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Ray Pines' Lab - September 10, 2012 - 5:03 AM

"Rise and shine, Glittertits!"

Mettaton groaned, opening his eyes to squint at Rose. He had no idea what she was doing in his room, so early in the morning.

"Glitter... what?" He sat up, rubbing his forehead. Somehow he'd slept terribly, plagued by nightmares the entire night. He didn't feel rested whatsoever. "Don't call me that."


"Asking as your superior. Do not." Mettaton rolled his eyes. Such a nickname felt so... crass and belittling. He did not appreciate that.

"Pretty much everyone is my superior, and I have express permission to do exactly that." She gave him a bright smile, but there was a smugness to it. "What, do you find it uncomfortable? Is it... crossing workplace boundaries? Huh, I wonder how that feels."

Mettaton shuddered. He got her point. It occurred to him he should definitely try very hard to get back into her good graces, otherwise she could make his life rather difficult.

"Wait... what are you even doing here?" It had hit Mettaton how unprecedented this was. And how annoyingly early, according to his ticking internal clock. "It is precisely 5:04:20, darling."

"Do you, uh, not remember me coming here and telling you you landed a job?" Rose crossed her arms. "It's kinda an important detail."

"I don't need to get up THIS early, do I??" Mettaton glared at her. "This is bizarre. I wish I had locked my door."

"Well, you're already up." Rose shrugged.

"And whose fault is that." Mettaton muttered under his breath as he got out of bed, accepting his fate. She was right, after all. There was no way he was going back to sleep now.

WELL, YOU'RE UP EARLY, AREN'TCHA? Bill's amused echoey voice, much too loud in Mettaton's mind right now, almost made him jump out of panic. He glanced at Rose worriedly. Sure, Bill had assured Mettaton that his voice could only be heard in his mind, but Rose always seemed to know things she shouldn't.

Quiet! What if she hears you...? He tried to think as quietly as possible. He could almost feel Bill's following laughter reverberating through his body, but there was no follow-up. Mettaton sighed, looking at Rose tiredly.

"Uh, yo, Glittertits?" Rose was staring at Mettaton, eyebrow raised in some mixture of confusion and... was that revulsion...? Mettaton felt dismayed. He didn't like anybody to look at him with revulsion. "What's up with your eye?"

"What do you mean?" Mettaton tilted his head, putting a hand to his face. He realized both of his eyes were uncovered, a rare sight. Perhaps she was referring to the black plating around his right eye? Would everyone look at him like that if he ever wore his hair differently? He didn't like the idea of that, not at all. "There's nothing... wrong with it, is there?"

"It looks all lizardy and weird." She pointed to the mirror, leaned against the wall beside Mettaton. He'd hauled it up to the surface to make sure he could stay beautiful no matter the conditions. Now he quickly turned to stare into it, examining his eye.

Rose was correct. Not only did he have a horrid case of bedhead, his right eye had somehow become pale yellow instead of pretty pink, and the pupil was thin and... maybe reptilian, or catlike.

In fact, it looked almost exactly like... Bill's...

AH YES, THAT'S A LITTLE SIDE EFFECT OF OUR DEAL. A REMINDER, IF YOU WILL. Bill interjected into Mettaton's mind again. This time, he was too preoccupied with his completely unbecoming and out of place eye to worry about Rose. She probably couldn't hear Bill, anyway.

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