Chapter 8 - A missing Jewel

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I talked with dad for a while. I soon found out that we had quite a lot in common. "Do you miss anything?" he said. I thought about it for a moment. I really missed my piano and the thing that mum gave me, the one that plays a song and there´s a small doll inside that spins. "Yes actually, there is." I said and told him about the things that I missed. I also missed all my teddy bears and dolls. They used to be my only friends. But then I was introduced to school and things changed. I started socializing and studying though I was what teachers would formally call ´an averege student´. I did´nt have sky high grades but I did´nt have really low grades either, I was just in between. I had always loved adventures and fantasy. I used to think it was real, but now I know better. I KNOW it is real. So if you would look in some of my schoolbooks you could see drawings of elves, dragons, goblins, witches, wizards, etc.

"I almost forgot, you have a present waiting for you in the living room." dad said. "Really?!" I said and ran towards the living room. As soon as I walked inside I saw a large piano, a real one. Not like the keyboard I had at home, no ot was a large grand piano! I could´nt believe it. He truly is the bestest of dads. I love him so much already. I ran towards the piano and stroked the fine notes. I sat down and began playing moonlight by Beethoven. I had always loved the sweet tones that it produced. It also had a beautiful sad sound to it. I made lyrics to the song. I heard many footsteps coming towards me. I looked behind me without quitting the song and saw my mother, my father and a lot of goblins. They just stood in silence.


She sat there playing a song by beethoven just when she had gotten the piano. She had such a soft tone. It was wonderful hearing the music running into my ears and out again. Sarah´s jaw had dropped to the floor, realizing she had underestimated her little diamond, which I had too. I think everyone in this room had. Thelma had real talent. She did´nt play it too strong nor too weak she played it just perfectly. Just as she finished her final note the goblins started clapping and so did I. Sarah was too shocked to do so. She just stared, going pale at her daughter´s talent. She started playing Silencio, another Beethoven song. She was truly beautiful. I went to the window of the living room to see that people had gathered around to listen to the music. I smiled. I was definately going to move this piano over to the ballroom so that she could let others hear her beautiful playing. As she finished that song, the crowd clapped again. She started playing the lullaby. Then I realized, she was playing them all by ear. she knew how the song went and she knew how all the notes sounded. I was even more amazed. When she finished the final note once again, she fainted. I ran towards her and picked her up.

I ran with her to her room. I lay her on the bed. I felt her forehead. She was hotter than a stove! I whistled and Groodger, my personal assistant appeared. "Get me a wet cloth and an ice cold glass of water, now!" I snapped at him like any other concerned father would if his daugher was sick. "Yes master" he said quickly and bowed. Two minutes later the door slammed open. I knew it was Sarah. She went at the other side of the bed and hugged Thelma to her.

"Thelma, Thelma,THELMA! Wake up please. Thelma can you hear me!" Sarah shouted. "It´s no use Sarah. She fainted and she needs her time to wake up. She will wake up" I said to try and calm her down. "Do you promise she will wake up!?!" she asked. "Yes I promise. I will be with her and watch over her all night and day if I have to and I will let you know when she wakes up so you can leave." I said with a calming tone. "No, I can´t. She is my daughter  and I don´t trust you to take care of her!"she shouted at me. I was becoming more and more exhausted of Sarah´s behavior against me. Sometimes it was like we were on a battlefield. But the worst part of it was that Sarah was winning. I had still not regained full power over Sarah. She still hated me so much and she was trying to suck Thelma away from me. I  sometimes wondered if Sarah did still love me deep inside. She sat on the chair beside the bed. I snapped my fingers and she fell asleep. That´s the thing about the powers of the underground, they are always useful to you.

Thelma fluttered her eyelids and moved her legs a tiny bit. I moved closer to her in case she was waking up. A knock was heard on the door. Groodger came in with the glass of water and a wet cloth. He put the water on the table and handed me the cloth. I put it quickly against Thelma´s forehead. Her eyes fluttered again. I kept stroking her gently. I thought. I made a promise to Sarah that I might not be able to keep. I mean I knew absoloutely nothing about flu´s and sicknesses. Thelma was going to wake up.

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