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The Fearamid - ??????????????

How long had it been? Days, weeks, months? Or... just minutes? No. No, he couldn't bear the thought. It had to have been longer. 

The chaos was loud, the world was loud, it hurt, the noise, it hurt so much... How was he supposed to keep fighting all this? Why was he fighting? What would happen if he just... let himself become part of the chaos?

The robot dimly remembered a very good reason... The demon, Bill Cipher, he wanted to use him for awful purposes... Right. But did it even matter anymore? Bill had been gone a very long time, Mettaton was alone, so alone, he just wanted to see someone, anyone, have an interaction with another living thing.

The longing was so strong... maybe if he gave in, Bill would come back... he sighed and stopped fighting.

The chaos began to spread throughout, it was LOUD, it was strong, it hurt, no, this wasn't right...

He searched his mind for something, anything he knew for fact, latching onto it in a panicked fervor. His name was... M... Mettablook. No, it was Mettaton now. Mettaton Blook. Right? And that was because... His name had changed when he became a robot. Yeah. 

My name is Mettaton Blook. I am 18 years old and I am a ghost monster turned robotic TV star.  My SOUL trait is HOPE.

Were his friends okay? Bill had said they could die, right? What if it had been so long they were all dead? What if Mettaton was next? 

Well, being dead would be almost preferable to this.

My name is Mettaton Blook. I'm 17... or, 18 years old and I'm a... robot. As seen on TV~!

The facts were becoming harder and harder to remember. There was so little he COULD remember. The faces of his friends... why he was fighting... even who he was... he could FEEL it all leaving him and it scared him. When he was gone, what would stop Bill from taking what was left as his... as his slave?

Nothing would. Nothing could, Bill was all powerful. Because of... Mettaton...

My name is Mettaton. I'm 18 and I'm a robot.

Bill called him Lightning Bolt. Maybe THAT was his name. Maybe he didn't know anything about himself anymore... What was the truth, what was a lie? He couldn't be sure.

Waves of nausea, his vision was blurry, his SOUL barely glowed... He was losing hope. Nothing could save him, nothing could stop Bill, everything was pointless, why was he fighting, he should just...

My name is Lightning Bolt. And I will do whatever I have to do to serve my Master.

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