A short view back to the past

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"I can't believe it" Charles chuckles again with his back pressed against Max's bare chest. Looking at the ring box between the Dutchman's fingers. Tracing them with his own. As he turns to face a Max again. A big smile on his face. They kiss, soft and sweet, smiling. "Believe me, I can't either" Max chuckles against his lips. Sending shivers through Charles. He sighes as he closes the ring box and places it on the nightstand. Before turning to Charles again, taking him in his arms as he kisses the top of his head. "The fact that I even asked your Mom, Arthur and Lorenzo for your hand while they..." Charles's eyes went big as he heard Max's admission before breaking in to a grin again. "You did that?"
Max looks at him questioning before braking out another grin. "Well yes of course, if I was going to do it, I was going to do it the right way" he laughs at Charles's stunned face. "B-but how? When?!" He asks him, his eyes wide.
Max can't stop smiling as he tells him.

Val-d'isére, a couple of weeks ago

Max walks back on to the terrace as he carries out the drinks for him and Pascale. She offered to stay with him now so her sons could go skiing this afternoon. It was the perfect moment. But god, Max was terrified.
He places the tray down with wobbly hands as he went to sit down next to his boyfriend's mother. Who just smiles at him behind her sunglasses.

"It's really nice to finally be able to go on a holiday with all of us" she tells him with a kind smile. "So you could come with us I mean." She says as she squeezed his hand before she slightly frowns. "Are you okay Max?" She asked worriedly as she touches his clammy hand that is still slightly trembling, his face paler then normal.
"Yeah... yeah I'm fine" he tries to smile politely though to Pascale it looks more like a grimace.
"Max? We can go back to the cabin if you need to?" She stresses to him as she squeezed his hand once more. He takes his sunglasses of with his free hand as he turns his chair to face her properly as he sighed, trying to tame his nerves. "There is something I wanted to talk about with you" digging his nails of his free hand in his tigh.
"You are worrying me now love" she says as she also takes of her sunglasses.
"It-its nothing bad... I-I think" he stutters a bit as he curses himself. For fucks sake! Why is he so nervous?

"Tell me then" her voice is gentle and reassuring him with another gentle squeeze of his hand. Nodding at him to go on.
"I- I wanted to talk to you about... I wanted... I wanted to ask you something actually. You know how Charles and I have been together for a while and..." her eyes already brighting up, the smile returning quickly to her face.
"He makes me really happy, and I hope that I make him just as happy... we've been through so much together and what I wanted to ask you is..." he says looking up squeezing her hand back now. "I want- I want to ask him to marry me, if you will let me ofcourse?" He asks his voice still wavering.

She stands up taking his head between her palms "oh oui, mon cher garçon. tu rends mon fils si heureux! ça me fait très plaisir Max! tu es si douce et si bonne avec lui. bien sûr tu as ma bénédiction!" (oh yes, my dear boy. you make my son so happy! that makes me very happy Max! you are so sweet and good to him. of course you have my blessing!) as she kisses both of his cheeks.
"Yeah?" He asks still stunned by her sweet words.
"Yeah!" She smiles at him. "You would make me a really proud and happy mother in law" she smiles at him as he hugs her tight. "Thank you Pascale, it really means so much to me" he breathes.
As they finally went to sit down she can't help but ask.
"Do you have planned when and where?" Al curiously.
He laughs back at her. "I might have an idea"

Present time

"Awww Maxy, that's so sweet! You are the absolute sweetest" Charles says as he has listened intently to his boyfriend's story and chuckles. "Though I absolutely understand your nerves" as Max looks at him quite surprised. "What?" Charles chuckles. "Go big or go home right?" He smiles pecking Max's lips. "Though I must admit , I was shitting myself talking to your dad" he laughs as he thinks back to that evening.
"You talked to my dad?!" Max now sounds even more surprised. "Well yeah?" He cocks his eyebrow up. "Ofcourse I did"

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now