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Warnings at the end of the chapter! Also yes! The book got a name change! Wildest dreams book 2 is now unbroken hopes as i found it more fitting to give this book its own name. Thanks to @/HeiressOfSlytherclaw on ao3 for the name inspiration

"3 minutes out" Max vaguely heard the ambulance driver call out at the nurse who was preparing a syringe with god knows what at the back of the ambulance.

He tried to focus, desperately on what was happening but the last half hour had been a blur. He barely registered what was being said and he felt like the world was spinning as he desperately tried to regulate his breathing and blink the tears from his eyes.

"I'm going to give you this for the pain" he heard the nurse say as he saw the syringe being locked against the IV.

"AAARRGGH" as the ambulance drove over another bump in the road.
His already clamp hand being squeezed more. He held said hand tightly kissing them softly. "Hold on baby, we're almost there" he whispered almost inaudible.

Not much later the ambulance came to a halt and the doors were pulled open from the outside as the stretcher was wheeled out of the vehicle in to the emergency room.

"What do we got?" asked what he presumed was a doctor.
"Male, 25 , blunt force trauma to the head, chest and abdomen. Persistent hypotension after two liters of saline. Pulse is thready at 130. Pupils are equal and reactive" all things after, the dutchman didn't even register as they sprinted inside never letting go of his hand until they reached two swing doors and Max was stopped from entering by whom he presumed was yet another nurse. "I'm sorry sir, you can't enter this area" the man said stern but apologetically as he blocked him from entering. "But please, you don't understand, I need to be with him!" Max pleaded with a loud sob. "We will notify you as soon as we can" the man clad in scrubs tried to reassure him. "But..." Max whispered in to nothingness as the man disappeared in to the room.

"Max?!" He heard only seconds later as he turned at the direction the voice was coming from.
In the hallway Joris was standing. Obviously he had run all the way if his loss of breathe was any indication. His eyes red puffy and wide with panic. And at that Max could only sob. The monegasque was next him in seconds and wrapped his arms around the dutchman. Patting his back letting the dutchman cry against his chest. Only as he calmed down a little Joris dared to ask. "W-where is he? Where is Charles?"
Max tried to wipe his tears away. "I-I don't- I don't know, I think I heard them mentioning something about taking him up for a CT-scan or something" he replied as another sob escaped his lips.
"J-Joris, I just don't understand, why did this happen?" Max asked though he knew he wouldn't get a answer.
"I don't know mate... I don't know" he sighed as he whispered back.

"Do you know? About Victoria and the guys? Do they know? Are they coming?" Max asked looking up.
"Yes she does, she said she would get the rest and then get the first Taxi here"
"Okay" he just breathed.
"Does Pascale already know?" Joris asked after a while and Max cursed under his breathe.
"Fuck no... I should call her..." Max sighed, tears welling behind his eyes again.
"You want me to do it?" Joris offered but Max declined. "Thanks but no, I think I should call... will you stay though?" And at that the monegasque nodded. Rubbing a hand on the Dutchman's back. "Of course" as Max tried to offer him a greatfull but sad smile as he searched his phone for Pascale's number and pressed call.

It ringed once... twice... before it got answered.

"Hi Pascale, I'm sorry to wake you.... It's about Charles... it's not good... we are at the hospital"


Max and Joris were seated in a lucky for them deserted waiting area. Max sat on the chair, his knees bended in front of him, his hands wrapped around his legs trying to ground himself in this terrible situation. He had been staring at the same stain on the hospital floor for at least half an hour. Neither Max or Joris said a word until they heard a door open and his sister and their friends walked in.

"How is he? Is he okay?" Max shook his head "I don't know, we haven't heard anything yet" as he felt his cheeks get wet again. The air in the room was thick, the situation hard to swallow.
"Does mum know?" He heard Arthur ask as he nodded "yes, she's on her way" as their friends all took a seat in the waiting area, Max got enveloped in a tight hug by his sister. "Oh Max..." she sighed in his shoulder. "He will be okay... he has to be..."


"I'm looking for the family of mister Charles Leclerc" a man called out into the waiting area and Max was on his feet in seconds.
"Yes I am, we are here" he rushed out as he was desperately waiting for answers. Arthur coming to stand next to him, his hand resting on the Dutchman's shoulder. "Yes please tell us! How is he" the younger man sounded terrified.
"What is your relationship to the patient?" The man asked.
"I'm Max, his boyfriend, his partner and this is his brother" Max croaked.
The man looks at him apologetically. "I'm sorry I am only allowed to give medical information to his direct family..." the man told them.
Max and Arthur where about to protest as Pascale entered the conversation. "I'm Charles's mother" she sniffed. "And Max is family, he can come too" afterwards they were led in to a private room as the doctor explained to them Charles's injuries and what to expect as they were allowed to visit his room.

The three left the room again all still in tears that were visibly rolling down their face. Their friends who were still waiting for news watched them as their worry was written on their face. Not at all reassured by the sight of Pascale, Arthur and Max crying and Arthur walking his mom to get some water. It didn't paint a pretty picture.
As Max made his way towards them he tries to wipe the tears that stained his face with the sleeve of his white shirt.
"Please, please tell me he is okay" they heard Ricardo beg to no one in particular.

Max took a deep breath. "He is taken up to a room now. He has a concussion and is severely bruised... they also found a hairline fracture in his right hand where they want to look at in the morning" Max sighed. "They told us he is stable now and that they will do more checks in the morning" he sad now with a sad smile. "We can go see him in a little bit... but he probably won't wake up until tomorrow because of the morfine he has had"  he sighed looking at the floor, picking the skin around his nails. "I- I know you guys want to see him too... but the doctor said it is better for him to rest"

The whole group let out mutual a sigh of relief at the news that he was sort of okay and they all understood for now it was better to go home. Max had promised them to keep them updated if there was any news or change in Charles's situation. Before they left, Max thanked them for all being there for Charles and him. They quickly hugged goodbye as they told him he "should go be with his man"


Entering Charles's hospital room felt cold and strange. One minute they were out celebrating there new home, their happy new life. And only hours later he was standing next towards a hospital bed. Their fast life should have learned him that everything can change in a split of a second. But how can you get prepared for this?
Charles's pale body, laying in a hospital bed. Cuts and bruises all over his face and body. The IV hooked to his left arm while his right hand was wrapped in bandages. The monitors beeping quietly in the background of the room. The proof that his heart was still beating and going steady.

He carefully climbed on the bed, laying down next to him. Pushing the hairs out off his face that were covering his forehead. Softly trailing his face. Carefully and tender before he rested his hand on his. Whispering "please baby... be okay?.... I love you... I- I-sorry.... I shouldn't have let you alone...I'm so-so sorry... Charlie... please be okay?!"

Mentioning of:

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now