It's A Deal

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Ray Pines' Lab - September 6, 2012 - 11:59 AM

Shyren didn't look quite the same as she had the last time Mettaton had seen her at... when had it been, graduation? They had barely talked that day. The distance had begun before that, though. When her sister fell down.

Of course, Shyra was part of one of the amalgamates created by Alphys in her lab. So maybe that could account for the new shine in Shyren's eyes, the smile on her face. Unfortunately, reuniting with her family had not cured Shyren of her shyness.

"Thank you both for coming." Mettaton finally said once it became clear neither Shyren nor Blooky had anything to add after pleasantries had been exchanged. He was seated crosslegged on the floor across from the two of them, gathered in the front room of the lab. "I truly do look forward to this partnership. It's sort of like... destiny, in a way, don't you think?"

Blooky and Shyren exchanged a look. They both seemed quite nervous. They had doubt in themselves, Mettaton knew. But he also knew that together with them, anything was possible. That was how it had always felt before.

"Really?" Shyren finally spoke, albeit softly. "You think so...? I just like to sing, I don't... really know why you asked me to come."

"Because!" Mettaton leaned towards her, giving her a bright and encouraging smile. She looked a little scared. "You, Shyren, have the best singing voice in the entire underground! Even I can admit that. And Napstablook here is a master DJ."

"i actually just make beats......" Blooky looked away, sounding embarrassed. "and upload them..... i don't expect anyone to even listen to my stuff....."

"But...?" Mettaton supplied, not wanting it to be left at that. His sweet cousin gave him a surprised glance.

"but.... i'm glad you did...... because....." Blooky steeled their nerves, giving one of the most confident smiles Mettaton had ever seen from them. "i want to share my music with the world. don't you, shyren?"

"Um... yeah...!" Shyren smiled back at them. "I really do. I don't just like to sing, I... I love it."

"And that's exactly the kind of passion I was looking for!" Mettaton snapped his fingers. "We'll combine raw talent (which I also have) with my fame and fabulosity. It's sure to work!"

Behind Mettaton, he suddenly heard a haughty, boisterous laugh. Shyren and Blooky stared past him in surprise. Mettaton turned around slowly, feeling his fans start to heat up with a low whirrrrrr. Who would dare to laugh at him? How rude was that?

"Fame? Fabulosity?" The speaker was, quite oddly, some sort of... animatronic anime catgirl? She looked strangely familiar. "Get real. You barely managed to keep viewers purring with your garbage! And don't even get me started on raw talent. You're all artificial, bozo."

"What did you just call me...?" Mettaton jumped to his feet, hands on his hips.

"I called you a bozo, bozo." She laughed again.

"Who are you to be calling me anything, sweetheart?" He frowned. "You don't know anything about me."

Wait. He recognized this anime catgirl. From Alphys's posters. And- he thought he'd even seen this exact doll before. Alphys had been so excited about her Mew Mew doll that could... repeat phrases, look cute, not walk around and insult Mettaton when he was just minding his own business.

"I know everything about you. Meww-ser." Mew Mew clicked her tongue. "Why don't you two ditch this idiot and come work for a real star? My streaming career promises to bring in millions. Millions! MILLIONS, I say!"

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