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Ray Pines' Lab - September 16, 2012 - 10:17 AM

Great-Uncle Ford had hidden himself away in a back corner of Dad's lab, far away from the hustle and bustle. It had been explained to Mistral that that was the kind of person he was, especially after having spent years trapped outside of his home dimension.

Truthfully, she was incredibly nervous. Here she was, going to speak directly to an eccentric demon expert, and she'd have to fool him. Betray him. But he was on the wrong side, it seemed, so... she'd just have to do her best. Even if stealing from him didn't feel right, she knew it would turn out to be in the end. And maybe then he'd see the truth, and her family would be alright.

Dipper was nearly vibrating with excitement as they approached the door behind which they'd find Great-Uncle Ford. Mabel bounced along beside him. Neither of them seemed nervous like Mistral was. Well, neither of them were in the same situation Mistral was.

Dipper was the one to knock on the door. Mistral stood back, listening to seemingly endless locks being unlocked, and steadied herself. After a loud buzzing, the door suddenly swung open and Great-Uncle Ford finally emerged. His movements were sharp for someone of his age, and he first glanced around the three of them, gaze suspicious.

"You weren't followed, were you?" He asked skeptically. "My research is strictly confidential. If it fell into dangerous, or even careless hands, the consequences could be..."

"We know!" Mabel reassured him, laughing slightly.

"Nobody followed us." Dipper said solemnly. "I made sure to keep this under wraps."

"Perfect." Ford turned back into his research rooms. "Well, come in, Dipper, Mabel, Mistral. Sorry about any mess, of course. I tend to get caught up in my work."

"Dad's the same way." Mistral smiled as she followed her family through the door and it was shut tight behind her. "So don't worry. I totally understand how all this sciencey stuff can be."

"Mistral here actually wants to be a scientist herself." Dipper smugly slid up beside Mistral, patting her back to nudge her forward.

"Really!" Great-Uncle Ford's eyes sparkled. "Well, you've come to the right place! I'm sure Dipper could attest, I'm quite the mentor. I'd be happy to share what I know with you."

"Well, if I become a scientist-" Mistral raised an eyebrow at Dipper. "I think my Dad has his heart set on mentoring me. But I'm always glad to learn something new, and I know your area of expertise is... different from his."

"Well, that is certainly true." Great-Uncle Ford frowned. "Up until... recently, Gravity Falls was the epicentre of the strange, the bizarre, the supernatural in this dimension. However, with the reveal of the monsters of Ebott, it changes... everything. But! You're here to ask about demons, aren't you?"

"Yes." Mistral said with an awkward smile. "Dipper told me you have a lot of experience with them."

"Ahhhhh, yes." Great-Uncle Ford sucked in air through his teeth uncomfortably, before falling silent, mumbling things under his breath. Mistral waited, wondering if he was going to continue. She glanced at her cousins. Dipper was copying Great-Uncle Ford's movements, stroking his chin in tandem.

"He's thinking." Mabel whispered as explanation. "Don't worry. It just happens sometimes."

Mistral nodded in understanding. This was a fantastic opportunity. As Great-Uncle Ford pondered his words, Mistral took a moment to glance around the room. Like he'd said, it was messy and disorganized. It was possible she'd have her work cut out for her in finding what she was looking for. She wasn't even sure what it would look like. Even as she thought that, her eyes fell on a small notebook sitting on top of the desk at one distant corner, over top of scattered papers. From the humming sound in her mind, this was it. Bill was obviously excited. That certainly made it easier.

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