Celebrate good times

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"You think I can do it?" Charles asked as he was starring in the mirror of their shared hotel room while Max still was brushing his teeth. "Ofcourse" he mumbled with his toothbrush still in his mouth. Charles somewhat looked doubtful ahead. So Max spit out hiss toothpaste, rinsed his toothbrush before he turned to his boyfriend. "Lief if it wasn't for Ferrari and their strategic fuck ups you might as well have beaten me. So yeah I absolutely believe you can beat Checo"
Charles grimaced at the mentioning of Ferrari before he shot Max a pointed look. "You are not just saying that because I am your boyfriend?" He asked seriously.
"No stupid! and you know it" the stupid coming out of his mouth more loving then anything else. "Yes Checo is good, but you are amazing. And like I said... though you don't want to hear it... you would have been fighting me if it wasn't for Ferrari"
"Yeah except I binned it in Imola and France..." he looked down at their intertwined hands
"Hey Charles, look at me. Stop it, okay? Those were minor mistakes because you drove on the absolute limit. You can't be an exceptional driver without them." He looked at the brown haired man seriously.
Charles huffed. "Yeah but you don't make them" he said as he looked at the wall behind the dutchman. "I did make plenty , but luck was more on my side when I did this year...besides I did make them too before. If the car is not perfect you do everything to extract the best from it.. then these things happen. They happend to me enough too when the Redbull wasn't as good" Max said as he noticed Charles still wasn't looking at him.
"And if me believing in you for the both of us isn't enough... Then at least do it for that second place bonus" he smiled. "Because if our offer on that house gets accepted we will definitely need the extra money" a big grin apparent on his face.
Now Charles couldn't help but snort. "You are stupid" though he couldn't hide his own smile.
"I thought that was your trademark?" Max smirked down at him while wrapping his arms around the man he loves. Kissing the top of his head.
"Shut up" Charles just laughed in return.

For Max the race wasn't that eventful, quickly he led with quite the margin. He was glad that while driving he figured out Charles was on the same strategy he was. Thank god Ferrari managed to set Charles on the better strategy for the last race. On the screens he followed how Charles held of Checo. GP also giving him little updates though not without telling him he should focus on his own race. Though without any heat behind it as he knew the Dutchman would manage just fine.
In the end Max crossed the line 8 second in front of his boyfriend who himself finished 2 seconds in front of Checo.
"Yes! Go on Charles!" Max screamed in his helmet as he saw his boyfriend cross the checkered flag. He did it, he got second, just like he knew he would.

In his own car Charles was incredibly happy too. Though there was still some regret over the fact that in the end he wasn't fighting with Max for the championship title. But it was his best season in formula one yet. Taking second place was still something to be proud off. Especially because the Redbull was arguably the better car. Especially in the second half of the season. He still beat one of them on his own merit.

He thanked the team in Italian, though he almost dumbly drowned as he pressed the button of his water bottle and not his radio. "Grazie! Thank you guys, thank you for this year, for this big step forward compared to last year! Tonight we party and tomorrow we work hard for next year, grazie!"

As always on the podium they kept it professional. Celebrating with their designated teams and with a friendly handshake. But as soon they walked away from the podium, completely drenched in rose water, away from the prying eyes Max threw his arm around the monegasque "see I told you, you could do it" he smiled proudly and fond. "Yeah" Charles blushed looking at the thropy and champagne bottle in his hands.
Behind them Checo cleared his throat "ahum, rooting for the enemy I see Max" he said laughing while he clapped their backs. "It is that you two are so fucking damn adorable" he smiled at them when he passed walking in to the press room first. Leaving both man flustered in his wake.

After all formalities where done and the 22 season was officially wrapped up except for the Pirelli tyre tests, everyone went out to celebrate. This year they decided to go all out together. This year they finally could without a worry in the world.  Well accept they couldn't be to close in public as they were still in Abu Dhabi. To much public affection was not the way to go.
Accept Max was always a bit stubborn and on cloud nine. He wasn't ashamed of who he is, at least not anymore. Though he wanted to be safe. He had made a plan.

He send Charles to go to the club already with Pierre and Esteban, that he would be meeting them there since he claimed he had still something to pick up from Redbull as he claimed he forgot to take it with him.
Charles wasn't sure he bought it but he let it go either way.

Though his suspicions his boyfriend was up to something where confirmed as Max entered the club with a massive bouquet of white roses. The cap he was wearing backwards on his head. He looked boyish, but he looked oh so good. Upon entering Lando started whistling while Daniel screamed "MAXYYYYY!" And Pierre nudged his side.

Charles couldn't help but brake out into a big grin. Max plopped down next to Charles as Pierre scooted away to make some space for the dutchman. "These are for you" Max smiled at him. "Because I'm so, so fucking proud of you!" They smiled at each other as they heard Lando snap a shot with his camera. For sure they would end up on Lando JPG now but they did not mind.

"You should learn from Max, Daniel!" They heard Heidi laugh in the background. "He is so romantic"
Esteban rolled his eyes laughing "they really are the power couple of f1 now, the top two of the world"
It was good for the illuminating lights because both man where blushing furiously. Max turned to Charles. "But like I said, I'm really, really proud of you Charlie" he smiled sweetly at him as he handed over the bouquet of roses. "Also we will really need your bonus now" he smiled proudly raising his right eyebrow.
Charles chuckled before his smile faltered a little "what do you mean?" What made Max's smile only shine brighter. "Riccardo just called, our offer got accepted!"
"WHAT?!" Charles squealed atrackting the attention from everyone around them. And though Max tried to shush him it was no use. "What?!  But- But why didn't he call me?" The monegasque wondered out loud as their real estate broker was one of his best childhood friends. He was searching his pockets for his phone what only made Max laugh even more "well if you didn't leave your phone at our hotel room before you left" Max said as he got Charles's phone from his pocket waving it in front of his face and the monegasque smiled sheepishly.

Earlier that evening, Charles had left to meet up with Pierre and Esteban and in the lobby and just as Max was ready to head out retrieving the flowers for his boyfriend he heard that the monegasque's phone kept ringing on the nightstand . As it went of a third time Max decided to pick up as he saw it was Riccardo calling. As the dutchman picked up Riccardo answered "ah Max good you pick up because I was just about to call you since Charles is not answering!" As he had shared the happy news.

"I'm sorry to intervene" Pierre asked. "But what the fuck is going on?"
Max nodded at his boyfriend to give him the honors of telling their friends with all of their eyes on them.
"Max and I, we just bought a house!" He smiled proudly while their friends cheered and congratulated them.
"Like I said f1's power couple" Esteban chimed in what made their whole table laugh.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now