Prove them wrong

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"Christian how do you feel about the coming out of your driver?"

The Redbull team principal looked unimpressed to whom ever asked that question.
"I think I "don't have to feel"" he air quoted. "Anything about the private lives of my drivers" he simply stated. "As long as they are fast on track and work hard"

"Aren't you afraid his choice of partner could influence his racing?"

As protective as Christian was about his golden boy he felt himself starting fuming already. Of course it was a given that those questions unfortunately would come. But he didn't like what the journalist was implying here.

"You mean with a fellow driver or because he is with a man?" Christian asked calmly though the way the journalist was talking and phrasing things he already knew his answer.

"Well both"

"It hasn't effected their racing before, it has never done. Besides has Charles nor Max ever given you the impression that they can't race?"

"Well uhm" the man answered.

"Max and Charles are objectively the most exceptional talents of their generation" as the other team principal's Fred from Alfa Romeo and Otmar from Alpine hummed along.
Fred even added "if anything you would say it adds to their talent" he said half jokingly but with a serious undertone.

"Look" Christian started with his typical glint in his eye if he was plotting a nice comeback, sitting forward slightly, rubbing and then folding his hands together.
"Look mister Jensen. I knew about my golden boy loving some piece of lord Percival for a while. He is the reigning world champion, so no I'm not worried and just happy for them both. As he mimicked a mic drop. His intentions were clear and the journalists understood.


Meanwhile in Max's motorhome he was pacing around while Charles was watching his boyfriend while he said on the massage table in the corner. "Max?" He sighed. As Max kept walking around he tried again. "Max? Cheri? Please come sit" at that Max turned towards his boyfriend his eyes furious, not at Charles but at the situation. "And then what Charles? This is fucking horrible" he groans loudly and then rubs his hand over his face. "When you think it couldn't get worse , we get proven wrong again! For fuck sake!"

Charles then stood up and walked towards the dutchman, looking down and lacing their fingers together. "We will figure it out" he tried to reassure him. Max just snorted and let his head fall on Charles's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him. Giving in to the comfort his boyfriend provided. "The stupidest thing is, now I wish it was actually that video of us" he softly laughed uncomfortably about the situation. Charles just hugged him closer, playing with the short hairs on the back of his neck. "I know Max, I know"

It was honestly unbelievable, one hour ago, the leak of that video seemed like the worst that could happen. But after the drivers stormed out of the press center after the press conference had ended the couple had found out it could actually and arguably get worse. As soon as they entered Max's motor home they were quick to search for the video, wanting to check if the entire video they expected was posted. The search didn't take long as it was already blowing up on the internet. Only they found out that was not what the video was about. Or rather the pictures and another video.

Max had fully prepared to own up to the video of him on his knees ready to please his boyfriend. He still wouldn't be happy about it. But they were out, proud and of course they had sex, they were two young and fit man after all. But they weren't prepared for this. The reactions on it weren't leaving anything to the imagination either. The obvious criticasters immediately blaming Max, as they apparently knew from stand still pictures everything that had happend and what was going on.  Because of course Max should always be blamed for the actions off others. At least that seemed to be the tendency.
There were also people in his and their corner. Saying he just as much was a victim of the situation as Charles. But still they didn't knew the whole truth and went running with it.
And for a little part they understood, those pictures weren't pretty. But why would someone do this? And especially now? Those moments happend years ago. By now everything had changed.

After a while Charles pulled back and lifted Max chin with two fingers, scanning his eyes for a second as he intently connected their lips. When they parted he said: "we talk with the teams, and your father, we'll figure it out. We know the truth."

For the rest of the weekend the media was banned from asking them about their personal lives. Only questions related to racing where allowed. When someone tried asking how all the happenings of the last days would affect them. Silvia and Vicky quickly jumped in so both drivers didn't even need to answer.
On their part the couple just tried to be themselves during the weekend, laughing and talking in the paddock like they would every other race week. Except that now they don't have to stay out of the others way. The best part of it .

They would went on to prove them vultures wrong this weekend. It never influenced their racing and it never will. In qualifying Max dominated for first while Charles came in fourth. Though it wouldn't matter much anyway as they are both shedualed for a grid penalty starting 14th and 15th.
By lap 12 Max is already back at the front only leaving his spot there for three rounds because of a scheduled pitstop. Unfortunately he saw Charles disappear from his mirrors by then as he wondered what happend with his boyfriend's red Ferrari.

After the race in the cool down room Carlos tells him there was a tear off in his breakduckt fucking his race from the first safety car and Max immediately worries it was his as Charles was right behind him.
In the press conference he tells the media just so. Only when he sees Charles in the media pen again and he is happily congratulated by his boyfriend on his incredible win that the tension leaves him a little.

As he is talking with one of the media's he even dares to joke "see we don't race each other differently, no matter what" he smiles at them "even if we have to go full on Mario Kart, throwing stuff and everything" he laughs as he watches Charles giving a interview right beside him to the French canal+. Obviously he heard what Max just said. "Oh fuck off Verstappen or the next time a will stack up on bananas to throw at you" he grins and Max just laughs louder "oh please do! cause than that Ferrari will be just as overweight as my Redbull" he sticks out his tongue while Charles pinches his side making him yelp.

For now at least they shut the haters. but they were already dreading  Monday morning as they still had to figure out how to handle those leaked photos and video.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now