Chapter 2- My gem

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I ran out of the airport  and into my taxi. "To the city airport please and try to be as quick as you can" I told the taxi driver. I am so excited, I finally get to meet my Thelma, my beautiful gem.

The last time I saw her was at that hospital on the island when I gave her to that lovely couple. I gave her to them because I could not stand if that cruel hearted man that I happened to love took my baby and raised her in his castle because she deserved better.


The 2nd flight was short which was good. I stepped into another taxi that would take me to the lovely couple´s house to meet her. It was´nt the same couple though, because three years after I gave away my baby the couple broke up but the both of them found love again. I was to spend some time with Thelma tonight when the couple would leave for dinner and their teen would go to her grandma along with her baby half brother.

The taxi stopped. "We´re here m´am that would be 7.50$" We stopped in front of a three storie house that was yellow and white. It was beautiful. I handed him the money, grabbed my luggage and ran out.

I rang the door bell and heard someone shout "I´ll get it". The door opened and there she was. "Hello you must mom." she said. "Yes, It is lovely to finally see you after almost thirteen years. I can barely believe it" I cried out. She gestured for me to come inside."Would you like anything, tea or coffee?" she asked me. "Coffee sounds nice thank you" I answered. She left the room but was soon back with a cup and some milk."Okay well thelma we have a lot to talk about, I would like to start with the very reason I gave you up. It was because of your father, he is a very cruel man and he stays close to me. Except for when I was pregnant with you, then he could nit meet me see me or even hear me. If he would have found out you would have been forced to live in a different world. I was only trying to prtect you from him and his cruel ways so I had a reason do you forgive me?" I said. She nodded in agreement. "Well since that mess is cleared out I was going to order a pizza, is that alright?" I asked. "Yes of course, this is so exciting" she said and ran to get the phone. She told me the number and I dialled it and ordered one large hawaiian pizza.

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