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Ray Pines' Lab - October 10, 2012 - ????

"Good news, we still have plumbing!"

Mistral smiled wide as she brought a cup of water back to where Rose was sitting. The redhead hadn't moved since Mistral had left. She didn't look at Mistral, just took the cup out of her hands. 

"Now if only I could get a signal..." Mistral muttered as she pulled out her phone, sitting back down next to Rose. Rose glanced over at Mistral's screen, before wincing and looking away. Bright lights weren't great for headaches. 

"It doesn't seem likely." Rose said softly. "Unless some weird chaos-y stuff zaps the power back on."

"What are the chances of THA-" Mistral cut herself short and let out a freaked scream as the building lights suddenly burst on. 

"...not surprised." Rose observed. "TBH as soon as I said it wasn't likely it sounded dumb."

"Jeez, you think this apocalypse has an attitude...?" 

"I mean yeah." 

Mistral sighed and looked back down at her cracked phone. Ah, there was a signal! Now, if her parents tried to call her, they'd be able to reach her! She wished she knew someone, anyone she could call right then. But all they could do was wait.  

Mistral felt a surge of anger. At Mettaton, at Bill, at her parents for leaving them there. This sucked. She couldn't BELIEVE she'd ever wanted something exciting to happen. Because, as it turned out, exciting things weren't fun! God damnit!

Now that something like this had happened, all she wanted was for everything to go back to normal. So she could yell at Mettaton for doing something so STUPID! If only he would respond to her frantic thoughts... Mistral wished her parents would just return already, because clearly the lack of anything happening was getting to her. 

 Bang bang bang! 

Mistral jumped to her feet in shock, tense and wary. She faced the barricaded door. That was NOT her parents' super secret special knock. Who in the WORLD could it possibly be? There was no chance she was letting them in. No way. They could be dangerous, they could hurt her or Rose. 

Speaking of Rose, the redhead was jumping to her feet (with a slight wince, that headache was definitely not fun) and running to open the door. She pushed the small shelf being used as blockage aside. Rose, no, stop it, what are you doing-

Rose looked back over to Mistral, smiling tightly as she unlocked the deadbolt. She tapped her head. Mistral cocked her own. She guessed Rose would know if there was someone (or something) bad out there.

The door opened quickly. An older man who looked like he could be about her own father's age embraced Rose into a tight hug. Mistral's eyes widened in shock. Wha-? Who was this, that he knew Rose so well? Rose had never mentioned him. To be fair, they had only known each other for a month or so...

She watched as Rose hugged the man back with shaky arms. His eyes were shut tight as he held her close. Mistral looked down at her feet, awkward. She felt like she was intruding on something. Like she shouldn't be there. 

"Hey, Mistral." Rose called over softly. Mistral looked up in mild surprise. The two were pulling out of the hug, and the man was turning back towards the door, setting up the barricade once more. "Come meet my dad."

"Your..." Mistral looked between the man and Rose, walking closer to the two. He straightened up and turned to face her with a gentle smile on his face. Mistral's eyes widened. She could really see the family resemblance. 

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