Other World: Chapter 22

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Note: Were almost at the end of the story...


"Tell Me More!" You jumped.

I giggled "F/n-chan...Maybe we should...Go to the main objective to why were here?"

"Ohh! Right!" You sat down and patted your head.

"Afuro Terumi, If I recall he is Aphrodite's son." I said "Aphrodite as the Goddess of beauty has the son Aphrodi God Of Love,Peace and..." I zipped my mouth "Stuff..."

"Stuff?" You stared.

"S-Stuff..." I nodded.

"What's the Stuff about?" You pouted.

I looked away.

"What's with that look?" You pouted even more.


A. Stare

B. Look Away

C. Never Mind

D. Impolitely Stare and sigh


I looked at you "So, we should go back to our time period before someone in this time finds us..."

"Why?" You asked.

"It might cause a ruckus and...It might change the past and the future" I said.

"So--" You were cutted.

"Oh? A young lady?" A woman said behind you.

I widened my eyes and quickly went inside the pendant before she could see me.


A. Gulp

B. Look Down


She pouted "What?"

You shook your head "N-N-N-Nothing!"

"You are weird..." The woman said.

'She looks a bit like...' You thought.

I whispered to you "Say what I say okay?"

You nodded.

"I'm just passing through and saw this beautiful village..." I whispered to you.

You gulped and smiled raising your right hand and waving "I-I'm just passing through and saw this beautiful village!"

"Oh...Is that so?" The woman smiled.

"Say your name..." I whispered.

"M-My name is F/n L/n" You sweat dropped while smiling.

She smiled "Oh my! I'm M/s/n L/n" 

(M/s/n is a term of My Sister's name...I made it up~!)

"L...L/N?!" You backed down and I got shocked widening my mouth.

"M/s/n?! As In...She's the one so called ___ _______?!" I widened my eyes.

(Revealed! The blank is M/s/n L/n)

"We don't wanna get trouble changing her past! Run away as far and as fast as you can!" I whisper-shouted at you.

You nodded and ran away.

"Wha?! Wait!" M/s/n shouted.

As you ran you stopped to a thick and tall tree.

You sighed "Did we lost her?" You asked.

"I'm afraid were the one that got lost" I sighed.

"WHA?!" You backed down.

I sighed "Rest assured we will find---"

"A/n-san?" You stared at the pendant.

I went out and started to fly away.

"Wha?! Wait A/n-san!" You followed me.

I suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

"A-A/n-san?" You walked to the direction i disappeared in...

Suddenly a flash of light appeared, you covered your eyes to avoid getting blind.

As you opened your eyes, Kazemaru and the others were with you watching me.

"Huh?" You stared.

"F/n?" Kazemaru said "You disappeared in Crysalia but A/n appeared and told us you went ahead so we followed you..."

"I did?" You gulped.

"Yes...And...Why did you leave?" Shirou asked.

"Tch! Don't go thinking like you're the hero!" Atsuya said.

You pouted "I'm not!" You looked at me "So why is A/n-san asleep? In the rose garden? and wearing a black dress that looks like a witch or...a princess's dress?" You asked.

"This is A/n's body...And her soul went inside a few hours ago and she still hasn't moved" Fidio said.

"I wonder what happened..." Fuyuka looked down.

Aki,Haruna and Natsumi nodded agreeing to Fuyuka.

"Don't worry Fuyuppe! Minna! She'll be fine!" Endou smiled.

Suddenly I opened my eyes.

Everyone gasped "A/N-SAN!"

"S-See!" Endou smiled full of courage.

I stood up "Where...?"

You went near me.

I looked at you madly and pushed you away.

You backed down "A-A/n-san?"

"Thanks for getting my body back!" I smirked.


A. "A/n-san?"

B. "Who...Who are you?! Where's A/n-san?!"

C. "A/n-san...Is it...No, WHO ARE YOU?!" 


-To Be Continued

Note: Please answer...So that I can write the other part

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