A Strange Sensation

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Ray Pines' Lab - September 5, 2012 - 4:10 PM

As it turned out, Mettaton was quite the scientific curiosity. A few of the monsters had been approached by a man named Ray Pines, a scientist who owned a lab in the area. He had made an agreement with the government that they would help monitor the monsters during the transitional period.

Nobody really knew what would happen to the monsters after that.

Mettaton had been given his own room in the lab. A small room, but a room nevertheless. Fortunately, the lab was big enough to house quite a few monsters. Some of the others hoped to fix up the ruins of the old monster kingdom, part of which had been assimilated into human villages like the one Frisk was from. King Asgore's old castle, however, remained untouched. Mettaton wondered if going with that group would be more exciting than hanging around a boring old lab. Literally anything would be at this point.

He'd figured out pretty quickly from talking to the science nerds that they were convinced he was full-on artificial intelligence. That... was somewhat of an issue. It meant he had to dodge around the subject entirely until he could figure out how to tell Blooky. Which he was going to do. Soon. Certainly.

Plus, he had Alphys to think about. She was respected so much, as a fellow scientist, even if she'd lost her job as soon as Toriel had found out about the bodies in the basement. Which were deeply disturbing, for the record. Mettaton was not really jazzed to learn that if not for his metal body he could've literally melted. Alphys had not told him about that before adding 'DT' to his SOUL.

Still, what had happened had happened. Mettaton had made it just fine, and now he was punished with boredom. It was horrible. And he could not sit in this room for much longer. He had to at least stretch his legs, go on a walk.

Stepping out into the lab's main foyer-type area, the first thing he spotted was his own cousin trapped in discussion with Dr. Pines, as well as an older man who looked somewhat similar to Ray. But then, what did Mettaton know. Maybe all humans looked like that. He was pretty sure they didn't all have brightly coloured hair, at the very least, Alphys.

"What's up?" Mettaton swooped in to rescue Blooky, as they looked nervous. It did sort of look as though they were being interrogated. "I don't believe I've met this one."

"Ah!" Ray smiled at Mettaton. "Uncle Ford, this is the robot I was telling you about. A machine with a SOUL..."

"Hello, kind sir!" Mettaton bowed. "You may call me Mettaton. Lovely to make your acquaintance. So you're the kind doctor's uncle, are you?"

"Y-Yes, that's right." The old man whom Ray had referred to as 'Ford' raised his eyebrows in some semblance of surprise. "You deduced it with some sorta robotic brain-scanning power, eh?"

"No, it's just that he called you Uncle Ford." Mettaton explained, tilting his head. "I sadly lack any semblance of robot brain-scanning powers." He thought for a moment, before offering up something else. "I can make my body into a disco ball, though."

"Oh. Right. That's... very useful, I'm sure." Ford blinked, before stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Well, as I was just explaining to Napstablook here, my name is Stanford Pines. Most people call me Ford. I have experience in investigating the paranormal, the supernatural, and the generally... weird and strange."

"Oh!" Mettaton clapped his hands together. He wasn't sure he liked the way Ford had stared directly at him on the word 'strange,' (it reminded him of high school), but..."How delightful! Well, I see what must've happened here. And it's a bit of a misunderstanding, actually. Ghosts aren't anything like what humans think w- they are. Isn't that right, Napstablook?"

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