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Mistral's house - October 10, 2012 - 9:22 AM

Something is wrong.

Mistral couldn't explain the thought, but it felt true. Something was definitely wrong. But what was it? There was her room, there were her things, there was the sun newly risen into the sky... there was the hum of Mettaton's mind?

The robot felt far, distant. It felt as though something was blocking his thoughts from her. Could Mettaton be trying to hide something? But... what? And why would it have to be hidden from her, it's not like she would tell anyone!

Well, she supposed her friend had his reasons. They hadn't even been friends very long, how well did she REALLY know him?

She threw her bed covers aside and placed her feet on the carpeted floor. She sighed, moved across the room, and opened the door. It was Saturday, she could go and see him right away.

Mistral headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Her mother was on the phone, and she seemed anxious? About what? She sat at the table and waited patiently for Ellen to hang up.

It didn't take long. "Yes, I'll ask her... Bye, hon." Placing the phone down, Ellen turned to Mistral, who cocked her head curiously. "Mistral, your father tells me your friend Mettaton is missing."

"...Missing?" Wait... the block... Mettaton wasn't doing anything illegal, was he? Mistral's eyes widened in fear, shock, worry.

Ellen nodded, eyes full of sympathy and compassion for her daughter. "He wonders if you could use the link between you two to locate him," Mistral's mother continued. "The note he left sounded urgent, and we wonder if he's in some sort of trouble..."

Mistral shook her head. "I can't," she said, unable to keep the anxiety out of her voice. "Mettaton's blocking me out, I don't think he can even hear me..." She rubbed her arm subconsciously out of worry.

Ellen sighed. "Well, you should go down there. Maybe you'll still be able to help out."

Mistral nodded. "Yeah... I'll try."

Ellen placed a plate of pancakes before Mistral and the girl heartily dug in. Despite the circumstances, she couldn't help but enjoy the delectable pancakes. So GOOD, as always!

She finished quickly and stood up. "I'm going to go now, Mom."

Ellen nodded. "Bye, love," she hugged her daughter and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Mistral hugged back, smiling, before pulling away.

She walked out the door, glancing around the street. It was still early, so not many people were out. Well, it WAS Saturday, after all. Most people thought Mistral was insane for getting up early on weekends, but her whole family were early risers.

She turned left, towards her father's lab, and walked up the street, staring at the ground. She briefly considered the fact that everyone was freaking out over nothing, that Mettaton was fine, that he would soon return.

Mistral could feel in her SOUL that that wasn't the case.

She glanced up upon arrival at the lab, it was a short walk. She entered the foyer and glanced around.

"I'm here," she said, glancing around. The lab was mostly empty, except for Rose at her father's desk, and Ray himself.

"Oh, good, Mistral..." Ray dashed over to his daughter. "Were you able to...?"

His unfinished question hung in the air for a moment. Mistral knew what he was asking, and felt terrible that he had to hear the answer. She shook her head, not wanting to speak.

She looked over at Rose and headed over to her. The ginger girl held a note, presumably Mettaton's.

"Hey, Rose...?" Mistral said it timidly. She was so cool, Mistral found herself shy around Rose.

"Sup." Rose glanced up at Mistral.

"Is that... The note?"


"What does it say? Can I read it?" Mistral cocked her head.

Rose folded the paper into a paper airplane and threw it at Mistral, who managed to catch it before it hit her in the face. This was why Rose was awesome.

She looked down at Mettaton's pink swirly writing and reading the following:

Hey Darlings-

I have to go somewhere, there's something really important I have to do. Don't come after me, I'll be back soon enough anyway.


"Oh, Mettaton..." Mistral bit her lip. Why wouldn't he SAY anything? There had been NO clues! "And we don't have any idea where he is?" She looked up, gaze switching between her father and Rose.

"Nope," said her dad.

"He's not powerful enough for me to sense from far away." Rose half-muttered to herself.

"For you to what?" Mistral stared at the ginger.


Mistral exchanged looks with her father. "Okay then!"

Mistral sighed. "What are we going to do? What if he's hurt? What if he's doing something... bad?" Mistral could definitely say she was freaking out at that point.

"Prolly the latter," said Rose nonchalantly.

"But why would he?" Mistral's head snapped up. "He's not bad!

"It's complicated," came the soft reply.

"Rose, did he..." Ray hesitated. "Say something to you?"

"Not technically."

Mistral was blasted out of her confusion by a sudden loud noise outside. "...What was that?"

"Called it!" Rose smiled.

Mistral's father walked over to the door and stuck his head out. He very quickly pulled it back in. "You called that the sky would open and let a bunch of demonic anomalies through?"

"Does that fit the category of 'bad', Ray?" Rose looked at him seriously.

Mistral's eyes widened. "Rose, you're saying this was... Mettaton?" Mistral refused to believe it. "But how?"

"He's not equipped to cause something like this, it's impossible!"

"Eh, impossible isn't really a word with much meaning." Rose shrugged.

"Rose is right. This is very possible." Mistral's head swiveled to see the approach of Great Uncle Ford. "This is the work of Bill Cipher."

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