Smiling for the camera's

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"Ahem" a male voice said in their direction. As the couple froze looking in the direction the voice was coming from.
In front of them was a man in his sixties, wearing a blue shirt, pointing a flashlight at them. It made it hard for them to see his face.

'I-I am - w- we are sorry" Max sputtered out what made the older man started laughing and lowered his flashlight. The couple quickly looked at each other because of the man's odd behaviour. Also Max went stand a little bit before Charles, making himself tall. Not sure what the man was about to do, he would protect Charles at all costs.
The man was still laughing until he saw the change in Max's demeanour. He then just spoke calmly. "Don't worry boys, I won't do anything" motioning with his hands that they should calm down. "It just felt like a deja-vu" he tried to explain
But given last month's events Max still felt very protective. 'we just wanted to get some air' Max added. 'Yeah I could see that' the man snorted halfheartedly. 'Needed mouth to mouth didn't you?'
And then something clicked, the couple turned more crimson then they even thought was possible.

"Do you remember me now?" The man laughed as the couple nodded. Remembering were they have met this man before.
"B-but you do recognise us?" Charles asked him flabbergasted.
"Yes I do, just like the first time I caught you guys" he winked. The couple was perplexed. The man who caught them kissing years ago knew who they actually were all that time.
"You? You did know we weren't mechanic's?" Max stammered and the man just nodded with a soft smile. "Of course I did! I don't work as a security for the FIA events for nothing. I'm a big autosport fan!"
The couple could be catching flies with the way their mouth were agape.
"But you didn't say anything? You never said anything?" Charles eventually managed to ask.
"It wasn't my place to tell" he stated simply at that.

"Thank you" the couple said in unison. They were grateful that the man that caught them on the rooftop of palais du Louvre back in 2019 has protected their secret and didn't want to do them harm.
"That goes without saying boys, you would tell the word when you would be ready"


The couple stumbled down the staircase making their way back to the hall where the gala was held after they chatted to Theodore, the security guard a bit longer. Before Charles could open the door Max caught his arm and turned him around, pulling the monegasque close to him.

"I can't believe this happend.. again!" he laughed against his lips and Charles couldn't help to smile along. "Me neither mon amour" he said as he pecked Max's lips a couple more times before pulling away, straightening his suit before he kissed Max's cheek. His hand already on the door handle. "I'll see you at the hotel" he said smiling at him. But as he wanted to turn around Max stopped him again. "No, I won't see you at the hotel" and Charles looked at him confused. "I'll see you at the podium and after, because I still have to show of my first prize trophies at the red carpet" I took a second but Charles smiled incredibly wide.
"You are a menace Max" he laughed a throaty laugh.
"I may be a menace, but a menace that loves you, a menace who is incredibly proud of you"


Only a quarter after they went back Max already regretted reentering the hall. The prize giving for formula one, the end of the evening, he absolutely hated it. He was waiting backstage. They had told him before how he would enter the room. His car coming out and he would be following walking over the catwalk to eventually earning his prize. He didn't want all the attention on him, he has never liked it and wondered why everything would need to be one big show. Though he despised it, it was definitely something he could live with for now. But now as he was awaiting backstage watching the screens, watching the FIA produced f1 year compilation he was about to just turn away and take his boyfriends hand and take with him to never come back. But unfortunately he knew he couldn't.

The compilation basically was a clip of all of Ferrari's fuck ups. Making it seem that that's the reason he won the championship. But about that he didn't care. He was fuming of how Charles was portrayed and how they edited in his disappointed scream in France made his blood run stone cold. But unfortunately before he could yel at anyone about it, he was already called on stage.

He had a rather awkward conversation with the FIA president before he finally got his award and the evening was almost over. Or at least the televised and broadcasted part. They only needed to take the winners picture up on stage.
Max's eyes where scanning the crowd, looking where his boyfriend was until he found him climbing up on stage on his right hand side, Christian pulling him in to join the f1 winners. They posed for the first pictures before Christian said something to Charles and pushed him towards Max.
"Hi champion" Charles smiled with a beautiful smile and the rest of the prize giving was long forgotten.


After the show the last photo moment was arranged. Max had been posing alone, and together with Christian and Checo. He watched Charles smiling politely from the side, talking with Joris who was with him. As the press noticed him standing there they asked him to join. First for a picture of the formula one winners, the four of them and then a only drivers picture afterwards. As Charles was about to walk off after to many pictures with their awards and a big bottle of champagne, Checo also leaving. Max pulled Charles back again, joking towards the press "oh come on, don't pretend that this wasn't the picture you were waiting for!" He said as he rested his arm on the monegasque's back. Whispering in his ear "I said I wanted to show my trophies" and Charles just pushed him playfully. "You are crazy" he just laughed as he rested his hand on Max's opposite hip. Posing and smiling for the camera.


"Mhhh, what you doing?" Max mumbled against his boyfriend's skin as he woke up from the bright light of the monegasque's phone, blissfully unaware about the time it already was. Still cuddled up against his side. Charles just chuckled. "I was just reading some news about last night after I ordered breakfast for us with room service" and at that Max's eyes shot open. "Babe, I told you not to read those things" he said his tone serious, trying to read the monegasque's features though he could not find anything. Charles turned from laying on his back, to lay on his side. Facing the dutchman. Pecking his lips. "You don't have to worry babe, what I read was good" he just smiled. Nuzzling their noses together softly. "They are happy to see us together, after everything, stronger then ever" he smiled closing his eyes. Breathing in the others air.  Holding a strong hold on each other's hands between them.
"I love you Maxy" Charles says as his breath hitched. "So so much!" He says as he kisses him once more, kissing from his lips, on his lip freckle to his cheek and down his neck. "God, Charles, I love you too" Max breathes. Thoroughly enjoying the feeling of warm and soft lips on his skin, being close again, being intimate again. When.... "Room service!"

"Ugh" the monegasque groans resting his head on his boyfriend's chest "all the fucking time!" What makes Max just laugh out loud. As it seems Charles doesn't make any moves to get up so he gets up himself. Quickly pulling on some shorts that where on top of the pile of clothes in his suitcase as he is opening the door for their breakfast delivery.

Max had thanked the guy and then he wheeled in the cart, honestly it smelled delicious and he was curious what his boyfriend had picked out for them, or if it was by their trainers approved. Though he didn't really care, it was winter break. He would burn it afterwards as he enjoyed now.

As he returned to the end of the bed, Charles was still laying with his face flush down on the mattress and Max couldn't stifle his laugh. "Come on Charlie, it's not that bad. He's gone already and honestly this smells and looks amazing" he still laughed.
Charles went to sit up, his back resting against the headboard of the bed. Folding his arms over each other with a pout. "I liked my other breakfast just fine" he mumbled. He looked ridiculous but adorable and Max couldn't help the affection that was pooling deep down in his stomach.

He goes to sit down next to him, kissing his cheek. His warm breath ghosting over the monegasque's skin. "How about we do breakfast first and finish with dessert" he says while teasingly biting down his boyfriend's neck. And really, who's is Charles to say no to that?

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now