Do something for ourselves

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After Jos's video was posted, fortunately the shit storm died down a little. Of course there were still people who weren't buying it or gave nasty comments but they choose to ignore those as there always would be people there to claim they know better.

But as soon as this died down the next storm started. Cause why would it ever be smooth? The couple had entered the paddock in Monza on Tuesday together and they already heard the comments from bystanders. Or better said Max heard them as they were mostly aimed at him.
Ofcourse he understood the Tifosi wanted Charles winning at Ferrari home soil. And though being in a relationship with the man he was also still his biggest competitor. If you didn't count Ferrari themselves of course.

The booing Max could handle, and he knew it was part of sports and wasn't bothered to much by it. But the comments about him personally and his family as mentioned before, did hurt. Especially his mom being called bad names constantly. Charles noticed and tried to be there for him telling the fans the booing wasn't okay. But it still kept going. There was even thrown something at Max's car while driving during the race weekend. And as Max won the race from pole sitter Charles he was obviously done for with them.

Both stumbled tiredly in to the little Monaco apartment on Monday night. Charles from again loosing out on a win, though he knew at this stage of the season it would probably haven't changed anything. But still he would have loved to have won at Monza again. Secondly because he endured all that happened to Max at the weekend to. Max was done and tired for obvious reasons. So without even putting their laundry in the washer, leaving it for tomorrow they fell in to their bed and fall a sleep instantly.

The next morning Max woke as the sunlight hit his face through the curtains and the smell of warm and freshly baked croissants flew in the room. He put on the nearest sweatshirt he saw laying on the ground. Not bother to look if it was Charles's or his. As it was a bit snug on him it was probably Charles's he guessed. As he walked in to the kitchen he saw his boyfriend being busy in the kitchen dressed in only joggers, riding low on his hips. He was wearing his EarPods and was humming along to a song that Max recognised easily as the monegasque couldn't get it out of his head lately.

He snuck his arms behind his boyfriend placing his sweater paws over the monegasque's belly. Kissing his neck. Charles instantly started smiling as he felt arms around him. "Aren't you i sight to behold" Max mumbled against the skin of his neck with a raspy morning voice. Charles smiled as he wrapped his arms around the dutchman too. Enjoying the warm embrace around him. "You sleep well?" He asked as he turned around in his arms. Beaming a bright smile at his sleepy looking boyfriend who just hummed as he nuzzled his face further in to the monegasque's neck.

"You know, you are quite the sight yourself this morning" he smiled even brighter as he took in the sight of his boyfriend before pulling him back slightly so he could look at him properly. "Definitely i sight for sore eyes" as he winked.
Max raised his right eyebrow suspiciously "uhm thank you lief" as his cheeks tinted rosy.
"I just love that you are showing me, you are my biggest fan" Charles laughed lovingly and Max still didn't get where his boyfriend was going on about. "I am, and I always will be" he said as he tightened his grip on his boyfriend's waist. "But what did I do exactly?" He laughed too. Still oblivious why Charles was saying this. Witch earned him another chuckle in return.

"Because of this" Charles hummed as he held Max's face between his palms kissing him tenderly as he let his hands trail slowly down the Dutchman's neck, on to his shoulder slowly tracing down his chest. Max still was confused and it got even more confusing as he felt Charles's strong but tender fingers tracing down suspicious figures down his chest. Only when he realised Charles was making letters on his chest he opened his eyes. And well could you blame him? He was preoccupied with kissing the man he loves. As soon as he saw the sweater he was wearing he let out a throaty laugh. Now the monegasque's words made sense.He was wearing a Ferrari fashion sweater.

"You know I only support them because of you right?" Max grinned against Charles's lips as he connected them again. What earned him a content hum against his lips. "It better be" he hummed as Max lifted him up so he was seated on the counter top of the kitchen as himself stood between his legs. He smiled at him "of course" he says as he kisses a trail on the monegasque's clavula bone. "Though I also like Andrea and Gino" he chuckled against Charles's sun kissed skin, who in return entangled his hands in the blonde strands of hair. Guiding him down his chest again. A raspy laugh escaping him as he mind was already otherwise occupied. "That's okay" he breathed though he never got to finish what he wanted to say as Max slowly turned his brain in to mush with every kiss and soft bite down his sensitive skin"


"We should definitely get icecream" Charles protested with a fake pout on his lips as him and Max walked hand in hand through the Monte Carlo streets on their way to the harbour. This really was their first time out and about as a normal couple without being bothered by the people around them.
"Lief, we already had croissants for breakfast" he laughed "Brad and Andrea would kill us"
"I don't care, a perfect day needs icecream!" He protested. "Besides I think we already burned enough calories this morning, didn't we?" He deadpanned and Max just couldn't resist. "Okay we will get ice cream" he laughed again as he saw his boyfriends eyes twinkle with glee.

After some selfies with fans they met on the boulevard they finally got their icecreams as they took the alternative route back to their apartment.
Basking in the last golden rays of sunlight of that day. It was a trail close to the shore. The golden and orange hue reflecting from the water on to their city.

Today was simple, it was simple... and that's exactly what made today perfect. Both boys had forgotten about anything from last couple of weeks, they enjoyed finally being them selfs without attracting to much attention. Just being together like every couple liked to be.

As they made their way slightly up the hill Max sighed contently. "I really love this neighbourhood" as he looked around him and Charles smiled. "Me too, when I was younger I always dreamed to live here some day" he hummed and Max stopped in his tracks as he watched Charles face.

"Then why don't we?" He ask's simply and Charles laughes fondly at him before he sees the serious look in the Dutchman's eyes. "You serious?" Charles asks him seriously before his frown turns in to a smile. "You want to buy a house together?" He smile though still a bit self cautious. "A real grown up house?"

It's not like Charles doesn't love their shared apartment, he truly does. But as from when he was little he always dreamed of a nice family house on the hill overlooking the sea of Monaco. A house he would share with the love of his life before they eventually would grow a family.
But as time went on and he realised his future wasn't so "standard" he kind of let go of this dream.

"Yes lief, I'm serious" Max beamed at him. He knew as he said it, it maybe wasn't a thought through decision. But he couldn't find a reason for them not to. They had been together for almost 5 years now. They had been together trough tick and thin and he knew his future was with the monegasque.

"You don't have to answer now, I know it's rash and we should think about it" Max sighed as Charles was still staring at him.
"Yes" Charles said and Max couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. But that quickly changed as Charles wrapped his arms around him. "I mean yes as in Yes Maxy! Let's buy a house together"
It was now Max's turn to look suprised. "Really? Seriously?" He asked as he didn't expect Charles's answer.
"Yes really!" He beamed at him again smiling. "I would love that!"

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now