Chapter 16 - Bridal buqet

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"This love has taken it´s toll on me...." I heard Adam Levine sing. His voice was so nice. As the song ended a song with Labyrinth(how sarcastic) and Tinie Tempah started playing.

I lip sinked the song. I had been listening to the songs for a long time. All of a sudden my feet gave away. I fell down to the floor. A loud bang was heard from outside my balcony. I looked and saw an owl and a crow. I heard a thunder clap outside. The two birds were flapping their wings, trying to get inside. 

I regained the power of my legs and stood up. I waved my hand and started opening the door. The two birds flew in and turned into my father and my aunt. They were at either side of me. The started to approach me fastly when I put my hands out staight and they slammed into the walls. I turned to my aunt. "You, why are you back? I said I did´nt want you to cause my father discomfort... and YOU" I said and turned to my Jareth. "Did'nt you get my warning the first time! I thought I had done enough by alost KILLING you!" I said to his face. I looked at both of them. "You are a disgrace, the both of you! Now leave before I kill you!" I said and as I said that they turned into their bird form and flew out the balcony. I had scared them off. They would not be coming back for a while.

Mom came in. "What's going on!?!" whoops, I totally forgot that mom was in the next room. "umm, nothing!" I answered quickly. She turned her head sideways and put one hand on her hip. "Oh really I know I heard a sound from this room..." what should I say!?!

"Nope no sound over here. It must have been bridal stress or something I have read about it in magazines so you have nothing to worry about just take a nap ok you'll feel alot better!" I rushed out and pushed mom out. "But I am perfectly healthy!" she said just before I closed the door in her face.

I turned around and slammed my back against the door. That was a close one. 

I decided to go to the flowergarden. I summoned a crystal and I landed in the entrance of the flower garden. I smiled and took a deep breath. 

I looked over the whole garden. It was filled with all colours. I started walking down the path until I came to a small bush with blue roses. I know blue roses are'nt supposed to exist but hey, anything is possible in this strange, magical world.

I took in the wonderful scent of the roses. They smelt even better than I imagined Alice from twilight to smell. It was better than any perfume. Dad said the last time we were here that I could pick flowers as I wish because they would never die and there would always grow a new one insted. I was going to make a buqet for mom. She was going to love it.

"Wonderful, are'nt they?" I heard someone from behind me ask. I looked around to see a man around dad´s age with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello, my name is Dracious but you can call me Drake" he said calmly and put his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, My name is princess Thelma Lind Williams, heir to the goblin kindom." I said and shook his hand. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too Thelma. Do you mind if I walk with you?" he questioned. "No, not at all!" I said quickly. He smiled. "Shall we?" he said and took one step forward. "Yes" I said.

"You know, you're the first person that I have met in this world that does'nt want to kidnap me or sabotage my father" I said. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really!?!" he said. I was starting to like this guy.


I was in my room, reading once again. I had to read to keep my mind off today's strange event. I had definately heard loud thumps coming from Thelma's room. Or maybe I was just going crazy or maybe what Thelma said was true. Maybe I WAS. having bridal stress. I don´t know. the options are too many to choose from.

4 days to our wedding and they keep getting shorter and shorter. I had chosen the dress for Thelma. It was a wonderful coulorful dress. It was baby pink but had royal blue bands that were supposed to tie behind your back. She would look lovely in the knee short dress.

i had given Thelma the job  to choose flowers for my buqet. i completely trusted her to choose the best flowers. She always seemed to know what I liked and disliked which was very good. I just hoped that the wedding would be absoloutely perfect, I hoped it would go well and at the end of the day we would all be a happy family.

The thing was, I finally returned Jareth's love once again. I guess that it will be our happily ever after...

But what she did'nt know was that was far from ending....

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