Facing the crowds

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Max was chuckling inwardly, of course them three were paired together for this press conference. Why not create more drama? "What?" Charles has asked him hearing his boyfriend's reaction towards his phone as Max just showed his phone and Charles rolled his eyes "of course they would"

It was now Thursday morning, press day of the Belgian Grand Prix and of course it was their favorite day of race week, not! Also apparently Netflix had conveniently decided to film this weekend too, you probably wonder why? Netflix was probably as happy as they could, to be able to get Max back on the show after some long and extensive talks, cause they wouldn't want to miss this.

Charles parked his Ferrari and looked at the dutchman sitting right from him. They decided to just drive together as it would be only a matter of time before the cameras would be on them anyway, they made no illusions that it would be different.
"Ready for some fun?" Max jokes halfhearted as he pecked Charles lips. "I guess so" he smiled slightly. As they got their bags from the back of the car and they met Brad and Andrea on the parking lot clapping hands with their physio's before they walked towards the entrance of the circuit together.

Just before entering the paddock entrance they looked at each other and smiled. Max slung his backpack over his other shoulder and grabbed Charles's hand. Pecking his lips before he starts walking again. "I never thought we would ever do this" he just smiles. Behind them Brad and Andrea are whistling as to encourage the couple. "Oh shut up!" the couple laughs before they finally walk in.

Like expected as soon as they walk in the eyes and cameras are on them. Luckily inside the paddock it's only people who are allowed to be there. They hear some shouts of encouragement as they pass familiar faces but also notice bystanders whispering. They spot the Netflix crew filming from the distance as they walk together towards their respective hospitality's. Fortunately those are next to each other. As they arrive in front of the Ferrari one they let go of their hands. As this is still all to new for both of them , they shuffle around awkwardly before Charles just decides to go for it and kisses Max's cheek. "Ciao Cheri, see you at the pressco" he smiles as he sees how flustered his boyfriend got. A rosy tint on his cheeks. As he walks inside the red hospitality with his signature wink followed closely by Andrea.
In Max's head its still processing that Charles publicly kissed him on his cheek as he then shakes his head and smiles and Brad pats his back and then slings his arm over the dutchman's shoulder "earth to Max? you coming loverboy?" As he laughs and they both get on their way.


"I can't believe the day has come!" Daniel claps his hands excitedly as he spots Max walking in to the media building. As Max spots him he smiles back and they exchange a hug. "I'm really proud of you, the both of you" the Australian whispers in his ear before they pull apart and his is met with the Aussies mega grin pointing at him.
"Well sometimes neither can i" Max just smiles at him clapping the upper arm of his friend.
"Unbelievable how they put us three in this session don't you think?" Max asked as he scratched his neck awkwardly. Daniel grimaced before his signature smile returned again. "You know they love the drama" Max smiles sadly before he replies "yeah they sure do"

The last couple of weeks he and Daniel had talked over the phone a lot about everything that had been going on this "silly season" though some of those rumours had actually and unfortunately turned out to be true. Like that Daniel would be without a seat by the end of the season. It hurt to see one of his beast friends go, but he also knew this how their sport works, especially on the level they are performing at. If you don't do well enough you're out. He hoped Daniel could still find a spot though.
"Maybe Redbull will take me back?" The Aussie interrupted his thoughts and Max just smiles. "Who knows?" He definitely wouldn't mind having Daniel back home.
"Daniel, Charles, Max, thank you for joining us. And for everyone welcome to the pre weekend press conference of the 2022 Belgian Grand Prix" the interviewer says as the three drivers politely nod back at him and towards the attending press.

The interviewer starts of with the professional questions submitted by f1 themselves. Asking them about their expectations for the race weekend and the second half of the season. Then he asks about their holidays and if they are well rested. Daniel answers first while the couple quickly glanced at each other shifting slightly uncomfortable in their seats as they knew that the personal questions would soon follow.
Daniel tells how he got to spend time with his friends and family that did him well before the interviewer ask Max though he also eyes Charles to answer.

"Yes, had a nice little holiday in France, got to disconnect from racing a bit, spend time in the sun, ate some good food, it was nice yeah". He smiles with out disclosing to much though the fond memories make his eyes crinkle as he smiles. And his proud face immediately gives him away.

The interviewer than asks Charles.
"Yeah it was good, spend time with my loved ones. Got to disconnect from racing. Before we fully started focusing and training for the second part of the season." He answers ever so professional though he is smiling too.

The interviewer eyes them apologetically as then the questions turn a bit more personal. He first talks with Daniel about this whole Mclaren drama going on and how he sees his future before he once again turns his attention towards the driver couple.

"Charles and Max, your holiday also started a little bit different then everyone expected, but first I want to say congratulations as I am personally very happy for the both of you" they know he was sincere as they had known him for years and that he was just doing his job so they just shortly thanked him with a smile.

"But of course we got a lot of questions about it too. How do you maintain a close relationship with each other while also racing for the rivalling team? Fighting against each other for a championship?" Charles answers first. "Of course sometimes it's hard to separate, but we have been going against each other since we were little so we know it is like this. Also on the other hand we understand each other in those situations. Maybe not in the heat of the moment but afterwards we always talk" he says before he turns to look at Max who also answers. "Exactly, we just don't talk about what is going on behind the scenes at the teams, only how we feel about it"

"Do you race each other differently now?" The interviewer asks interestedly.
"No" Max simply states and Charles just nods along in agreement.
"So that's not the reason of you guys's balanced racing against each other this year?" He ask as a follow up question.
Now all three on the couch softly snort while Charles answers "no, it's not" though all three of them know that the interviewer got exactly what he wanted for his next question.
"If that's not the case, of course everyone is very curious how long you both have been together!"
Max counters that question with "how long do you think?" He smirks challenging.
The interviewer knows Max for years so obviously knew it was coming. "Hard question, I would have guessed since maybe the end of last year. But the reactions of you three made me doubt that" he just smiles.
"For now let's keep it on a bit longer then that" the four of them on the podium as well as some of the media laugh at the statement as they now in this moment they are not going to get much more than that.
"But no, we won't race each other differently. Cause of track we might be Charles and Max" as he softly smiles to the monegasque next to him. "But on track we are Leclerc and Verstappen" he then stared intently in to the crowd.
"Well that is good to hear for all of us race fans " the interviewer smiles at him before he opens up the questions for the media in the press centre.

The three of them surprisingly still get some questions about racing, their teams and the upcoming weekend. What neither of them three expected. But also a lot of questions about what had been happening in the last 6 weeks of summer break.
They answer them lightly as the questions as they aren't to intrusive.

Then it's the turn of some Dutch tabloid
"My question is for Max and Charles. Guys, how did your family react to you coming out and the two of you being together?" They share a look and Charles answers for them. "Though that is a very private question" he grimaces slightly "both of our families are very happy for us" he politely smiles.
"Max how was that for you, especially how did your father react as he always had high expectations for you?" Max can feel himself start to boil inside. His face turning stone cold at the interviewer. The relaxing vibe in the room gone. "Like Charles already said, both of our family's are very happy for us and we won't elaborate more on that. I've always been a very private person and that hasn't changed now that you know we are together" he says hoping to shut the journalist up.
"Well I could imagine he was not happy to see that "side" of you" the man challenges and Max's breath get's stuck in his throat.
"What are you talking about?" He asks as his blood runs cold. He feels Charles grab his hand from the left and Daniel grabbing his shoulder on the right.

"A video that hit the internet 20 minutes ago"

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now