The bachelor(s)

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As they finally managed to get half decently dressed they sprinted towards the stairs of their apartment building. Not waisting any time by waiting for the elevator.
"Shit my keys!" Max cursed halfway down stopping abruptly. Only for Charles to juggle them in front of his face. "I've got them" he says as they make the rest of their way down.
As they reach the lowest floor and push open the metal door of the stairwell connected to the underground garage they let out a surprised yelp.

Leaning against Max's Aston Martin Valkery is Daniel, big ass smile on his face as ever. Not a trace of the worry that was laced in his words 7 minutes earlier noticeable on the Australian.
"What the fuck Daniel!?" Max curses out as he doesn't understand what is going on.
"Merde Daniel!" Charles rolls his eyes while he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. Carefully starting laughing as he is puzzling the pieces together.
Max still oblivious as ever now turns towards his fiancé. "What is so funny?" He asks as Daniel starts laughing even louder.
"Oh sweet oblivious little Maxy" he says as he pats he face before he is turned around by the Aussie.

"SUPRISE!!!" Is shouted throughout the parking lot by various voices. People coming from behind the cars.
Both Max and Charles's friends appear.
"What is going on?" His mind still catching up with the fact that Daniel is just fine.
Charles already giving himself over to what is happening around them.

Daniel wraps his arms about both drivers shoulders..
"Dear Charles, Max, it's time for... your BACHELORS PARTY!!" As everyone around them erupts in to cheers.
"Oh" Max just manages to get out, scanning the room, finally realizing who they were surrounded by.

Their friends from the grid but also some friends from their childhood and family. He missed just one of them in the room.
Of course he knew that probably not everyone could be there. And especially him, summer time was one of the busiest time of the year for a dj.

"You looking for me Max?" And Max turns around fast. "Martijn!" He smiles. Suprised that actually all of his friends are there. His smile only dropping slightly as he sees what the other dutchman is holding. "O my god" he grumbles half laughing,
"You didn't think I would want to miss this, did you?" A big grin adoring Martijns face who is holding the outfit that he is supposed to be wearing. The green and the paws already pointing at a certain direction of what kind of outfit it could be.

Right from himself Charles is looking just as fearful at the Yellow suit Ricardo is holding in front of his face.
"Oh my god Charles, you've never looked so good!" The other monegasque jokes referencing to Charles famous streaming moments from a couple years back.

The couple looks at each other for a second before rolling their eyes, laughing. Motioning their friends to hand over their suits. Giving in to the ridiculous situation they knew they wouldn't get out off.
As they have the suits on they decide to go all in and pose for a picture for their friends. Max in a dinosaur suit and Charles dressed as a banana, oh how fitting.
Honestly they looked absolutely rediculous. Though Max was already grateful that their friends hadn't put them in to dresses or anything like that.
That thought was disturbed though as Joris appears in front of them. Grinning widely. "You boy's didn't think we were done yet, right?" He snorts. As he holds up the additional t shirts for them to wear.

The white shirt's decorated with their younger selfs faces, one of the most famous YouTube video's in the f1 community. Max gets to wear the one with Charles's face and vise versa.
They can help but laugh as they put over the shirt's over their already ridiculous suits.
"Perfect!" The group cheers loudly. "The start of Lestappen" Lando laughs as he claps his hands. "Till now!" Daniel finishes as he throws his arm around the Brit's shoulder.
The couple glanced to each other once more. They had no idea what their friend's had in store for them, but they where positive they were in for a ride.


It started of relatively calm as they went out for a late lunch in the harbour club, the place was rented out just for them, so there weren't so many prying eyes around. They managed to get inside relatively unseen. As unseen as a group of 23 young Man could be, escorting a man sized banana and dinosaur through the small streets of Monaco.

"So what are we doing?" Charles asked as he rubbed his hands together, finishing the lunch on his plate. Actually excited to find out what their friends had arranged for them to do.
In all honesty he was just excited to have all of their friends together for this day. This never happend with their wild lives. That the group managed to arrange all this made it all the more special. If it just took them to look ridiculous for a day, then he was more than fine with it.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Arthur teased his older brother wiggling his eyebrows for good measure.
"Of course I do!" Charles just said happily looking to their friends around him.
"It's still a surprise prince Perceval" Daniel chimed in excitedly. "You'll find out soon enough" he grinned mischievously also catching Max's attention.
"Oh I dont trust that smirk" Max says as he locks eyes with the Australian, lacing his fingers with Charles's. A reassuring squeeze on his palm.


In the end it turned out Max was right, Daniel's smirk wasn't to be trusted. Though it also wasn't as bad as you think it would be.
As the group left the restaurant the couple was let in on what they would have to do today. At least a small part of it.

Their friends had come up with the most ridiculous kind of tasks. The couple having to do them all throughout Monte-Carlo. Their friends laughing of their asses taking pictures of it all as they obliged to their commands with a crimson blush on their cheeks. Luckily for them the joking around lasted only for an hour before they where put in the back of a car blindfolded.
Their drivers taking another route, confusing the couple even more about where they were going.

It turned out not to be so bad. As they were finally allowed to take of their blindfold they found out they where standing on a yacht. They would spend the day out on the water, riding yet ski's and playing water games. Hanging out on the ship until the early hours. The later the night became, the more the alcohol was flowing, music blasting from the speakers out on the quiet sea.

As the night came to a close, Charles was dancing with his friends on the deck as Max was quietly nursing his beer in the corner. Enjoying seeing the love of his life, so happy, enjoying himself so carefree. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Martijn plopped down next to him, nudging his side.
"You okay mate?" He asked in dutch as Max just smiled. "Yeah I'm good" he chuckled.
"You don't sound so drunk" he then added nodding at the drink in Martijn's hand.
"Yeah mate, I stopped with the gin tonics after dinner as I have to be in Ibiza tomorrow" the dj smiled at his friend.
"I really appreciate you went out of your way to be here today Martijn" he admitted gratefully.
"Of course Max, I wouldn't miss it for the world" he said as he hugged his friend.
"Besides, how could your best man not be at your bachelor's party?" He chuckles.
"You are right...but still, of course, our lives and schedules are not exactly normal" he says as he pulls back from the hug to look at his friend. "So thank you" he emphasizes once more.
"Of course Mate!" Martijn just smiles.

They hug once more before they pull back looking at their friends and out over the sea until Martijn breaks the silence once more.
"Listen to this" he says as he takes his AirPods from his pocket handing them to Max who puts them in and listens attentively.
"I love it!" He says with a smile on his face as the song ends and he hands the AirPods back to his friend.
"I hoped you would"

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now