Forever ain't enough

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He woke up with a giddy feeling in his belly, a soft smile already creeping on his face as he looked sideways. The dutchman softly snoring beside him with his mouth slightly agape. He quickly checks the clock on his nightstand, they still have 10 minutes. As he turns on his side again he can't help but let his eyes linger.
Max chooses that exact moment to open his eyes, blinking a few times before turning on his side as well. "Hey" he says with a smile adoring his face. "Hi" Charles just smiles back with an even giddier grin.
"You ready?" He asks as he nuzzles closer. Their noses touching, fingers intertwined. "I've never been more ready" he hums against his soft lips with a smile. Lingering after, exchanging soft kisses. Scooting closer, getting intertwined with the other.


"Common guys!" Victoria says as she barges in the couples hotel room, pulling the blanket from their bodies.
"VIC?!" Max grumbles as he tries to get hold from the blanket, covering their body's.
"Oh common" she laughs "this is nothing I haven't seen before" she says as she crosses her arms over her chest staring down at the couple on the bed.
"But you have to come with me now" she then smiles "it's time to get married" she says as she tugs at her brother's arm.
Max barely manages to put on his sweats before his sister tries to pull him with her again.
"Vic, wait a minute will you?"  He says pulling back his arm from her grip.
She just looks at him raising her eyebrow.
"First I need to do this" he says as he walks back over to his boyfriend who is still watching the antics from the Dutch siblings from his spot on the bed. He watches as Max mouths at him a silent sorry before bowing down to kiss his lips. Capturing them for a last time as boyfriends. Whispering a soft "I love you" as they part again.
As he stands up again and turns back to his sister with a grin. "Okay, now I'm ready to go"
His sister just rolls her eyes at him though it's filled with fondness. "You were afraid you won't get to do that enough today?" She says raising her eyebrow pulling him with her as Max just retorts "no, but from kissing Charles I will never get enough"
She dramatically gags. Like a good sister should, hearing her bother wax poetics over his boyfriend, soon to be husband.

After Max and Victoria left the room Charles got himself out of bed in to the bathroom. Brushing his teeth, shaving, taking a shower, doing his skincare before putting on some easy sweats. If he was wearing Max's Redbull joggers, no one had to know about it. Except maybe his mother and brothers who arrived soon after, helping him get ready for his big day. Them... and the photographer that would be following them the whole day, capturing the special moments from front to end.

As his brother Lorenzo helped him in his suit jacket, Arthur handing him his cuff links's and his mother fixing his tie he looked himself up and down in the big vanity mirror. Letting out a nervous trembling sigh.
This was the moment, this was the day. The day he would marry the love of his life, his favorite rival, but most of all, his Maxy.
He wasn't nervous because he was afraid, with Max he would never be, but the anticipation was building up inside his belly.
As he combed his fingers through his hair again, trying to place it Perfectly he watched his mother and brothers standing behind him. Watching him proud and fondly. His brothers have their arms slung over the other's shoulders, looking to each other before looking back at their middle sibling. He lets his eyes dart from them to his Maman. She has tears welling in her eyes. "Oh Mon petit" she says as she opens her arms enveloping him in a tight embrace. "I'm so incredibly proud of you" she says to him in their native tongue.
"Maman" he says with a sniffle as she pulls back after a while in loss of better words to say in this moment.

"Wait, Mon petit garçon" she says as she walks over to the corner of the room, pulling out something from her bag.
"Here" she says as she returns to him. Handing him over an envelope. As he holds it he traces over the letters of his own name, the writing so familiar.
"Maman?" He asks looking up, new tears already welling up behind his eyes.
"Oui petit" she smiles at him with the tears still in her eyes. "He wrote this for you, for if the day ever came" she says as she squeezes his hand, a silent encouragement to open the envelope. He looks up at his mother one more time before opening the envelope with trembling hands.

In the envelope is a letter on warm colored beige paper. Decorated with the handwriting of his father. He takes another trembling breath in pursuit to calm himself down before he starts reading.

Dear Charles,

The day has finally come, today you will marry the man of your dreams, the love of your life.
I want you to know that I'm incredibly proud of you.
I always have been but always will be for everything you choose to have done or will do in the future.
You getting married to him today proves that. You broke to the barriers, you pushed through, you fought for love even though the position your in added a whole other layer to that. Even though you might have been scared, you told him. You choose love.
I would have loved to shared this day with you, your mother, your brothers and him.
But I hope you know I'm always with you, watching over you, so incredibly proud.

Charles can't help the sob escaping his lips as he reads the words his father wrote him nearly five years ago. Even though his father was incredibly sick the moment he told him he was in to men. His father has took time in his last precious and valuable moments to write this letter to his son with tired hands.
He quickly wipes the tears that were rolling from
His face as his mother squeezes his neck as he reads the last part of the letter.

But now it's time to dry your tears. Today is a day to be happy, and we are all so happy for you, The both of you!
So get out there and enjoy the day and especially forever. Because forever ain't enough when you share it with the right person.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now