The rain of Fire: Gouenji X Reader

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We should start!!!!


"Uwaaah!" You stretched when you woke up from bed. "Hmm...what time Is it..." You looked in the clock and found that you are 2 hours late for class. "O-Oh no!!!"

You quickly changed your clothes and forgot to get a bath or eat lunch. You ran to school and sneaked inside the classroom.

"F/n late again!" The teacher got pissed looking at the chalk board.

Youe quickly stood up in panic "S-sorry!" You noticed Gouenji looking outside the window "His as cool as ever..." You talked out loud.

"What is it F/n!?" The teacher looked at you "Go back to your seat!!!!"

"Y...Yes sir!" You ran to your seat behind Gouenji. "Please notice me senpai..." You whispered as you putted a letter in Gouenji's chair.


After Class

You stretched for surviving the teachers long speech "Kyaah...That took long!" You sighed "Huh? Gounji-senpai?" You followed Gouenji going in the boys toilet. You blushed and went away.

"Hm? F/n?" You heard Gouenji's voice calling your name.

"G-Gouenji-senpai?" You turned around

As you turned, You saw Gouenji smiling at you. You blushed as red as a Tomato.

"W-What?" You blushed even redder.

"You got rice in your face." He walked closer to you and took the rice and ate it.


You both got closer and closer and--

"F/n!!!" A loud voice echoed.

"Huh?" You looked around


You woke up "H-huh?"

"Sleeping in my class again!!!???

"E...EH!? G-Gomenasai..." You looked down then to Gouenji.

Everyone in class laughed at you except Gouenji.

"Ugh..There goes my life..." You whispered.

Graduation came and you felt sad and happy at the same time.

You were happy because you fulfilled your mother's wish but you were sad because your mom wants you to transfer...which means no Gouenji-senpai...


10 Years Later

"Hanyaaa!!!!" You stretched your hands and walked in the street "I never changed even a bit until now!" You sighed.

You dropped your bag and went to pick it suddenly and man picked it up and stole it. "H-Hey! That's my bag!!!"

You followed him "Hu, Hu, Hu! Agh! Give...It...Back!!!" You stopped and noticed that you were in the street and you were almost hit by a truck you closed your eyes then.

You opened you eyes and felt as if you were flying "Huh?" You looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair who is kind of cute. You looked down and saw you jumping so high "E-E-EHHH!!!!!????" Then you noticed you were held by him in a bridal style.

You soon went down and he smiled at you "Are you okay?" He asked

"Y-Yes..." You blushed

"I'm Ishido Shuuiji."

"I'm F/n Kidou"

(Of course! You have to be someone's sister or something!)

"Kidou? F/n? You look oddly familiar" He smiled.

"Ishido Shuuiji?" You tried to remember who that is "Wait!!! Ishido Shuuiji!!! The holy emperor!" You looked to where he was standing but he was gone.

You heard a scream saying "It's The holy emperor!!!"You looked to where the voice came from and saw him giving me back my bag and behind him the police was there...And he was holding a soccer ball.


"Th-Thank you Holy Emperor."

"Call me Ishido."

"N-No! I must call you Holy Emperor!!!" You panicked

"F/n...If you ever need help just call me" He gave you a number.

You looked at it then he was gone...Again.

5 months after when the Holy Emperor Ishido Shuuiji lost.



"F/n? Glad of you to talk!"

"Can you meet me at Inazuma Park?"

"Sure! Why?"

You ended the call and blushed "Oh- Oh no...I'm seriously in-"


"Th-That was quick!"

"I was at the back of the park when you called me."


"So...What's wrong?"



"I-I like you!!!"

He blushed you blushed. You both blushed.



He suddenly kissed you in front of everyone

"Me too..."


"Call me Gouenji..."

"Gouenji!? As in Gouenji Shuuya!?"


"No way...My first love had finally become my Boyfriend!" You blushed.

"....." He sighed "Well...My wish is finally granted too" He smiled gently.

As you both watched the sunset together

I know...It sucks! But you can tell me who to write next...But first...FUBUKI!

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