happy to listen! Do you wanna draw with me so you can think of something else?"
-"I'd love that.."

Sun smiled and grabbed Moons hand, gently pulling him out of the bed and to the balcony.
While Sun jumped in the ballpit, Moon summoned his wire and landed next to the ballpit, not even thinking about touching the ballpit.

Sun jokingly rolled his eyes and got out of the ballpit, holding onto Moons arm and walked with him to the Arts '& Crafts table.

Sun got a few papers and all sorts of colored pencils.
Moon started sketching with a normal pencil while Sun just immediately went in with colors.
Moon wanted to draw him and Sun in a attempt to comfort himself, what he ended up drawing was him killing that pink-haired security guard.
Sun looked at Moons drawing and looked at Moon confused.

"Moony? Do... Do you wanna explain this?"
Moon looked at Sun when he realized what he was sketching.
-"Ah well... Uhm..."
Moon looked to the side and slowly started explaining that he had a nightmare and what it was about.

"Oh Moony, I would never do something like that! I pinky promise you you're the only one I love! I would never kiss any other person!"
Sun held onto Moon tightly kissing him all over his face.
Moon smiled and wrapped his arms around Suns upper body, burying his face in Suns neck.

"You don't need to worry moony.. You're the most handsome man I have ever seen~"
"I'd rather die than even think about dating anyone else!"
Sun held Moons face in his hands ans kissed him passionately.

"I could never love someone more than I love you~"
-"I love you too..."
Sun kept kissing Moon, whispering sweet, comforting things in his ear, after a while they just sat on the ground in each other's arms.

-"Can you promise me something?"
"Anything you want"
-"Promise me to not get near that guard for a few days... Maybe weeks... Months would be-"
"I promise you I will not get near it.
For as long as you want I'll stay away from it~"

Moon smiled and kissed Suns neck, holding him tighter, while Sun kept whispering about how much he loved Moon, never wanting Moon to have a nightmare like that again.


This is very short I'm so sorry but it's already 1 AM and I just felt like writing!!
Also yea I had to add myself leave me alone hihi

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