Love story

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"Max can you please just not argue with me on this for once?" Charles asked as he let his hand glide over his face with a desperate sigh as he walked in to their bedroom, fetching the last things they need for today's trip.
"I'm not arguing Charles, but as you knew I already made the reservation last week. I just don't get why we would want to rush all the way to France and then to barely make it back on time for tomorrow?"
Max said looking at his boyfriend, popping up his eyebrow for good measure.
"Because both of them are racing this weekend and the both of us promised them separately that we would come to watch their race anyway!" Charles tried to make his point as Max rolled his eyes at that, folding his arms. "I get that, but why this weekend?"
They had been discussing this weekends plans since yesterday morning when Charles told Max about his idea to go watch their nephews race this weekend. Max's nephew from his mother's side and Charles's nephew would be racing in the same catogory this weekend so in his eyes it was the perfect opportunity. Really Perfect.

Max sighed as he was done arguing. He really wasn't happy with the fact that Charles suddenly wanted to plan this now on such short notice. He just hoped they would be back in time.
"Fine!" He sighed putting his hands up. "But if we can't make the reservation, you are paying!" Which brought a grin on Charles's face. "Of course, anything!" His grin turning into a dimpled smile.


As they turned up the car park they could already hear the the sound of the 2-stroke engines, the smell of burning rubber and fuel. It was nostalgic. The track still looked the same. Though it definitely has had a paint job in the last 10 years. The grandstands were new and the look out post around the track, added.
Though Max was repulsive to go at first, he couldn't suppress the small smile that crept on his lips as their childhood memories came flooding back.
"You still regret going?" Charles teased at they got their backpacks from the back of the trunk as Max looked at him pointedly. "The timing still sucks Charles" before he cracks his smile. "But yeah, today also could have been way worse"
"Yeah?" Charles said coming closer leaning in, when.

"O MY GOD, DAD LOOK!" One kids voice screamed as another chimmed in. "MAX AND CHARLES!"
And before they knew it they where swarmed by little kids and their fathers asking for a photograph to which they happily obliged.
It was only when Anthony, Max's uncle came up to them they could finally enter the track. He clasped both of their hands with a smile "good to see you guys back here!" And the couple could only agree.


"It's so cool you are here!" Charles's nephew Lucien says as he swings his arm around the young monegasque. Charles ruffles his hair and smiles. "I'm glad we could find a moment to see you race" he tells him.
"Yeah! And it's so cool Henri is racing as well and you and Max could both come!" The young guy says just as excited. "Yeah" Charles grins. "Good to hear the next generation doesn't hate each other" as he hears his uncle snort from beside them.
"Why did you hate each other before?" His nephew questions him. "Aah, we were stupid and each other's biggest competition" he can't help but smile "let's just say we bumped karts on track a lot of times. And when I say a lot... I mean a lot" looking around the track where they had one of there most famous fall outs.
"But now you are in love" his nephew smiles and Charles nods and giggles "yes, yes we are" he smiles as he looks over his shoulder at Max who is walking with his respective nephew and uncle as well. Talking animatedly with his hands as only he does.


"COME ON HENRI!" Max was shouting from the look out post as his nephew was trying to take over the karter in first place. Charles nephew following close, waiting for a opportunity to come up to place an overtake. The Battle went on for a couple more corners, trying to hit the apex differently, have a better exceleration out of the corner. And on the right handed corner, just before the long straight both nephews overtook the boy in first place. Only three corners later the boy tried to regain his position but ran wide, hitting Henri's kart in the proces.
"Oh shit!" The driver couple exclaimed in unison as they saw it happen. The Belgian boy loosing out on first place and almost falling behind in third. They knew like no other how it felt to loose out on a mistake that wasn't your own.
Fortunately he managed to get back to second but the fight for first was a done deal with only three rounds to go. Nevertheless their nephews crossed the finish line first as Lucien finished first and Henri second, so they were happy nonetheless , clapping their hands and cheering their names.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now