Hey psst......part of chapter 8 of sequel!

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I had been running all day away from my dad, the guards and Pan and Hook jr. they had been following me without them knowing I knew. I had finally put them off the scent. I was eating some chicken. I was a little closer to finding Alexander. The crystal had showed me where he was. He was locked up in a prison cell. I was going to get him. I needed to get rid of the pain that was killing me in most of my spare time. I sighed as I finished my chicken. I was sitting b y a fire. I had a bucket of water ready to turn out the fire so that they could'nt see me. I was in a small clearing in the woods. I threw th bucket over the fire. I had enough blankets and other similar stuff to keep me alive through the night. I walked up to a small hole in a tree that I had found before. I crawled inside and set up everything. It was actually quite surprising how big it was. It was about 4 meters from the floor and up and it was about 25 m3.  I put the blankets down in one of the corners and then I walked up to one of the walls. I took my pocket knife out of my pocket and drew a heart that had 5 things written in it....A+T=

After a while of this decorating, I went to bed and I felt myself drift off into sleep.

There was a small family of five sitting in a beautiful meadow. There were 2 girls and one boy. The boy was about 3 years old, and the girls looked about 5 and 7. They were running around, playing while the parents were sitting and watching. The man was about 30 and the woman looked a little younger. They were so happy. I walked up to them so I would see a little more than just their hair. When I looked at them I saw instantly who the man was. It was Alexander! Who was the woman beside him? She had blonde hair and beautiful eyes. She kissed him lightly on the cheek as she began taking food, plates  and other stuff from a basket. After she had made sure the basket was empty she called the children. "Saraline, Jareth and Isobel, it's tea time!" she shouted as the children started running towards her and Alexander. My heart broke to pieces as I looked at the happy family. I walked away into the shadows.

I woke up all sweaty. I went to the mirror that I had put up before. I looked into it and saw that my eyes were all red and puffy. I had been crying in my sleep. It was a terrifying dream. I felt tears beginning to threaten my eyes. I had never loved anyone with so much force. He was really the only thing that kept me standing on my feet. He was the reason I was alive. I  believe this is how dad felt when mom went away from him except she had been gone for a longer time.

I walked away from the mirror and went outside. I was just in time to see the sunset. It was beautiful. I stepped closer to the now rising sunlight. I sat down in the grass and watched the beautiful sunrise. I felt my stomach growl in unhappiness. I walked around the woods in search for food. I perfered not to hunt animals just yet plus, animals are dinner, not breakfast. I saw a red tree with pink leaves. It was quite small so if I streched I would almost reach the top. I walked over to it and saw very strange looking fruit. It was heart shaped and was black but had a crimson red line lining the sides of the fruit. I took one and took a bite. On the outside it looked disgusting but quite tempting at the same time but on the inside it tasted like heaven. I took a couple more and shoved them into my bag.

I walked up to the hole and summoned a crystal after dropping the fruit I had been eating down and used the crystal to close the hole so no one would come in. I made the tree red so that I would know where it would be the next time I would come here. I moved on through the forest. I heard leaves rustle as though if someone was walking. I thought it must be some small animal or something but then I heard it go faster. I took a quick turn just to see someone's hair. I pulled out my dagger slowly as he breathed heavily as he looked around, probably looking for me. I quickly took a strong hlod of some of his hair aand pushed him um against the tree with the dagger up to his neck. "Who are you and what do you want?!?" I said quite aggresively to him. I saw his face and smirked. It was a boy around my age. "So it's true, the princess is here and she has escaped the castle!"  the boy said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Oh please don't even get started."I said as I took the dagger away from his neck. "Do you know just how much the king would pay me for getting you back?" he asked me, probably smirking. "Oh my, I wonder how much oh I am so scared because I am such a damsel in distresss."I said scarcastically, making him look very surprised but then he started walking towards me. "Oh you are." he said as he approached me. I let him get a little closer. "Come and get me"  I said and ran as fast as I could trough the forest and I ended at a city. I put my hoodie on and turned into a dark alley. I summoned a crystal and looked at how close I was to finding Alexander. I was in the city that he had been locked up in. I saw the boy run right past my alley. After he was about 20 meters away from the alley, I walked out of it and walked up to a small market that was going on at the other side of the street.

I walked up to a stand where a nice looking woman was selling some kind of flowers. I saw blue roses. I took 3 of those and walked up to her and paid her. "Hey, um excuse me, where are the prisoners kept here in this city?" I asked her as I leaned closer to her. She looked up at me before looking to both sides. "Depending on who you're looking for." she then said. "Alexander would be his name." I answered. "Well, then you're heading to the centre of the city but I'm warning you, there are many guards there and well you don't want to get caught." she said and winked at me. "Don't worry, Caroline was a good friend of mine so I won't tell." she said comforting me. I replied her with a basic smile and I mouthed thanks as though someone else knew who I was. I ran away and towards the centre of the city.

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