Staring but i know you won't be far

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They did travel together and they did share the same hotel room. But that's practically all there was said. They didn't talk, not really. It wasn't like they were ignoring the other but they didn't talk about what they really should. Both to scared up in another argument. The ticknes of the situation palpable in the air.

It was now only hours before the gala. Charles was in the bathroom staring at himself in the mirror. His bruises where fading but still visible. His own reflection leaving a sour taste as he remembers it all so well and the aftermath of it.
He was just touching up some subtle makeup under his eye as Max enters the bathroom, looking at his lover via de mirror.
"You okay?" He ask despite their disagreement as Charles just shrugs. "Mh fine" he says as he finally closes the cuffs of he Ferrari branded suit, straightening his polka doted tie.
"I'm going now, Joris is waiting in the car downstairs" he says as he keeps his eyes fixed on the hotelroom door. "See you there" he breathes, but before he can turn the handle on the door Max grabs his wrist. "Charlie pl-" but he is already cut off. "I'll see you there Max" he says sternly looking at him. "I don't want to fight, not tonight" he says squeezing the Dutchman's hand and then he is out the door.
Max is left in the room, alone as the door closes. He sighs. "I don't wanna fight...ever" in to the nothingness before getting himself ready.


The ride to the gala is at least as awkward as the rest of the trip to Bologna. Max goes with Christian and his wife Gerri. They would meet Checo there.
Christian tries to make smalltalk. "How are you and Charles holding up?" He asks with the best intentions as Max is like a son to him, the little kid that signed for Torro Rosso who now is a two time world champion. He had seen him grow up, personally and professionally. Max shrugged his shoulders staring out of the window. "Well we have been better" he says as he has never been known to be one to lie. "It brought back some old pain" he says, not even sure why he is telling this to his teamboss and wife.
Christian leans forward to Max and pats his knee. "I'm sure you will be alright" he tries to reassure his driver while he squeezing his knee one more time. "You two always do" as Gerri nods along reassuringly.
"I just hope you are right"


Charles is waiting with Joris at the venue as he is in line to be interviewed. He is happy his friend could accompany him at such short notice.
"But tell me, why again you and Max don't go together?" Joris whisper asks at him at the back of the room. Charles rolls his eyes. "He has made it pretty clear he doesn't want to be seen with me"
Joris snorts rolling his eyes until he sees Charles's face, looking at him dead Serious. "Come on man, you are joking?" As Charles huffs crossing his arms over his chest. "Why would I be joking?" He asks his friend.
"Are we talking about the same Max here?" Joris asks cocking his eyebrow.
"Ofcourse we are talking about the same Max?! What are you even on about?" He asks back slightly annoyed.
"Because the Max verstappen I know looks at my best friend like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky, the guy would do everything for you, did everything for you! After Mateo and your state back then and later on he even wanted to come out alone to protect you, he wouldn't leave the hospital before he knew you were okay... I'm sorry but I can't believe that the same guy suddenly doesn't want to be seen with you Charlie" he says accusing but loving at his childhood friend. "Are you sure this is not one big fat misunderstanding?" He asks but doesn't get a answers as Charles is ushered of to stage with his second place interview ahead of the red carpet and the gala. As he walks on stage looking back once more he sees Joris mouthing at him "we're not done talking about this"

As Charles interview is halfway done Max , Christian and Checo enter the same backstage area where Joris is still waiting. As Max spots his boyfriends best friend he quickly looks at the floor as he feels his cheeks heaten, Not sure about what to say. But Joris quickly resolves that as he greets Max and pulls him in to a friendly hug. "I'm glad to see you" he says and just as Max wants to answer he and the rest. Of Redbull are called up on the stage. They pass by each other behind the curtains, Joris observes from afar. Max's tries to make eye contact while Charles just glares ahead.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now