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The Lab - December 8, 2012 - 1:58 PM

The whole world shook, breaking apart, chaos slipping through the cracks. It was... leaving, but not without putting up a good fight. It seemed to go on for forever, and then it stopped. The universe breathed a collective sigh of relief. It was over. It was... all over.

Mistral could feel Metta again, now. Well, sort of. Bill had cut them off from each other, and then Metta had suddenly burst through, but he wasn't listening to her. She could barely piece anything together from his mind. All she had known was that he needed her support. So she had given it. Now, all the chaos was gone... but he was non-responsive still.

The Fearamid had crashed down back where everything had started. Gravity Falls. Mistral supposed it made sense that it had really been there the whole time. Metta was growing weaker. She had to... she had to get to him.

"Rose!" She ran to hug Rose as soon as she came outside. "Oh my gosh, I... Metta..."

"I know." Rose sounded more energized than she had in months. "Let's go get him."

As they started on the drive to Piedmont, Mistral couldn't help but feel angry with Metta. He'd known the plan, known his role, and yet he'd acted early. He could've been killed! Hell, it seemed like he was dying now. That's why Mistral had to get there as fast as possible. So they could save him, and then yell at him once everything was okay.

"Do you think your dad will be there, too?" Mistral glanced over at Rose, who looked like she was hyper-focusing on the road. "I-I mean, last I checked, he was with Metta... but then all this... I'm not sure where he would've ended up."

"Well, if things go right, then yeah," Rose considered Mistral's question. "But we don't really know till we get there."

"I hope things go right." Mistral looked forward. "He's the reason Metta's such a hero."

"Is that what we're calling him?" Rose cracked a smile. "Seems more like an impulsive, foolhardy act of desperation, in order to fix the apocalypse he caused. But sure. Hero."

"...right." Mistral looked down. Rose's words were like a mirror of her own inner voice. Maybe she was accidentally influencing Rose with her own anger. "Sorry."

"Happens all the time." Rose acknowledged. "Metta still intact?"

"Yep." Mistral said after checking. His signal was faint, but she could still feel it. It was more stable than it had felt before. That was a good sign, right?

"Good." Rose hesitated, before speaking in a worried voice. "Mistral, I know you have pretty high hopes right now... and I'm not saying that's wrong, or anything, but... the bad feeling hasn't gone away."

"What?" Mistral stared at her.

Rose shook her head. "It got worse."

Mistral looked back to the road, eyes wide. She didn't say anything to that. There was still something to come...? But everything was supposed to be over now... What could really still be wrong?

She was silent for a long time. They were nearly at Gravity Falls... nearly at Metta... by the time she spoke again.

"What are you going to do now that this is all over?"

"Not sure." Rose shrugged. "Maybe move back to my hometown for a while. Been missing it."

"Delphinium, right?" Mistral smiled. "I hear it's nice there."

"About as nice as any place along the coast." Rose said distantly. "Yeah."

"I wonder if school will re-open right away." Mistral pondered. "That would feel weird, after all this."

"Being a normal girl?" Rose cocked her head.

"Yep." Mistral sighed. "I guess I'll never really be normal again. Not with all these bits of Metta inside me. But I'd like to try."

"You can find a balance." Rose encouraged. "This event has definitely changed you. There's no denying that. But you deserve a little normalcy, Mistral."

"Thanks." Mistral nodded. "So does Metta."

"We'll see."

The rubble of the Fearamid was visible from a long ways off. It felt wrong, seeing it like this. It had been a place of terror, of power, for so long now. Now... just stone. All that remained of Bill's legacy. Well, that and the robot inside.

First chance she got Mistral rushed towards where she could feel Metta was. It didn't take long to spot him. The debris had avoided him entirely. He wasn't moving. And neither was...


Mistral's eyes widened. She knew what death looked like by now. That was it. And Metta, collapsed on top of him, was nearly there himself. She glanced behind her, at Rose. The young woman's expression was unreadable. Mistral felt a deep sorrow for Rose fill her SOUL. She knew what it was like to lose a father.

"We have to get Metta back to Piedmont." Rose walked past Mistral, moving Metta's unconscious body off of Felix's, hesitating only for a moment. "Alphys can help him. And then..."

"Right." Mistral nodded when Rose didn't finish her sentence. She wondered what she had been about to say. Probably something about Felix. "Let's go back, then. I'm sure my mom is worried sick. She'll understand, though. When she sees Metta."

I just hope he makes it.

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