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The robot felt warmer than he ever had before. Cozy and safe. He could stay in this soft bed forever, and no pain would ever touch him. Distantly, he was aware that there had been pain. But now there was only bliss.

He blinked open his eyes, letting them adjust to the soft light. The room he was in was a nice room. It was kinda like a cabin. It felt, deeply and truly, like home. Was this home? This could be home.

There was a girl sitting in a chair on the other side of the room. He sat up slowly, head tilted. She was watching him. He didn't really mind that. It didn't feel strange, or unnatural. Rather it felt like the most natural thing in the world. She was familiar.

"I know you." He murmured, mostly to himself. Then he spoke louder. "Have we met?"

"No," she shook her head. "We haven't. But I do know you."

He looked forwards, confused. What could that possibly mean? But he was stopped from continuing down that train of thought by suddenly Remembering.

"Felix." Metta stared at the girl again. "He's dead."


"And... so am I." So this was the afterlife, then? "Are you a god?"

"Yes." She dipped her head in affirmative. "But you're not dead."

"I'm... not?" Metta felt his face screw itself up in pure confusion. "I'm supposed to be. Master put a curse on me. It's better this way."

"You still have too much to answer for." She stood up and walked closer to him. "Your destiny still awaits you."

"Who are you?" Metta stared at her.

"You can call me Crowbar." She smiled. "As in, Crowbar God. I created you. Your world. Everything."

"So you created Bill Cipher, too." Metta bit his lip.

"No." Crowbar God shook her head. "He is something far older. Far more powerful. It's a long story, but... I made a deal with him. I let him take control over your story. I was powerless to stop him once I realized what he'd done."

"But he's gone now." Metta stared at her. "Right?"

"Yes and no." Crowbar hesitated for a moment. "To prevent his curse from taking hold on your SOUL immediately, I was able to delay it for a time. However, at the same time as I did this, I tied his life force to your own. So that when your SOUL inevitably decays and crumbles, he will too. But he is locked out of your dimension. You did that."

"I'm responsible for him now?" Metta sighed. "Fantastic. How long do I have?"

"Until your birthday." Crowbar took his hand in her own. "Until that time, live. Seek redemption. Make up for all the pain you have caused."

"I... I don't know how to do that."

"You will." She smiled, letting go of his hand. "There was a prophecy made once, long ago, about you. Bill knew it. That's why he was so interested in you."

"A prophecy?" Metta's head was spinning.

"It said you, 'Lightning Bolt,' would be a powerful dream demon," Crowbar explained. "And that you would do great things. Bill wanted to control that. But there was another part to the prophecy, too. After your death, your Firstborn will carry on your legacy, and be even greater than you. So it is foretold."

"My... Firstborn?" Metta considered that. "Am I supposed to have kids in the next, what, six months?"

"Who can say?" Crowbar shrugged, a secretive look in her eyes. "All will be clear in time, Metta. But first you must return to the land of the living. I'm glad I could meet you like this."

"...Yeah." Metta laid back down in the bed, feeling like he had less answers than before. This Crowbar God... was certainly a strange one. But he would seek redemption. He would do whatever he could to earn the world's forgiveness.

That... was his mission.

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