happy moments

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For a moment everyone in the room is quiet. That is until the room erupts. The journalist attending errupt with cheers and applause offering their congratulations. The couple eyes each other as they can't stop smiling. Tom has a hard time to control the room as the journalist try to voice their questions to get them answered. Loud noises of clicking cameras in the background.

"Well Charles, Max, congratulations!" He smiles. "We definitely didn't expect this news today. But personally I think it is lovely. How about we open up to the questions from the floor now?" He asks as the five drivers on the couch laugh as the reporters try to cut in line asking their questions. Almost all of them happy for them and curious about the details. Ofcourse some tried to spin the story. "How will this effect you racing?" As they quickly shut them down. It never effected their racing so why would it now?


After the presser the couple is casually walking back towards their teams motorhomes. Just chatting about nothing in particular as someone wraps his arms around both their shoulders laughing.
"That's 100 Verstappen!" Pierre laughes loudly as Max rolls his eyes. Charles eyes up his best friend and lover suspiciously. "100?" Charles asks as Max is reaching for his wallet getting a hundred from there. Giving it to the Frenchman. "Thanks mate" he laughes before turning to Charles. "It's good that your fiancé has more faith in you then I do" he laughed clapping Charles's arm. "Or not as it will cost him money" laughing loudly again.
"You placed a bet on me?!" Charles asks Max perplexed.
"Yes I did" he says as hè dumbly scratched his neck. "But only because you agreed to it at lunch as well and I had faith in you babe" he says now sweetly as he reaches for the monegasque's hand. And even after all those years Charles still melts from Max's compliments. Even though he should be annoyed that he placed a bet on him, His eyes turning soft smiling back at him, squeezing his hand in reply.

"Earth to Lestappen?!" Pierre calls out at them, getting their attention back. "I wanted the money, not the whole romantic movie scene" he says faking disgust though he feels nothing but fond for his racing friends. Wrapping his arms around their shoulders again pushing them to walk on.
Max can't help but laugh. "Shut it Gasly, that comes with the price" he says sticking out his tongue. "Besides you know you love it" he now jokes as he wraps his arm tighter around his waist, pulling him In until Pierre squeals. "Safe that for Charlie will you?" Pierre laughes as he runs away. As Charles adds. "Hey! Don't nock it till you try it" And Pierre will be Pierre. Greeting them both with his middle fingers and his tongue before entering Alpine.
Not that they would share anyway.

As the couple walks further along the paddock Charles asks "seriously Max? A bet?" Though admittedly he found it funny too. "What? I thought I would win a 100" he laughs. "That wedding will be expensive enough!" He says very serious though the smile on his face gives him away.
"Yeah?" Charles can't help but smile as Max apparently already thought about this, though he didn't really expect that. Max normally was fine with whatever, keeping it simple.
"Yeah ofcourse" Max just smiles back at him.

The end of the day they realize that their announcement really created a havoc. As Brad, Max's trainer shows Max his phone as they wrap up their session at the end of the day. "Max I swear, there is nothing other then the both of you on my timeline" he laughes as he zips up his back and pocket's his phone again. "But mate, I'm really happy for you!" He smiles patting his back. "I love seeing you happy like this" slightly referring to the period he held Max in his arms as they had just broken up. Back then the English trainer had already known the couple was something special to each other. He knew Max. The Dutchman didn't love fast or often, but when he did. He did love fully.

"Thanks Mate" Max smiles as he puts on a clean shirt again.
"Be prepared and trained!" He laughes as Brad raises his eyebrow suspiciously at him.
"Because that night you will definitely have to party!" He laughes as they finish up walking outside, towards their car bringing them back to the hotel.

They meet Charles and Andrea in the parking lot before taking off.
As they arrived at the hotel they first had to make their way through the crowd of fans. Their seemed to be even more then normal. Though that probably had to do with today's earlier news. They take their time and sign everything handed to them, taking time for pictures as well. Only as they greeted every single one of them the foursome makes their way in side. Chatting just a little longer before the couple days goodbye to their trainer and making their way towards their respective rooms.

As they walk the hallway Max playfully pushes against him. "You've seen the internet?" He smiles after everything he has seen and read today.
"I did a bit" Charles smiles as he thinks back about some of the posts but also the comments he received just down stairs. "And I'm really happy now, I can't wait to get planning" he smiles.
"When we are home" Max promises with a smile.
"I can't wait" Charles just says happily and Max can only laugh. "Oh I know, I bet you Pinterest is already full of inspiration" he says confidently knowing Charles. "To that I can only plead guilty" he says putting his hands up in defense.
"Yes and I love you for it" Max says as he lets them in their room.

It's only as the first race weekend of the season is finished and they are cuddled up on their couch scrolling on their laptops that. They really realise the extend of work that comes with wedding planning.
That... and Charles's extensive Pinterest board.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now