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Delphinium, California - December 8, 2012 - 12:24 PM

"Alright, where are we going?"

"Down there. It's right down there."

The Eaton ancestral home was entirely average-looking, at least from the outside. However, seeing as it was located just a short walk away from the coastal town Delphinium on one side, and an expansive forest on the other, it came off as picturesque. Cozy.


When Felix had invited Metta to come see his house, Metta had been nervous at first. After all, if Bill caught him sneaking Felix out, he could in even bigger trouble than he was already in. But Felix had reassured him that it would all be okay, and Metta trusted Felix. Stepping into the home felt like he was being given a great honour, even though it was just a house. But this place was important to Felix.

"Funny," Felix murmured. "I haven't been here in what feels like so long, but it seems... untouched."

"You don't see many places like that nowadays." Metta commented. "That's lucky."

"Perhaps..." Felix walked slowly further into his own living room, looking around. "I'm not sure, though. Perhaps the chaos just avoids the residual feeling of magic here. Anyway, that's not... I have something to take care of upstairs. Do you mind waiting?"

"Sure." Metta tilted his head as Felix dashed up the stairs. What could he be taking care of? He hadn't mentioned anything like that earlier. Metta shrugged it off and started looking around the room.

The furniture in the living room was like a mishmash of different ideas. Purple chair to old-school flowery couch, to a smooth, extremely brightly coloured couch that Metta thought was abhorrent. There was a Live, Laugh, Love over the front door. Honestly, none of that was the main thing that caught his attention.

There were two pictures on the wall, above the TV. One of them was entirely expected, a picture of Felix with his adult daughter, Rose. Metta wondered if there were any pictures of her younger. They both looked happy. The subject of the other picture didn't look as happy, although she was beautiful. A young woman with medium length brown hair, posing for the camera. Metta had no idea who she was, although if he had to guess he'd say she was Rose's mother. Felix had never mentioned her. Neither had Rose.

Secretly, he longed to have a father that looked at him the way Felix looked at Rose. Someone he could look up to and try to be like, and who could tell him he was special and loved. The way it should've been with his own parents. His aunt and uncle were fantastic, but...

He walked away from the photo, not wanting to think about that anymore. He was more curious to see what was down that hallway beside the stairs. He walked down it, and entered the room at the end. Oh. It was just the kitchen. Granted, the first thing he saw was the bright red refridgerator, but a fairly normal kitchen nonetheless. It was a little bit like Undyne's, if he squinted. He smiled at the memory of arguing with Undyne over the correct amount of fire one needed on their stove. Served her right that she'd eventually burned her own house down trying to cook pasta.

Most of the food in this kitchen was probably spoiled now. It was a little sad. Such a nice house with no one in it for a couple months. What did it feel like to grow up as an Eaton, Metta wondered. What did it feel like to be Felix's-?


He turned. Felix was walking down the hallway, looking for him. Metta moved into the doorway, smiling.

"I like your kitchen." He said quietly. "Seems fun to cook in."

"Try it sometime!" Felix put a hand on Metta's shoulder. "I mean it. You can use this kitchen whenever you like."

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