A Menace In The Darkness

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Side note!! <33:
Yall it's 9:30 PM while I'm writing this??? I'm finally not writing at 3AM??? I'm so cool literally omg
(update after I finished writing, it is now 11:45PM sooo yeaaaa)

Sun was happily chatting with Chica, they haven't talked to each other in a few days so Chica invited Sun for a little platonic date night.
Moon wasn't too happy about Sun leaving him alone since he couldn't talk to anyone else, usually on nights like this Moon would go spend time with Roxy or Monty, but those two and Freddy had a mini-golf competition.

They did invite Moon to tag along but he didn't want to. He just wanted to stay inside the daycare and cuddle his boyfriend.
He did get a little jealous if he was truly honest with himself, obviously not jealous as in he's scared Chica will take Sun away from him since her and Roxy are really happy together but jealous as in he's bored and needs attention.

He thought about what to do, he wrote poems, drew something and even cleaned up the daycare. Twice.
He made his way to the play-structures and flew on top of them, looking down at the playarea.
That's when an idea shot into his head.
A really mean idea.
He sinisterly smiled to himself and prepared everything.

Chica walked Sun back to the Daycare, they still happily talked, especially happy they finally spend some time together again. They hugged as a goodbye and Sun went inside the Daycare.

But it was weird to him that the lights were off, did Moon leave and turn them off?
Sun uncomfortably made his way down to the playarea.

"M-Moony? Are you here? W-why are the lights off?"

Sun slowly made his way to the play-structures since he wanted to try to turn on the generators.
He was just about to get into the play-structures when he suddenly felt something touch his back.
He quickly turned around, trying to hit whatever was infront of him but he didn't hit anything.
He tried looking around but it was all too dark for him.

He didn't think anything of it, maybe he was just imagining things being all alone in the darkness.
He took a deep breath, turning around and making his way to the first generator.

He felt his way around the play-structures when suddenly he didn't feel the wall of the structures but the back of someone's hand.

He instantly screamed and ran away, hearing chuckling behind him, he realized it was Moon chuckling and that made him a little angry, but he still quickly made his way to the next genarator turning it on.
He instantly started hitting stuff around him, incase Moon decided to pull any more tricks.

He slowly got used to the darkness so he was able to look around a little better, but he didn't see Moon, maybe he just imagined Moons chuckling to give himself some comfort? He couldn't think about that now.

He made his way to the next generator turning it on quickly, he looked around not seeing anyone.
He needed to go to the other side for the remaining 2 generators so he quickly made his way out. He went to climb the other play-structure when suddenly...

"SURPRISE!!" Moon yelled grabbing Sun by his waist.
"AH-" Sun screamed, jumping out of Moons arms and fell on the ground.
He looked at Moon, trying to comprehend what happened while Moon held his stomach from laughter.

"MOON! that wasn't funny! Do you know how scared I was? Turn the lights back on." Sun said, pouting and crossing his arms.
Moon quickly turned the lights on, still laughing.

Sun was mad at Moon for scaring him, He went up to their room, he didn't wanna see Moon for being so mean.

"Aww Sunny, come on~ it was funny~"
Sun just rolled his eyes and cuddled himself into their bed.
"Sunnyyy~" Moon laughed, flying up to their room to annoy Sun even more.

Sun looked at the wall when he saw Moon entering.

"Now come on Sunny~"
Moon sat down next to Sun, who just slid closer to the wall.
Moon always thought Sun was adorable when Mad, but he didn't like when Sun cried while he was mad so he made sure not not cross that line.

Moon wrapped his arms around Sun, pulling him closer.
"Come on Sunny~ I was bored~"
-"don't touch me."
"Hm~ is the little Sunshine mad~?"
-"What do you think."

Moon giggled.
"What should I do so you're not mad anymore?~
Do you want to play something? Should I read you a story?"
-"Save it you meanie."
Sun pouted but he was blushing from Moon holding him.

Moon smirked when he saw that.
He pulled Sun so that he was on his lap and kissed him all over his face as an apology.
Sun was complaining and tried to push Moons face away.
He just grabbed Sun's wrists and continued kissing him.

Sun was blushing even more, he hated how flustered Moon could make him, he also hated that Moon never took him too seriously when he was angry.

"Oh my Sweet, Sweet Sunshine~" Moon said, the words being a little muffled by Moon still kissing Sun.
-"M-Moon, I-I'm still mad at you-"
"Continue being mad, I can't get over how cute you are~"
Sun let out a sigh.

Moon continued teasing and kissing Sun while Sun tried to stay mad at Moon, but he quickly forgot about why he was mad and just appreciated the kisses.


I'm really dissapointed in myself because of this oneshot but I thought it was cute ok but it feels so rushed and I don't like that anyways here u go sillies (I apologize that this one is really short I just needed comfort and figured a short oneshot wouldn't harm) ((Honestly I'm pretty close to deleting this one since I really don't like this one but oh well what can you do))

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