Its a new dawn, its a new day

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The couple was awakened by the noises surrounding their apartment. Max was the one to get out of bed first, peeking though a slit in the curtains.making sure not to open it more than what was highly necessarily. "Well fuck" he cursed groaning as he pulled his hand over his face. Charles, who was leaning on his elbows looked at him questioning. "They are swarming the road like a bunch of vultures " the dutchman said as he pulled the curtains close again in a desperate attempt of blocking out the press standing in front of their apartment complex.
He quickly jumped back in bed, pulling the sheets and pillow over his head blocking out the noise.
"Maxy? Cherie?" He heard the French accent in the distance. Though it sounded more far away then just the piece of fabric separating them. "Maxy?.... Max?.... Babe?" He heard again as the noice got louder. "Max? Love?" He heard now clearly as he peeked over the blanket he had in his grip as he noticed he was clad in sweat.

"Cherie, are you okay?" He saw Charles looking at him worriedly his hand resting on the Dutchman's hip. Only then he realized it was as just a dream. "I think you had a nightmare" he whispered quietly in the dark as Max just nodded. "What was it about?" Charles asked carefully as he rubbed little circles with his thumb on Max's hip. "It's stupid" max grumbled. "Just tell me" Charles had simply replied. So Max told him about the press and the noise everywhere. Charles had kissed him as he stood up from the bed, returning seconds later with a dry shirt and a glass of water in hand, offering it to the dutchman. As he had gladly taken it he went to lay down next to him again. His arm slung over his torso as to ground him. "Luckily we live in Monaco and paparazzi isn't allowed unless the prince says so" he mumbled against his shoulder before they both fell back to sleep.

The next morning they woke up because of the sun shining through their windows. They hadn't set their alarm as it was finally summer break. Charles woke up before Max so he went to make them breakfast. As he was pouring the coffee in to their coffee cups Max joined his boyfriend in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around him from behind, resting his head on his shoulder pulling him in close. "Mhhh smells good" he says before kissing his cheek before he nuzzles his nose in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "Ik hou van je schat" he says as Charles smiled "je t'aime aussi cherie"

As they go to sit down on the lounge on the balcony Max peeks over the balustrade of it, letting out a relieved sigh as their were in fact , no paparazzi's in front of their door. Charles chuckled as he sipped from his coffee. "You okay?" He asked as he patted the space beside him, inviting the dutchman to sit next to him and Max did just so.

"So? Are you?" The monegasque asked with his eyebrows raised as Max hadn't yet answered his question.
"Yes I'm fine" Max smiled softly "I just don't get why you are so calm right now?" He asked with no heat behind his words. Charles just shrugged before locking eyes with his boyfriend again. "It's a waist of time... it's not like we can go back?" He simply stated as he took another sip of hiss coffee. "Besides, it feel also kind off good that I don't have to hide my affection towards you" a grin tugging at his lips. "Though as of lately, I was kind of bad at that anyway" as a full toothy grin was now decorating his face. It being very contagious as Max was full on smiling too, I guess you are right. As he kisses him. And it turns out in to a lazy make out session before they finally pull away and finish their breakfasts.
"I'm still dreading to put my phone on though" Max says with his mouth half full. And they decided to only do that tonight after dinner.

Of course dinner came earlier then expected and they were now seated on the couch together both with their phone in hand as they turned them on. As expected the notifications on their phone went crazy. So they both immediately threw away the notifications from their social media as they stared with the messages they got. Most of them from their friends and family who ofcourse already new. Just telling them how happy they were for them, and proud.

They both had to chuckle when they read the drivers group chat. Having missed almost 600 messages. It had started with the news outlets that where reporting about "a gay driver" and a whole discussion of how sick everyone was that the press made everything up. Only for one of the drivers posting their announcements in their chat. Some arguing it was fake until they checked on Instagram themselves. The discussion still going on as they noticed neither Max or Charles had yet responded. Some still couldn't believe it as they exclaimed "they expected a lot but never Charles and Max"

"Shall we help them out of their misery?" Max laughed loudly. Charles who was rubbing his face at their co workers antics was quick to agree. They sat close as they posed for a selfie. Max's arm slung over Charles's shoulder who rested his palm against Max's chest while smiling at the camera. "Good?" Max asked pointing the screen towards Charles who nodded "I like it, it's cute"

Max quickly typed down a message before he hit send.

"Hey guys, yes we are still alive, no our heads are not yet eaten by Christian and Mattia. No we hadn't planned to do this but yes we are happy. We are also fine and still very much in love. X."

After that they quickly glanced over social media, of course on all the news outlets had their faces planted everywhere. The reaction on their post's were more or less positive. Of course with the negative comments here and there but they tried to ignore them as it was what they had expected.
Also apparently#FORZALESTAPPEN had been trending world wide for hours now. What actually put a smile on their face. More so because it was Ferrari, the traditional Italian team who had initiated the hashtag. Though if they were honest they weren't even that surprised. The Ferarri admin didn't shy away from a thirst trap here and there. That wasn't that traditional either.

They were happy their managers and teams took care of the media side of it all. They only had a zoom call tomorrow morning about everything. As the requests for interviews expectedly kept coming in. As they finished that they could finally board Max's plane and enjoy their Holliday before they would be racing in Belgium again.

Unbroken hopes|| Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen(lestappen)Wildest dreams book2Where stories live. Discover now