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Piedmont Middle School - September 7, 2012 - 2:49 PM

Mistral walked slowly on her way out the front doors of her school, staring at the ground. She was lost in thought, which meant she didn't notice when other students gave her dirty looks for walking so slowly. She had other things to worry about. It had only been two days since Alphys had promised to look into her SOUL, and yet she couldn't stop worrying about it. What if something was... wrong with her? She was anxious to find out.

Suddenly, Mistral was forced to pay attention when she full-on collided with someone else, almost knocking them over. Her reflexes kicked in and she reached out to grab them, preventing them from falling.

"S-Sorry!" Mistral took a step back. "I wasn't looking where I was going! Sorry. Are you... okay?"

The other kid nodded, giving Mistral a nervous smile. With a jolt, Mistral realized she recognized them. Frisk, the human who had freed all the monsters. Her eyes widened, and she looked down again. She didn't know they even went to her school. They must've been new, right? Did they have any friends? Well, if not, Mistral could be their friend!

"Hey, are you-?" Unfortunately, Mistral had let herself become lost in thought again and hadn't noticed Frisk leaving. Now, they were nowhere in sight. Drat! She was so curious about their adventure, too... Oh, well. Maybe some other time.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her father's car parked on the road near the school. She blinked. Usually, her dad didn't come to pick her up, since he had so much work to do. What was this about? Could it be...?

She rushed over to the car, hopping in without a single nanosecond of hesitation. Her father sat waiting patiently for her, smiling warmly once she was in the car beside him.

"Did Alphys-?"

"Seatbelt, sweetie." Dad put up a hand to stop her, nodding to her loose seatbelt. Mistral sighed and quickly clicked her seatbelt into place. "And to answer your question, yes, Alphys has your results. So I thought I'd bring you straight to the lab today... unless you want to stop home and do your homework, of course."

"Daaad." Mistral groaned. "I don't even have any homework."

"Well, if you insist." He laughed. "Straight to the lab it is."

The drive there wasn't a long one. For the most part, Mistral just stared out the window, although she wasn't really taking in the familiar scenery, lost in thought. She felt sick, queasy. A mix of excitement and anxiety.

"You seem nervous." Dad noted. Mistral sat up straighter, shocked out of her window-gazing. She supposed she was being sort of obvious. "Don't worry. I have been emphatically assured that there is no threat to your life or overall health."

"That's... good." Mistral did feel relieved, but in a way, it was just more confusing. What could possibly be happening to her? She wouldn't be able to fully relax until she knew exactly what the answer was.

Once the two of them entered the lab, Mistral hesitated. She felt frozen, like there were ice blocks on her feet. Her father gently took her hand and guided her through the lab. His warmth helped her, melted the ice. She smiled slightly, enjoying her father's comforting presence.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" A bright voice, one Mistral recognized, cut through the hallway as Mistral and her father approached. Blaring synthy pop started up a moment later. "Step, and step- other leg, darling- twirl, and jazz square, grapevine to the right- your other right!! Ack, Alphys!!!"

Mistral peeked in through the doorway. Mettaton and Alphys were both on the floor, tumbled in some sort of heap, Mettaton still managing to look graceful. Despite the predicament, he was laughing. And after a moment, Alphys was giggling too.

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