Chapter 1- Uncovered

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I am sitting in my throne thinking deeply of Sarah and what she was doing. 

I decided to look at her inside the crystal. She was at an airport which was strange. Sarah barely traveled anywhere. She was going to a small country in the north. I believe it is called Iceland.

"Show me the reason my Sarah is travelling to that country" I asked the crystal. I was surprised at what I saw, a young girl maybe 12 or 13 playing around on what looked like a school playground. She had long blonde hair and eyes..... the were the same blue as one of mine but on the very outside of them had a tiny bit of.... Sarah´s green. How odd. She was quite tall like 1´68 or something.

I wonder why Sarah is visiting that country in the middle of no where to visit this young girl that without doubt lived in a very small town, Island maybe I don´t know. Maybe she was just visiting the parents of this girl.

"Show me that girl´s parents" I said to the crystal. My jaw almost dropped to the floor. It showed a picture of me holding Sarah protectively in my arms. How can she keep this from me. She placed a child of mine without letting me know it even existed in the middle of no where. I was really angry at her now.

I need to see this girl before Sarah finds her and takes her away from me for good. I got in my owl form and flew into the mortal world. I hid in branches of low trees. It was most likely summer there considering the girl my daughter seemed to have white tights on and a wonderfully colourful looking summer dress. It reached just at her knees and was sleeveless. On front it had a picture of many flowers filled with pink and red. The back of the dress however was just plain white. 

She smiled as she swinged back and forth happy surrounded with her friends. 

"I hope we´ll be stepsister forever" she said to the girl who nodded eagerly in agreement.

My daughter really did have Sarah´s smile and face structure. She took her hairtie out of her hair and let it down loose. Wow, she definately got her hair from me because when she took that hairtie out, her hair was wilder than a tiger´s. Soon some boys appeared and then the smiles completely disappeared off the girs´faces. "Hello there blonde truck" he said to my daughter´s friend. "Leave her alone you pathetic little mommy´s boy" she answered. Wow what a rough mouth I went a little closer. She had a cruel and disgusted look on her face, the one I sometimes had. The boys ran away. I could have laughed. "You alright?" She asked th girl.  " Yep, race ya arond the school" she answered and as soon as that was said they started running. My daughter ran fast, really fast. Tonight I would talk to her.

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