Past Avalanche: Fubuki X Reader (Again)

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Liesolette (Author) : Fubuki Is back once again! But this is a different story...

Gouenji: Fubuki X Reader

Liesolette: An avalanche will come once again in Fubuki's life...Will he be alright?

Gouenji: F/n is trapped with him during the avalanche...

Liesolette: Will they be able to get out in time for the up-coming match?

Gouenji: Will Fubuki ever withstand his nightmares?

Liesolette: I sure hope so...

Gouenji and Liesolette: Find Out! On Chapter 13 Past Avalanche

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Tomorrow's Chapter!

Chapter 13 Past Avalanche!


(Author) Liesolette: Will Fubuki be alright? The script is with avalanche...

Fubuki:I-I-I'm Fine....It's fake right?

Liesolette: You don't wanna know...

Fubuki: I'll take that as a Yes...


You were eating breakfast when you remembered you had to go on a practice match to Hokaido where Fubuki's home was...You quickly ate your breakfast and ran to school.

You saw the caravan leave you so you ran after it. Then it stopped... "Phew!" You went up and saw that Gouenji and Fubuki's seat is wide open so you sat in their middle and took their hands "Warm..."

You saw Fubuki's cheeks turn pink while you turned at Gouenji who turned red.

"Hey! What's with you both? It's just me!" You let go of them.

"G-Gomen..." Fubuki looked at you.

Gouenji looked away without saying a word...

5 hours you went asleep and Fubuki woke you up "F/n-chan....we're here."

"E-Eh? So this is Hokaido....I didn't bought my sweater..."

"Don't worry you can borrow my scarf...just don't lose it..." He gave you his scarf

Inside the scarf: (FUBUKI!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Arigato..." You wore the scarf. "It's warm..." You smiled as you held Fubuki's hands and went out the caravan.

"Help me do Snowboarding!" You sweetly asked.

"......" He smiled "Un!"

(By the way...Did I mention that Fubuki got a crush on you??? XD )

You both did snowboarding but you always fell...Then Fubuki grabbed you and you suddenly moved by yourself.

"E-Eh!?" You suddenly went down steep.

"F/n-Cha- Atsuya!?" He thought he saw Atsuya inside you.


Back to where Atsuya was still alive...

Fubuki and Atsuya were snowboarding. It was the same mountain as you fell into.

"Fubuki! Hurry Up!!!"

"A-Atsuya! Your going too fast!"

"Tch! I'm going ahead!" Atsuya said going faster down.

"A-Atsuya!!!" Fubuki followed Atsuya.

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