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It's been a month and half since those things happened, yoongi is still avoiding yn as much as he can, staying in his office even after office hours, sometimes treating her as she doesn't even exist in the house,not making time to her,he even responds calls and texts with simple answers, simply he just comes home as a formality,he stopped caring about her.Remi sometimes calls yoongi to provoke him with hoseok's and yn's incident.Sometimes he gets annoyed, sometimes he really gets provoked by her words ending up with drinking his limits off on those days.

As for yn, she's really busy with her office works as there are many events organising through their company.With opening of hotel in Kim's name by one of their brothers,many events are organised at that hotel itself.Yn noticed yoongi's behaviour many times,as she's busy in her own works...she doesn't even have time to confront ,if she want she can make time too but she left on yoongi to realise or open up to her by himself. By the time she reaches home,he will be slept or sometimes reek alcohol making her insides churn in pain as she couldn't do anything to free him from any pain he's bearing with. She sometimes wakes up from the dreams like she's riding someone other than her husband,like getting fucked by some other man,She doesn't understand anything why she keeps dreaming About that mysterious man. Actually, those weren't dreams, those were the things happened at that night... she's getting her memories back gradually but thinking that those were dreams.

Hoseok thought of leaving korea for a while but he couldn't and ended up returning back to korea in a week. He tried many things to distract from her but nothing worked in his way. He stopped going to office regularly making sia worried a lot.The man who loves being organised and neat became the one who comes to office without his hair done.He didn't even shown interest in talking to his one and only bestie.Although she tried to reach him,he ignores her without Hesitation.He stopped hanging out with his friends.He always roams around her office to glance at her atleast once. Sometimes,he does sees her making his heart do crazy things for him.He tried to talk to her but he doesn't want to ruin their marriage.He sometimes dreams about that night happened in the hotel room too making his heart break early in the morning.

Yn has been throwing up lately. Being busy in work,she thought that could be because of her irregular eating habits. She's writing down some venues for upcoming event in jeons company. Suddenly the world around her started spinning making her fall on the ground with a loud thud. everyone around there gasped at the sudden sound and ran to her to help. She got admitted to hospital. Namjoon called yoongi saying about her sickness. yoongi ran out of his office like a mad man without even caring about the meeting going on at that time.He drove at the max speed he can and reached hospital in less than 20minutes. He ran into the hospital asked her room number at the reception.when he arrived in front of her room,he got shocked because of some unexpected person's presence.Hoseok is standing with namjoon talking something.Yoongi knew hoseok isn't that dumb to talk about her with namjoon.
"What happened, namjoon?"
"Well hyung,she suddenly collapsed while working so i got her here" namjoon said looking concerned.
"Is she inside?can i see her?"
"No hyung,doctor is examining her.She told us to stay out ,since you are her husband may be you can go" namjoon said making hoseok jealous.
"I'll stay here let them examine her properly"yoongi said sitting while holding his head.

Flashback an hour ago : Hoseok is in his office reviewing some past files,so he came through Kim's file too. He found an error in that file causing him to frown.He called jin but his phone didn't connect so he called namjoon
"Hello,mr.kim how are you doing?"hoseok asked.
"Hello mr.jung ,I'm good.what about you sir"
"I'm doing good , well i have a doubt regarding our past collaboration project i called your brother but his phone didn't get connected so I'm in your call now"Hoseok said.
"It's okay mr.jung you can ask me any.....wait what happened to yn,lemme help her to the nearest hospital.... sir I'll call you later,one of my employe got sick" he said and cut off the call without hearing other side.
Hoseok got worried unknowingly and ran without even taking his coat.He didn't knew the address but he started his car without any clue,he reached the Kim's company stopped there for a minute to search for a hospital near that company. He found a hospital which is 2 streets away from the Kim's company. He reached there in 5min and ran to namjoon who's waiting outside the room. Namjoon noticed him "mr.jung, why...." "I heard that there's an emergency in your company from your call so i thought I'd be a little help to you mr.kim because i have some friends here so "
Namjoon nodded and Hoseok sighed because he's afraid that namjoon might doubt him.

The three males are sitting outside the examination room with yoongi holding his head in his hands , hoseok looking at the white wall infront of him and namjoon talking in his phone. The door opened revealing a lady in her 50s.Their heads turned immediately towards her.They stood up "who's her guardian?" The lady asked. Yoongi came a bit forward "how's she doing what happened to her, doctor?"he asked in a worried tone.
"Congratulations sir, you are going to be a father soon" yoongi's face turned pale without any reaction.Hoseok too couldn't process anything. Namjoon felt happy and hugged yoongi congratulating him and that's when yoongi came out of his zone out. "Thank you "he said."i think she isn't having enough food and rest and that's why she fainted,make sure to feed her healthy food" she said. he nodded without any emotion. "I'll call you later mr.kim , I'll get going " hoseok said and left having a glance at yoongi. "Ok mr.jung"namjoon replied Patting on hoseok's shoulder. "She's still unconscious and may wake up in an hour or before.... I'll write a prescription and send to you before her discharge" she said and left.
"I'm really happy for you hyung"namjoon said.
Yoongi smiled looking at him whereas his heart is paining a lot more than he can express.He knew that he isn't the father of the baby for sure.

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