I'll take the fall

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🚩trigger warning at the end if you want to know 🚩

Emilia Romagna was the turning point for Redbull. It the weeks prior the buzz already went around that Redbull finally got their issues under control and they really could start to attend in the title fight and also defending it.
In the heart of the enemy it sounded in the media, though Max would never call them that. Their greatest rival at most. A lovely one that is.

The rise of Redbull and Max meant though , the start of a string of bad luck for Charles.
In the last laps he was to eager and pushed to much that he ended up in the wall. Being lucky he still could finish sixth.

Miami wasn't too bad, though Max converted Charles's pole in to a win, the monegasque still came in second and they could admire the other drenched in sweat after the race.

Barcelona had Charles retire from pole after a engine failure. And Monaco we won't even talk about. Charles had to stop his boyfriend from barging over too Ferrari telling them
To fix their clowns act, screwing Charles over like that

Azerbaijan went up in flames, literally as both Ferrari's had to retire Max taking another maiden win.

Canada was okay if you considered he had to start from the back of the grid, though taking a penalty here could be called questionable.

But don't talk about questionable until you arrive in Silverstone, it wasn't the greatest weekend for the both of them. Max had to deal with all the hate and ofcourse on track he managed but nobody knew how he cuddled close to Charles at night while the younger one rubbed soothing circles in his back.
Race day wasn't better. After the initial shock of the first lap crash involving a lot of drivers. After the restart Max had damage so he drove for what he could, but a podium finish wasn't possible with a damaged car. Though for a little while it seemed to look that Charles would win the race. But to finish first... well you probably know the saying. Well let just say Esteban didn't finish with a fuel pump issue he had stopped on the road and the safety car to come out. And obviously the Ferarri strategy team hadn't been watching Abu Dhabi 2021 because almost everyone was brought in to pit while the monegasque was told to stay out. He was practically bate for everyone behind him. He got told to let Carlos pass and he was done for. The race he could get back on points with Max he was royally fucked over again.

Then Austria came and it seemed to be the light at the end of his tunnel. They were faster than Red-bull and he won the race. Ferrari finally managing to not screw him over. And that podium just was the cherry on top. He got Max by his side through it all and it was obvious Max was just as happy for him as he would have been for his own win. He really was so lucky to have his supportive boyfriend always by his side. Late at night when the flew home Charles had asked him why he had acted like that and he just shrugged his shoulder and told him. "You fully deserved the win, on the top step of the podium you shine and I want to enjoy every moment of you... with you" he had smiled before pecking his lips. That night they ignored the teasing text's from their friends and family about their podium. Calling it a "public sex tape" as they had only their eyes for the other.

Their little bubble lasted until Hungary. Do we even have to mention Ferrari strategy? The point was clear and Charles thought he was about to reach his breaking point. He slept bad every night, the championship slipping out of his fingers and out of his reach. The best but also the worst part that Max was the one who was beating him in the championship. The man who comforted him every night but was running away on the leader boards. And if he had to loose to someone it had to be Max. But sometimes it just fucking hurt.

That he really reached his breaking point was clear in France, this time he had no one but himself to blame. Crashing out of the lead so unnecessary, so stupidly. If he lost the championship it was on him. He couldn't make mistakes like that. Of course Max and Pierre and Lando and even a lot off others told him that. Telling him that Ferarri made a lot more off mistakes but for Charles in this moment it was hard to even listen. His screaming still ringing in his ears.

The couple, after the race strolled back towards the helicopter ready to head home and relax a little before the circus they lived in would start all over again after the summer break Charles was drained after those last races he really needed to unplug and reset.
They were about to board the helicopter when Max got a call. His face fell even more pinching the bridge of his nose before locking wet eyes with Charles. This... this couldn't be good.

As Max hang up the phone Charles was quick to ask what had happend. "They .. they let him out... they let him go... he is free until the trial..." he breathed out. "Well fuck!" Charles only manage to curse "well thus far our quite break..." he sighed sadly. All the things seemed to work against him as of lately and he was just really done. As they settled down in their seats Charles rested his head against the Dutchman's shoulder as the floodgates now threatened to spill. He really was just so tired. So when they were up in the air he couldn't help himself as he started softly sobbing against his boyfriend's chest.

Max immediately noticed and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriends frame. Just holding him close and kissing the top of his head. Whispering sweet nothings and that it all will be okay. It helps Charles, it really does. After all the curveball's life had thrown at him, he learned that for him it was best to let it out and then go on. So when they had the Monte Carlo helicopter deck in sight he saw the world again a little brighter. Enjoying their summer break with no racing on his mind, just him, Max, good food, the sea and a drink in his hand. Coming back stronger in Spa.

"That's it lief, that's the spirit" Max said kissing his cheek when they retrieved their luggage. They were about to head out when both their phones started vibrating with notifications.

"Who is the first openly gay formula one driver?"

"Source claims a f1 driver is gay"

And a lot more headlines like that were coming in via their phones. They both looked at each other in shock before opening one of the links. It talked about a source claiming to know that a driver was gay but it didn't specify who at this moment. Though still there rolled a silent tear down Charles's cheek. "W-why does this has to happen? W-why now?" He softly sobbed. Of course they were planning on coming out either way but they wanted to do it on their own terms. And just like the championship? This was also slipping away from him now.
He had hoped for a silent and relaxing summer break but that was far away now.

Max heart broke seeing his boyfriend so down, luck really wasn't on his side lately, and like this weekend hadn't been enough this came out as the cherry on top. He placed his hand on Charles's cheek who immediately leaned in to his touch. Whipping away the silent tears with his thumb before enveloping the monegasque in a tight hug. Feeling his slightly smaller frame sobbing against him. After a while he pulled back a little as the sobbing had calmed down and he took his boyfriend's face between his palms. Scanning his face and features. "Lieffie, if you want me to? I- I can do it? I can come out- alone, if you are not ready? At least they will be of your back?" He stared in to his boyfriend's watery eyes as he told him. He was terrified but he couldn't bare to see his love like this.

🚩trigger warnings🚩
Being outed (sort of)
Deteriorating mental health

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now