My Bad Ending: Burn X Reader

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Note: This has a Bad ending. The Happy Ending will come soon. P.S Short Story ^_^ 100% it also made me cry writing it XD


You walked on the cold eerie woods.

"Cold...The fog is getting thicker..." You whispered.

You walked as you saw a shining lamp and decided to follow it.

You heard the alarm ring.

"Woah!!!!" You jumped off your bed "Ouch!" You patted your head "That weird dream again..."

You stood up and arranged your messy bed.

You took your clock.

"Geez...Just what time is it!?" You looked at the clock and widened your eyes "CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOO FIVE MINUTES LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You quickly ran.

You changed to your uniform and ate breakfast in 1 minute flat.

Yo ran down to the garage.

You quickly opened the garage door and ran inside.

You took out your bike in the garage and rode it going to school.

"Please don't make me punished!" You quickly chained your bike on the bike stand and ran inside the school before the school bell rang to close the gates.

You opened the classroom door and sneaked inside.

"And todays lesson is---" The teacher saw you "Miss F/n Suzuno! Late in class again!?"

You stood up embarrassed and patted your head "Ah...Um..."

Fuuske sighed and stood up "Miss...My little sister was late because---"

"She was groaning like a monster in her bed shouting for potato chips and sweet desserts messing things up and turned her alarm clock at ten AM" Nagumo smirked.

You opened your mouth widely shocked at what Nagumo said.

Inside your mind: (W-What he said was true...JUST WHERE THE HECK DOES NAGUMO LIVE!? MARS!? THE MOON!? PLUTO!?)

The teacher sighed "Take your seat F/n"

You walked looking down sadly.

After that day...

You saw Nagumo running outside the gate.

He looked so pale and panicked. 

"What's he up to now?" You whispered to yourself.

Inside your mind: (These feelings for Nagumo...I couldn't bear it as a secret anymore...Nagumo...)

You made a grip and looked at the beautiful rays of the sun.

"I've decided!" You smiled widely "I F/n L/n will try my best to confess to Nagumo!"

As a month passed...

You ran happily as you had a love letter in your hands.

Inside your mind: (Finally! Finally! I get to--)

"Nagumo--" You were cutted.

A girl went confessing to Nagumo.

"N-Nagumo...?" You whispered to youself.

The girl hugged Nagumo "I...I like you Haruya-senpai!!"

You felt your heart starting to burst.

Nagumo gently smiled and patted the girl's head.

You widened your eyes in shock.

You made a grip in your chest.

Inside your mind: (W-What!? Heart! S-Stop! Your supposed to be pounding for blood! T-This isn't like me!)

Nagumo went near the girl.

You widened your eyes and made a tighter grip in your chest.

Inside your mind: (No...Don't touch her Nagumo!!!!!)

You tried to reach out but your chest was hurting in pain.

Then before you noticed...

Nagumo and that girl were already kissing.

You widened your eyes...

Your heart was pounding of hatred and sadness.

"" You whispered quietly to yourself.

You shred tears and ran away as you threw the letter you worked hard on for a month...

Nagumo noticed you.

"W-Wait here" Nagumo ran "F/n!?"

Nagumo heard a sound.

"Huh? A cellphone?" He took it.

It was your cellphone.

"This is...F/n's" Nagumo said.

Then he heard your voice recording.

"Yosh!!! I'm going to work hard for a letter for Nagumo~! This will take long but who cares? Yosh!!! Wait for me Nagumo!!!" 

Nagumo widened his eyes in shock "F/n..." He looked down "Why did you run...?"

The End.


Liselotte: It's been so long minna-san~~~! Hope you enjoy-- cried on my first bad ending story~! 

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